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Everything posted by equiss

  1. How did you set the 3/16" dots? I have been looking for an easy way to do it with no luck -
  2. I can't seem to draw any of my own pattern pieces, any chance that if I sent you the postage and money for tracing paper you could trace the pieces for me? My dad would love one!!!!
  3. I've always wanted to do this, but how do you make a rope bag....is it all constructed materials?
  4. Elton, Do you still have these, and are they possible to use without a clicker machine?
  5. Hi Rick - Do you still have these? I need to see which set I have, but I don't think that this is the same set Charlene Stovin
  6. I would like 3085 and 2815, can you contact me if they are still available? thanks!
  7. I understand, it takes a person a lot of time to work with a new person. It is something that I really want to do, but I just do not learn well by reading. I have all the books I can get, sat through a saddle making class that was lecture only, and it was helpful....but I learn from doing - thanks for the thought.
  8. HI all, I am trying to learn to build my own saddles, and am just not that good at reading and applying - I learn much better by "hands on". I am looking for someone in Oregon, preferrably around salem, Portland, Eugene, or surrounding area that would be willing to work with me one or two Saturday's a month to build my first saddle. I would pay a negotiated rate for the opportunity. I am looking to learn traditional as well as modern construction, but want to learn to do it right! Please contact me if interested, i would post this in the "wanted" section, but will most likely get more of a response here. thanks all for consideration. Charlene moved to "help wanted" ~Johanna
  9. Hello there We need to get a quote on what it would cost to have some pieces of leather braided. I would send the leather peices, the braiding would be approx 3/4" width then an inch of leather spacing, then 10" strip of braiding, then inch of leather spacing, the another 3/4" strip - Could be plain rawhide, or add color bands, I just don't have anyone I know that can do this work for me, it would be flat braiding work over the top of the leather - not round braiding. Thanks much Charlene
  10. This is beautiful. If you were going to sell it - given the time and materials, what do you think a good price would be? I LOVE IT!
  11. Since this one would be my first, do you use a V-guage at all ? Or since the spince and covers are different weights you stitch them together and the thinner leather of the spine allows it to bend over nicely? thanks so much for the help, I am out of my area of comfort, but want to start doing more project like this!
  12. Thanks Bruce!! You are always fast to answer! I wish I had more time in the shop and less on the PC, !!!! That makes total sense - thanks for letting me know!
  13. Hi All, this sounds crazy, but I am working on my first organizer - I have taken a three ring binder out of an existing notebook - but what do I use to attach it to my new leather notebook? I can't tell if they are rivets? And, I might also add, I wasn't able to get the first one out of the existing 3 ring binder very well - there has to be an easier way to get them out - thanks for the help!
  14. Thanks, I am sure that I can find them,. I didn't realize that they had plastic sleeves for them. I wanted to do what the library does and clips somehow with the metal clamps, then the clamps insert to avoid holes in the magazines - but the plastic will be much cheaper, easier, and I just didn't know they made them - thanks again!
  15. Hi All - does anyone know: 1) where to get the archival bars for notebooks, mostly used to archive magazines instead of punching holes in them and using a three ring system 2) How to install them in a leather notebook project? Any advice is appreciated!
  16. Hi there, I am in process of starting to make my first pair -if this is from a pattern, or you have a pattern that you could share, would you mind sending it my way? I would be more than willing to cover your expenses! C
  17. Hi there, can you share the overall dimensions for the cover? I want to try to make one of these, and really don't have the faintest idea of where to start, but was wondering if you had the time to get me started in the right direction! These are beautiful!!
  18. Where does one get the cans, Smith brothers rarely has any, and I have tried national roping supply, with some luck - but are there any other places to try?
  19. Hi there - did you make your own pattern? I want to do some purses that are similair, but I never know how much leather to use for the gussets. Nice job!
  20. thanks for the info. I have most of the back issues that they have for sale, they are out of a lot of them, those are the ones I am trying to find! Maybe I can get a few here and there, I didn't realize the magazine was that old due to their site only selling back issues to 1991. Thanks again!
  21. Hi Ben....YIKES!!!! I didn't even know that they went back that far. I was on their site, and I was thinking from 1991 on to 2006 is really what I need or am looking for. Thanks for the information, maybe dimmed my hopes a little, but I will keep looking, and if I have to - buy one at a time! Charlene
  22. Hi All, I am looking to buy (a little at a time) some of the old back issues that are no longer available of the leather crafters and saddlers journal. If you have some that you would want to part with, please let me know. I have no idea what a reasonable offer would be, I am trying to 1) learn all I can about all kinds of projects 2) collect them 3) get a lot of the back articles, which would be less expensive to buy the editions Most of what I need are pre 2004. Thanks Much, you can also call me at 503-551-8298, or email always works too!
  23. Clay - do you have a copy of your grant description that I could look at? I am getting ready to submit one here and need an idea of the appropriate "language" to use. thank you for the help!
  24. WOW - that is really pretty! thanks for all of the comments, I guess part of my problem is that I am afraid to make mistakes, but that is how people have to learn. It is expensive to make mistakes....but I know it is what i have to do. I have questions though like what oz. of leather do you use for the outside, inside, etc. Good job, it is a beautiful case!
  25. Thanks - I want to make lots of things like this, and I just can't believe that unfortunately Tandy is about the only resource. Better than nothing, and I had thought of that - I was hoping to be able to get a pattern or start without having to buy the kit - I just want mine lined leather, not all the fancy stuff inside. thanks again!
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