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Everything posted by HellfireJack

  1. Yeah, as I said it's for Inkscape. It is a free vector graphics program. You can read about it at inkscape.org Installers for various systems are here. http://inkscape.org/download/?lang=en
  2. You can use inkscape to put words on any path.. be it a curve or flowing wavy lines, whatever. Naturally, you'll have to have whatever font installed on you computer. You just make the curve using the circle tool or bezier tool and then type the text out near by then, highlight both and click the text to path option in the text drop down. You can then highlight just the curve and change it's opacity to zero. You can also still edit the curve and change it's size and if you've used the bezier tool you can still change the curve itself and the text will follow. Inkscape has changed a few times for where things are so here's a to-do/manual on how to put text on a path if my rambling semi-coherent instructions don't help you. http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Text-Path.html
  3. I don't use vinegaroon at all but from what I've read on making the stuff you need to let the steel wool dissolve for at least a week or two. When you brew vinegaroon you're creating a solution of ferric acetate. The longer it sits, the stronger that solution will be. I'm willing to bet your results were caused by too weak of a solution to start with as you suggest. I think it looks great myself. I think you got pretty lucky even if it didn't turn out how you wanted.
  4. Welcome to the forum. There are a few of us here from PA. I'm just outside of Philly.
  5. If you have the cash you can buy a set of Osbourne self centering hole punches.Then it's just a matter of placing your marks in the right spot.
  6. if you just want to buy it you can find it online or you can check places that sell candle making equipment.
  7. They quote it because they can. I quote when there's a lot on the thread and I'm responding to one person in particular and then I only quote the relevant bits. It's all just preference. You can also shut off the email notification on quotes in the settings here.
  8. I was considering making one of these myself just a week ago. Good job.
  9. Suet and tallow are not exactly the same thing. Tallow can be made from suet. If you buy suet you then have to render it and remove all impurities before putting it in your mix. If you don't you can wind up with meat and gristle in your mix which probably isn't the best. You can buy tallow online but it's probably cheaper to produce yourself. There are how-to/tutorials online on making it.
  10. I saw a headband that fairly simply. It was about a 3/4 inch wide strip of leather that went most of the way around and had about 2 inches of elastic to help keep it tight. It was worn over the hair in the front and under in the back.
  11. I took a dremel to all the edges of mine as they all had flashing left on them.
  12. You might want to look up another subject Burnett discussed in his free tutorials. Hogarth and his lines of beauty. http://books.google.com/books/about/The_analysis_of_beauty.html?id=vw1BAAAAcAAJ
  13. That's why It was a question. It's pretty much what thought I had read. If you're not asking us to accept the conclusion that macs may cost more but they last longer and can therefor be cheaper in the long run then I guess I'm mistaken. No big deal. It's not like we're fighting. I'm just giving you my personal experiences as well.
  14. You're implying that PCs don't last as long as Macs? Funny. Incorrect but funny non the less. Macs simply do not outlast PCs. The PC I bought in 1998 for 250 dollars lasted me until 2007 when I forced myself to retire it as my main computer. I still used it as a media server for another 3 years until it finally got parted out and recycled. I used it everyday without fail during those 9 years with the exception of one bad memory stick which was replaced within hours. That means for 99.99999% of the time I just turned it on and it worked. The work machine I'm using right now I've had for 6 and I paid 350 for it used. I'm sure there are thousands and thousands of people who have similar stories for their PCs. In my house I've had literally dozens of computers, both PC and Mac and I know for a fact they operate the same way and there isn't one that will outlast the other given the same care.
  15. Hah I always love listening to the Mac/PC debate. It ALWAYS turns into a Mac vs Windows debate just like this one pretty much did. First off. Windows is an operating system. Any discussion of hardware and Windows and you've left the scope of any real comparison. WIndow's doesn't make hardware. Discuss hardware between PC and Mac and you pretty much hit a stalemate. Each architecture has it's ups and downs. There is no real special bonus for owning a Mac. THe PPC chip is done for and the little mouse who could eat more than an elephant can is a goner. It's all elephants now. Comparing just operating systems side by side and it's pretty quick to see why a Mac "just works". It doesn't do anything. The majority of people who purchase Macs own a 1400 dollar facebook machine as they sit and tell everyone how they "could" use it to edit video professionally while sipping a latte and playing Farmville at Starbucks. I've used pretty much every MS operating system since DOS 3, OS/2 Warp, every redhat distro since Apollo, countless Mandrake, Debian, Suse, FreeBSD, NetBSD and Ubuntu distros, I ran Solaris 8 on my main desktop for 3 months until I got tired of porting over software from Linux when I wanted to use a new piece of software Personally, I'm waiting for Android to finish it's OS. I can't wait to see what they do for PCs. Trust me when I tell you that operating systems are just collections of tools and as far as a Mac OS goes it's truly nothing special. I started using Macs pretty much right after the Lisa failed. It was a monochrome all in one monster that they practically gave away to schools. I've used Macs off and on since then. Windows beats it every time hands down. You're absolutely crippled hardware wise when it comes to a Mac anyways and I'm not even talking about externals. Ask any sane person if they'd let their realtor tell them what furniture they can have in their house after they buy it and they'll look at you like you're a moron. Ask any car owner if they'll let their dealership tell them what aftermarket engine upgrades they can have in their car and they'll probably tell you to go jump in a lake because you're a nutter. Now ask a Macintosh owner if they're OK with Apple not allowing them to upgrade their computer as they see fit and they'll tell you that it's pretty much OK with them. They don't know anything about that stuff anyways. As long as it just works. That's WHY It just works. It has no ability to have it's core components upgraded or changed to anything other than Apple approved hardware. Every piece of software is written specifically for a known hardware list of miniscule proportions. It's like saying you'd rather have a 1200 dollar hammer over a 500 dollar nail gun because the hammer just works and you "could" use it to build a house professionally.... Yeah. No thanks. All these people claiming they built PC's for years and then found peace in a Mac are at best wasting their money. You can build a Hackintosh now people. It's why Apple is suing the crap out of anyone that tries to produce one for mass market because once a machine that can run their OS out of the box hits the market any person still willing to pay 600-2000 dollars extra for brand loyalty and is quickly going to disappear because it'll just work on those cheaper machines too.
  16. You can download it from archive.org http://www.archive.org/details/leatherspecimenb00lacr There is no leather craft instruction or technique in this book. It's literally just 30 pages of pictures of leather sample squares.
  17. I received the email today about his passing from PaintingCow.com.He was a wonderful artist. It's unfortunate to lose his talent.
  18. Was it because the seeder has no texture?
  19. I hear Tandy's vary from store to store. The Allentown Tandy is like a mom and pop atmosphere really. I walk in the door and they greet me by name. The manager introduces me to new employees and gladly reminds me of what sales are happening and what's new. I hear it's different at different stores though. The one I used to frequent in Minneapolis before it closed down years ago was the same way. As far as corporations go, almost all companies are incorporated and if they aren't then they're working on it. Springfield is incorporated. I'm sure others are as well. Incorporation just provides a tax status and negates legal liabilities for individuals within the company. I know of no store anywhere that wants to operate at a constant loss. Tandy takes returns so obviously their sole intent isn't profit. If it was they wouldn't do that. You can find all of the "crap" for sale at the same prices at EVERY leather store nowadays. I've never met Jim Linell but he fairly spot on. The majority of the leather tools you buy aren't bought for quality anyways. They're bought almost entirely as a luxury. You don't really need a 175.00 dollar round knife or even a 65.00 dollar one when a 2.50 razor knife will cut leather just as well. So are we really talking about quality there or not? I say no. All I know is that at Tandy I can pick up a tool and tell if it's worth buying or not. I can't do that with an online seller so my priority will always be to visit a Tandy first.
  20. Just place a clear piece of acrylic plastic over your phone and set it to not auto sleep. You can get the acrylic at home depot or similar.
  21. Hah Bill.. You just described sales tactics in every retail store in the world. If you're not paying them then they're using your info and tracking your purchases. One way or another they're making money off of you and keeping retail prices higher. My favorite line is that someone paid 2 dollars a square foot and got garbage leather at Tandy so they went to another place and paid 10 a square foot and amazingly it was better leather. Geee I wonder why....
  22. Printing preferences can be held in the printer or in the program you're using to print from. It sounds like you're talking about printing from your web browser. In windows you can check your setting under the file menu then Print Preview. If you don't see the file menu at the top press your alt key. You can generally fix things right there or use page setup as well. If it's in the printer choose file=>print and it'll give you a printer wizard that gives you a choice of printer and allows you to check the properties there.
  23. You could look at http://www.ponoko.com I haven't used them yet but am considering it. They do 2D laser and CNC cutting at two dollars a minute not including materials. You can upload Inkscape vector files as your template.
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