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About threepets

  • Birthday 04/03/1954

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  1. Don't use leather,for one thing it's to hot and to heavy.
  2. Thankyou rawhide1, I am now able to taper my straps satisfactorily. My first attempt ..not so hot , but I see with practice this will give me the strap taper I am looking for .
  3. https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/catalog/item-detail/65-4110/pattern-sheet-24-x-45/pr_8876
  4. White Nylon 1lb spools 138, 207, 346 Black Nylon 1ib. Spools 138,207,346 Red Nylon 1lb. Spools 207 Toboggan Nylon 1lb. Spools 138 Sport Gold Nylon 1lb. Spools 207 Lemon Nylon 1lb. Spools 138 Evergreen Nylon 1lb. Spools 138 Old Gold Nylon 1lb. Spools 138 Rubytone Nylon 1lb. Spools 138 Purple Nylon 1lb. spools 138 Wine Nylon 1lb. Spools 138 Blue Denim Nylon 1lb. Spools 207 Silver Grey Nylon 1lb Spools 207
  5. I have a surplus of 1lb Spools bonded Nylon Thread 138 , 207 and 277 Black and white , plus many colours. I live in Fort Erie Ontario Canada ,but ship out of Buffalo New York and use PayPal , fair prices. if you are interest I'll send a product list . Plus shipping from Canada is reasonable right now. I have lots of thread.
  6. Hi I am shopping for a new Thoroughbred Race Bridle , could you help me out
  7. You cannot pull each stitch tight sewing that way,which is one of the important reasons a saddle stitch is used.
  8. Will this item KH69R Standard Throat Plate and Feed Dog fit on an Adler 669 ,also will you have at any time ,an add on flat sewing table top for the 669 cylinder arm?
  9. the motor sits vertically inside the green base between the machine and the stand. The plate you see with the red trim between the machine and stand is pivot point . This machine can swivel 360' on that stand. It is very handy considering this machine can sew in a circle. a link to shop photos https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvKbpw0L0slJj1VeZshog1QngNcais
  10. I also have an Adler 30/10 for sale, I'm in Buffalo New York.
  11. Eye protection,Dremel tool with a fine cutting disk while holding the Rivet with Needle Nose Pliers
  12. An introduction to the art of bridlemaking, featuring over 200 photographs as well as diagrams. This book covers: tools and materials; cutting, preparing, stitching and finishing leather; different styles of bridles; size tables; headcollars, martingales, breaking and schooling aids, girths, stirrup leathers, accessories; and glossary of terms 270 pages $125 US —Plus Shipping
  13. Cary Schwarz Leather Shop DVD $75 Fort Erie, Ontario Two Disk Set Leather Shop Techniques Disk One: SHOP TOUR: Cary gives a full tour of his shop and equipment while sharing his thoughts on how a work area should be organized. TOOLS: Cary discusses each of the tools he uses every day.He takes the time to describe why it's such an important tool,then demonstrates how to use it while pointing out some valuable little tips and tricks (this includes sharpening techniques for each of the edged tools) Length 49 min. Disk Two Leather discussion: Not all areas of the cow hide produce the same quality and type of leather.In the film Cary shows what locations on a hide produce the best quality as well as what the other areas might be used for.He then describes the various types of tannage a piece of leather might have and what advantages each type has. Hand Sewing: Tips for threading needles,positioning hands,and finding rhythm while hand sewing are discussed.Cary also compares and contrasts hand sewing to machine sewing, outlining the advantages of each and what makes them so different mechanically. Finishing Techniques: Cary demonstrates the use of his preferred finishing products that help make his projects look and feeltop notch.This includes a segmant on his durable hot wax edge finishing technique. Length 43 min. Post to More Places Like
  14. Cary Schwarz Leather Shop DVD $75 Fort Erie, Ontario Two Disk Set Leather Shop Techniques Disk One: SHOP TOUR: Cary gives a full tour of his shop and equipment while sharing his thoughts on how a work area should be organized. TOOLS: Cary discusses each of the tools he uses every day.He takes the time to describe why it's such an important tool,then demonstrates how to use it while pointing out some valuable little tips and tricks (this includes sharpening techniques for each of the edged tools) Length 49 min. Disk Two Leather discussion: Not all areas of the cow hide produce the same quality and type of leather.In the film Cary shows what locations on a hide produce the best quality as well as what the other areas might be used for.He then describes the various types of tannage a piece of leather might have and what advantages each type has. Hand Sewing: Tips for threading needles,positioning hands,and finding rhythm while hand sewing are discussed.Cary also compares and contrasts hand sewing to machine sewing, outlining the advantages of each and what makes them so different mechanically. Finishing Techniques: Cary demonstrates the use of his preferred finishing products that help make his projects look and feeltop notch.This includes a segmant on his durable hot wax edge finishing technique. Length 43 min. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1744574955565268&set=gm.1595853400530047&type=3&theater&ifg=1
  15. I have been asked lately to repair Hockey equipment . The final step quite often is edge binding. I have a Binder mounted on Adler 267/373 table top machine and it works very well for product you can fit into the sewing area. When I do large Goalie pads , Blocker Mitts and Catcher Mitts, unless I completely disassemble them I am unable to get them near the Binder. I am shopping for a Cylinder arm machine with a binder. Is there anybody here that would have a suggestion where to start? I have an Artisan 4000 (large frame chinese copy of a Juki 441 ) could a binder be applied to the Artisan?
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