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Everything posted by HellfireJack

  1. You people are kidding me right? Nobody on this board besides me has heard of Kickstarter. It's not a handout she's asking for. That's not how Kickstarter works. It's like a venture capital service. Kickstart allows small endeavors to exchange goods and services for start up capital in promissory fashion. It's a way to get a business off the ground without having to struggle for 5 years just to get the basic equipment to start WHILE simutaneously building a customer base. Kickstarter has funded many great Maker projects and gives craftsmen a leg up on making it somewhere in business where they might not otherwise have a chance.
  2. On a Windows machine press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC all at the same time. THis will open the Task Manager. Look at the Process tab and the Service tab if there is one. These both list what is running on your computer. It may not be helpful though as the names can be cryptic. If you're worried about viruses and/or malware you're probably better off just scanning your machine with Spybot Search and Destroy or something similar rather than trying to figure out what all is running on your computer. If you're worried about resource hogs then you want to check what starts on your computer automatically at boot up. Then it may depend on what operating system you're using as to how best to go about checking that.
  3. Here's a video on construction. General braiding can be learned through a book like "Leather Braiding" by Bruce Grant which can be picked up at Tandy or on the internet. The handle looks like a simple 4 thong round braid (2 red and 2 black) around a core.
  4. Don't worry Lightningad, spew also means the same thing here in America. In terms of leather it's just different.
  5. It could be that it's bridle leather and the brushing evenly distributes any spew over the entire surface of the hide.
  6. Tandy still sells the sets even though they're discontinued. I was at their Harrisburg, PA store just last weekend and they had about 10 of the sets available. That store is one of the larger ones with a HUGE inventory of everything on hand. I would just call them up. Their toll free number is 800-233-7155 I purchased a set at the Allentown PA store a couple of months ago as well and they had another set there on the shelf. They're still the same price as when they were originally sold by Tandy as well. And for what it's worth, they're not really Celtic. ( I know even Tandy calls them Celtic runes ) They're Germanic. The closest the Celts got to a runic language was the Ogham and it doesn't really compare to any of the futharcs.
  7. That looks amazing! What does the inside look like?
  8. I work on my bed as well when I need to be quiet. Then you just hear the slap of the maul. You have to be wary of bounce though. You'll get a lot of double impressions if you're not paying attention. Also when punching holes or other extremely noisey endeavors use the heaviest hammer/maul you can. I bought a small 2.5lb steel sledge and wrapped it in leather and it works great. It'll drive a hole punch through anything (Including the poundo board) in one blow.
  9. HA!!! Watching people tell other people not to make posts about people making posts is hilarious stuff. If you don't want to read complaints then don't read complaints!! LOL! If you don't want to read questions then don't read questions! If you don't want to read opinions don't read opinions! If you don't want to read just don't read!!!!!! You're all doing the same exact thing to Pete as Pete did!! Complain complain complain!!!!!! Hurt feelings!! Poncy attitudes!!! Cry!! LOL! This stuff is too funny!! Someone get me a beer and some popcorn. I hope they don't lock this any time soon.
  10. Hey Spinner, that's not tandy's pebble backgrounder. That's one of the E294 matting stamps. Tandy's pebble matting tools are M88* check the link below. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/home/department/Leather-Stamps/Matting-Leather-Stamps/6884-00.aspx
  11. I put a towel under my slab when I tool. You could use any kind of matting really. My workbench is small so I mounted two of these to it. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/20370383/ One I kept a lamp and the other I removed the lamp and jury rigged a webcam holder. Instant light and video capture anywhere I need it.
  12. Ah gotcha. My brain didn't see the fold over in the first picture apparently. Overkill strength wise? Maybe. Appearance wise? nah. The more copper and brass the better as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Awesome patch. Great metal band. Listen to them all the time. The Triumph of Steel is a great album.
  14. Yep, unfortunately there's not much you can do now other than dye the thing darker than the burnish which I don't think you'll have to do. You're right, the oil makes it less noticeable. I doubt anyone outside of the leather community would recognize the fault. I don't think it looks bad at all. I like your work and the hardware too. Would you possibly mind showing what those copper rivets are holding in place? Search here for different edge burnishers. Wood ones will give you a better edge than that plastic edge slicker any day. Canvas pieces or cotton disks from harbor freight too. I used to use the plastic one and then I found the how-to on edges and finally gave it a shot and I don't think I've ever picked the plastic wheel up again. Search on the forum here for burnishing and you'll find endless easy ways to accomplish the above method.
  15. You can define the word any way you want. When 9 out of 10 people on this board talk about burnishing they're talking about the technique in the linked post below. It's a tried and true method. Gum trag is used to create a polished edge with little to no work. It's a short cut and as such it has it's limitations in application. It helps to slick up latigo leather but most people will tell you to just bevel and edge paint latigo. It also stops you from being able to dye your edge any longer. A slicking wheel isn't meant to be used at high speeds. I know this because I've tried it. You can properly burnish an edge perfectly with a wooden stick and elbow grease. You can buy a proper wooden burnisher made for a dremel and make it even easier. You'll also have more control if you mount your dremel. You can buy the drill press mounting system for 40 buck or build one yourself. This is the thread on finishing edges. It's only a tiny bit more work and you will get perfect edges every time with just a little practice and never worry about marring the face of your project again or whether or not your edge paint is going to crack on your project. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=18101 Give it a shot and you'll probably kick yourself for not trying it sooner.
  16. You're talking about the white slicking wheel tandy sells I assume. You are not actually burnishing your edges. You're just sealing the pores shut with a chemical. Stop using a slicking wheel and actually burnish your edges. There a pinned guide in the how do I do that section here. Using a slicking wheel and gum trag and then edge painting is faster and easier but in the long run proper burnishing provides a better looking edge that will never crack and it's really only a little extra work.
  17. People use both sides depending on personal preference. The flesh side generally more abrasive.
  18. Customer service doesn't mean you have to kiss everyone's ass. You're sadly mistaken there. You do understand that you're DEMANDING that he fix a problem that's you caused, right? And in the process falsely claiming the problem is their fault. This guy is being as nice to you as he possibly can be. The fact that he responded to you and didn't just send your complaint to the kill-file shows customer service. He WAS polite to you over and over again but you don't seem to want to accept the fact that ultimately this "problem" is your own fault and not theirs to fix. THe only rudeness here is in your head. He told you to stop bothering him as politely as he apparently could and here you are being an @-hole again by putting words in his mouth for him. Did he send you that new message out of the blue or are you leaving out a snarky response to him about how it's still their fault? There's only so much you can do to please people. What loss did he cause you? None. Until you can prove he could read your mind and know what you ordered from him when you pressed submit your argument is void. He doesn't owe you anything and trying to debate him into agreeing with you is just pointless verbal jousting. Heck. The way I see it, you just gave him at least one sale because I'm now going to buy from him because I can respect this guy's business savvy to know when not to give in to squeaky wheels.
  19. If you're not going to tool it I wouldn't bother with veg tanned leather unless you really really feel you need to dye it yourself. If it were me I'd use English bridle leather and I would sew it right on the box. I would miter the edge with a french edger or skive and I would probably use rubber or contact cement once I was sure all of my pieces were sized perfect. You definitely want to practice on a smaller box before hand. You should buy the art of hand stitching at the very least and maybe the first volume of Al Stolman's Art of Making Cases.
  20. HellfireJack

    & Symbol Stamp

    You might have luck searching for the word ampersand which is what the "and" symbol is actually called. Good luck.
  21. You generally don't install fonts to a specific program. You install them to your OS and it then makes them available to all programs. Newer windows OS you either open the font by double clicking it and hit install or you right click on the .ttf file and in the menu click install. On other OSs or older windows OSs it's different but you can just google "how to install fonts on <your OS>" if you can't figure it out. Once installed just re-open your program and it should be in the font drop down.
  22. Dafont.com is a good place for fonts as well.
  23. Here's a decent how to that also shows how to change the kerning of the text.
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