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Everything posted by Drac

  1. three more masks for your viewing boredom! don't think I'll be making another one like the 3rd until I forget how much of a pain in the arse it was to do. not sure about keeping the extra bit in it either. yes? no? maybe? lemme know! with the first one, not sure about adding more spikes or not. input? with the second one, think the boo-boo on the nose was from me drying it so yep, I know it's there. oopsie!
  2. last year? and you're just now posting it? for shame! shoulda posted a piece this nice as soon as you did it.
  3. ya definitely gotta keep doin' the skull tips!
  4. my hands cramped up just from looking at it! that's a ton o' work there and it's looking noyce!
  5. Drac

    latest masks

    tracy I'm using a form I made from the case a halloween mask I got came in since I don't have a dummy head other than me own. *L* hellcat thanks! I'm using a badger 150 that's about 15 years old. anne thanks too to you! fightn another thanks! peeps usually use them for costume balls and decorations.
  6. I've heard those called a "redneck switchblade". if you don't have a knife you can open onehanded, it might come in handy. I'll stick to my Spyderco.
  7. that was practice?!?!? good grief man, don't sell yourself short!
  8. both you guys do great work. I get glow-in-the-dark leather that glows green, but where ya get blue?
  9. noyce! looks like if I'd started that thing, it wouldn't be completed for a year, and still not turn out as nice.
  10. Drac

    where is the join?

    the ends were skived down and joined. look in the lower right area and you can just make out the line.
  11. Drac

    couple more masks

    scouter heh, gotta be careful with hugs with that one. the spikes actually are quite pointy. spider um... er... ah... yeeeah. :mellow: *L*
  12. welcome aboard the board! *L* nice pieces there, hope to see more!
  13. Drac

    couple more masks

    hmmm... maybe I should contact bill cosby.
  14. Drac

    couple more masks

    spider slaughter my own cows? nah, they do that to themselves for me. heh heh heh banwell your helms plus my masks = "run away! run away!" LOL tracy danke! masks like the ones I've been making (along with roo and tcleathercraft. both do great work!) are mostly for wearing once or twice to something like a costume party. oh yeah, and if you're in an underground cult worshpping something like jell-o. *L*
  15. unless there's a need for one side not to be flat, don't worry about it. set 'em on an anvil. you'll get a better set on top that way. surprised no one else has chimed in on this yet. go ahead and get the "aso" (anvil shaped object as the metal working people call it *L*) from tandy and set your rivets on that.
  16. Drac

    couple more masks

    tom another quote from a movie, "I'll sleep when I'm dead". *L* roo nah, they're smooth on the inside. thought about doing an iron maiden type mask (the torture implement, not the band ), but decided against it as it would take too long to sale. *L* trend? nope, no trend. I just make what pops into me head.
  17. Drac

    "Betty Boop"

    the original pin-up girl!
  18. a little less than half the amount yours do. are you setting the rivets on an anvil or using the dished bar that comes in that set?
  19. Drac

    couple more masks

    um... yeah... like the topic said. couple more masks. comments? critiques? "f" yous? bad jokes? sumpin? bueller? bueller?
  20. Drac

    latest masks

    hmmm... bank... yeah, suuuure :mellow: *L* always dug those 2 masks meself. they used a knock-off kato one in a jet li movie
  21. Drac

    Latest Purse

    yowza! I got dizzy tryin' to follow the lines! *L* now that's a snazzy bag! glad ya got the piccy thing figured out so we could see this.
  22. Drac

    latest masks

    tom I have a secret for doing the scales. roo knows! heh heh heh spider sleep?!?! huh?!?! wazzat?!?! I make a template out of posterboard, then cut the leather, then shape. sometimes dye before shaping, sometimes after.
  23. Drac

    latest masks

    definitely happy with the results. I think it makes the molding stand out even more. and thanks!
  24. Drac

    latest masks

    got to play with the airbrush of one of the roomie's with the last 3. me likey! all that's left to do to them are the tie cords for wearing or hanging. need to figure out pricing on masks too. any suggestions?
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