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Everything posted by jammon

  1. Fantastic work as always!
  2. Thanks for all of your efforts!!!!!
  3. What does it convert?
  4. Overall, nice project.
  5. Yeah, the JJ is where I saw his stuff and became a fan. I've talked with him a little bit and he's a very cool and helpful guy.
  6. If you want it black, you can use deglazer and I know the "professional" oil dye will cover. I've had to recover from almost the exact same situation. Just make sure you have the leather as clean as possilbe of the previous dye before you re-dye it.
  7. I've got a ton of belt buckles around. Can you show me a pic of what your talking about? My heads kind of thick, Im not sure Im understanding what your looking for. If I have what you need it's your for the shipping.
  8. Thanks Tom! Here's a pic of the finished finished project. Rifle Sling
  9. Very nice all the way around. Really like the design!
  10. Here's my first rifle sling. I wanted to thank Tina for the pattern inspiration :http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1692 I'll post the colored pic from home. I forgot to download it off the camera : )
  11. Happy B-Day Roo!!!
  12. Looks like a great start! Show us some pics as the progresses : )
  13. My wife and I have been using ProPay since June of this year and have been really happy with it. No problems at all.
  14. Great work as always! Love the design.
  15. Happy B-Day!!!!!!
  16. Thanks for sharing! There's some really good info on there.
  17. LOL! 2.29 in STL
  18. Welcome! Fantastic work!
  19. Very cool! What weight leather did you use on that? Looks really heavy, may just be the braiding
  20. Very cool! Really like the style of the skull and the originality of the overall design.
  21. jammon


    Spider-fantastic work! Thanks for posting it as a tutorial!!!!
  22. Nice work as always!
  23. Your carving is just fantastic!
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