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Everything posted by Colman

  1. Josh, Very nice job! Johnny
  2. Spider, As usual, your art work intrigues the mind. Johnny
  3. Congratulations John! One day you can tell Jessie, the whole LW world knew of her birth! Johnny
  4. to the forum! Johnny
  5. Bob, Nice job, it turned out very well! Johnny
  6. Welcome Jim. As for your current nemisis, practice, practice and practice. If you have questions, ask and you may get more than one answer. Johnny
  7. Adam, You may want to get this book "Florid Victorian Ornament" from Dover. There are a lot of engravings that are adaptable to leather. and vines Johnny
  8. Thanks Stoney Bob- Thanks for your help on critiquing the pattern. Johnny
  9. Darryl, Very nice companion piece to the purse! lets see, still need the matching cell phone case, cosmetic case...... Great job! Johnny
  10. Darryl, Thanks - we both know about trying to fit the design within the confines of the "area" and still make it look right. Thanks Tina, hopefully someday the designs will flow as good as yours. Johnny
  11. Bonnie, Crystal, Darryl, thanks for the nice comments Johnny
  12. as said above WOW! Very nice work. Johnny
  13. Welcome to LW! Looking forward to pics of your work. Johnny
  14. I have been trying to come up with my version of designs for some of my projects. This design was influanced by James Jackson's work in the Sheridan style book. Additional Thanks to Hidepounder for critiquing the initial design and insight on design flow. Johnny
  15. Kathy, Here is a good link http://www.all-about-leather.co.uk/history.htm
  16. Elton, That is one FINE looking case, really like the latch and filigree work! What is the width of the gussets? Johnny
  17. Tina, That is some Awesome work! The rattlesnake on the bottom may suprise a few unsuspecting lookers, if you give them the chance to pick it up and look at it. Johnny
  18. A Big THANK YOU for the people behind the scenes! For those like me that joined after the Crash, Check out the RESOURCES section, a lot of good information.
  19. Aaron, Welcome to LW. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations. Johnny
  20. I will ship International too. Johnny
  21. Troy, That is one nice piece of Craftsmanship! Johnny
  22. Another thing to use is chrome polish, I put "Semichrome" on my strop and it works well. You do have to "reload" more often, but it is not as thick as the rouge and goes on very easy. Johnny
  23. Tom, Gott Nytt Ar to you too. And everyone else on LW. Johnny Gott olov ethe internet!
  24. Colman


    Freak, That is a neat one! I was thinkin Evil Ernie under a microscope. maybe ?? Johnny
  25. Clay, Awesome work of art! Johnny
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