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Everything posted by Sceaden

  1. Interested in the OO edge beveler and small wing dividers, still available?
  2. The other thing to keep in mind is if you're trying to create an aged look. If you want to look like the item has been carried/worn for years than an inconsistent burnish with inconsistent edge dye that looks like wear patterns around arms, neck, etc would help make the whole thing feel more real as leather takes on a partial burnish from skin and skin oils.
  3. I really like my pro edge bevelers from Tandy. I don't like their cheap ones and I hated the horseshoe branded edge beveler with the interchangeable blades. Sold them rather quickly.
  4. Still available?
  5. SOLD
  6. SOLD
  7. What are you looking to get on the head and clicker knives?
  8. Posted on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/173816919236
  9. Posted on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/183709528853
  10. $20 shipped?
  11. $10 + shipping?
  12. Looking to sell my used Vaughan brand Rawhide Mallet. Made in the USA and lightly used. One side of the head is pristine and the other has some wear. These typically sell for around $30 new. $15 + shipping
  13. Looking to sell my lightly used Quick Change Edge Beveler Handle and two blades by Horshoe Brand Tools. New for all three is $29 plus shipping from Weaver. Blade Size #2 is unused. $24 shipped in the ConUS. or make me an offer. https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/catalog/item-detail/65-2986-2/quick-change-edge-beveler/pr_43597/cp_/shop-now/hand-tools/edge-bevelers https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/catalog/item-detail/65-2986-1/quick-change-edge-beveler/pr_43596/cp_/shop-now/hand-tools/edge-bevelers https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/catalog/item-detail/65-2985/quick-change-edge-beveler/pr_43594/cp_/shop-now/hand-tools/edge-bevelers
  14. Kind of like Barry King who insists on charging $10 for shipping in a flat rate priority mail box when I would be very happy with first class for $4.
  15. A big aspect of shipping cost is regions for home addresses. I've shipped items to random spots in the Dakota's and paid double or triple then to a different city with the same distance.
  16. Beautiful work!
  17. Old thread I know but I'm looking at picking up a nice used one of these for sewing waxed duck canvas. Sounds like it should be a good option for about $100?
  18. Man this is really close to me and I would love to get one nice working Singer for heavy canvas work but I wouldn't know what to do with a lot this big...
  19. SOLD
  20. https://www.ebay.com/itm/173739749248 listed it on eBay
  21. Prices and pictures would be cool...
  22. A stunning machine! Beautiful work, sadly I can't justify a sewing machine right now but I couldn't help but comment.
  23. $6 anyone?
  24. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1628/projects-designs-coaster-designs This has a great maple leaf design on it with a tip sheet with the tools used. My first real tooling project was the pine cones from this pack. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1318/maple-leaf-and-seeds-corner-design This pattern is a great one for a corner.
  25. Definitely a big improvement!
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