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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Crystal


    Marlon - Thanks for bringing up this topic! I have an airbrush sitting in a box and have been reluctant to give it a try. What is the white bottle/jug used for on the cabinet? Hilly - The shower curtains are a great idea. Kate - Thanks for the picture lessons! That does help take some of the mystery out of using an airbrush. Roo - good tip on the assembly and dis-assembly! Bree - Explosives warnings are always needed! Hisself -Good pointers on air flow and filters! Crystal
  2. Happy New Year to you, Peter! Crystal
  3. Crystal


    Cool. I think you should build it a raft and name it "Wilson". Crystal
  4. Yeah - wow. Looks fantastic! Does it still have it's stick? Not that I'm a fan of complicated things... ... how about some kind of mount with a mirror - then you can see both sides at the same time? And no - I have no ideas on how to actually do that. Thanks for taking the time to show the in-progress pics. Crystal
  5. Amazing how that all comes together. Beautiful work! I have to say I think the beak is unbelievable. That came out really sharp. Can't wait to see it finished! Crystal
  6. Mike - there were some things involved in that challenge that you are not aware of. There was a rabbit and a hat and a blue moon. I checked the lunar calendar and there isn't a blue moon scheduled anytime soon. I have seen neither hat nor hare since. I don't miss the hat, but I think I need to look for the rabbit. I hope it hasn't died. Crystal
  7. Kevin - this has to be one of my favorite KK designs. The color, textures and design are perfect! And of course, that sewing... Crystal
  8. Crystal

    Last work

    Absolutely beautiful! Crystal
  9. Beautiful, Tom! The butterflies are excellent. And as always I am a fan of your lettering. Crystal
  10. This one it? http://www.chapmandesigninc.com/beds/index.html Crystal
  11. Neat idea, Bonnie. I never thought of using old leather coats like that. Cool. Crystal
  12. This came out beautiful, Darryl. I don't see a headache anywhere. Crystal
  13. Yeah - Ditto Ricky. Beautiful, Bob! Crystal
  14. Another busy Santa - It's going to be a Merry Christmas! The handle on the CD case is a neat addition. Nice work on everything! (Wondering if 2-3 feet of snow is better than pouring rain... ) Crystal
  15. Santa Schno has been very busy in his shop. What a great job on all! I, too, like the fade on the quiver. The "Hello Kat" is precious. Crystal
  16. Had to play: My "nasty hobbits'ses" name is: Orangeblossom Foxburr of Fair Downs Elven: Celebriän Ciryatan I love Kate's Tigerlily Hardbottle!!!! Crystal
  17. Happy Birthday, Caroline! Hope you have a wonderful day! Crystal
  18. What a beautiful job! I can't imagine the time that goes into just sorting the hairs into bundles, let alone everything else. Thanks for the closeups! Crystal
  19. - way to go! I think Billy 2Shews calls that a Taiwanese sewing machine. Crystal
  20. Just beautiful, Tina! The extra effort on the lacing is well worth the time spent! If you start sewing instead of lacing I think I will be disapointed. (But sewing is much faster... ) Great present - Lucky girl! Crystal
  21. Very nice, Sawyer. I second Windy on the hat! I like the leaves in your floral - they kept their detail even after going black - I don't think that is easy to do. Crystal
  22. Nice Job, Josh. I think the stitching looks really good on this! Crystal
  23. Thank you, Art, Bonnie, Dave and Brent!
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