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Everything posted by VTleather09

  1. Awesome! Huge fan of the double loop.
  2. I LOVE your work. "So fresh and so clean clean"
  3. Yes. The sky is the limit if you have a grinder.
  4. Hey, Been away for a bit due to Christmas break. Based on social media, my work is starting to be requested, however; it was never my intention to sell. I use leather work as an escape and a release. Much like physical training, leather work offers so much.
  5. Very nice...I love the chair.
  6. Hey there, I am COMPLETELY on the same page as you. I have had such a journey with leather crafting during the short year I have been doing it, and only now am I starting to find my style. I have been carving and tooling my original figure drawings onto small pieces of leather and my plan is to hand them out to friends for Christmas. I ,too, can still make hunting pouches, belts, collars, sheaths and wallets,but I am really enjoying carving, tooling and painting figures and patterns on to pieces of leather that may not destined for gestalt.
  7. VTleather09


  8. That is so awesome...WAAAAAYYY better than my 2x4 pine board with drill holes.
  9. So, I made these images to see if my drawings would translate into leather...so far so good, in my opinion. Last pic is a drawing to be later translated. Thanks for looking. VT
  10. Love me some cuffs...great work.
  11. That is super underhanded. Especially during this time of year. I make very little money and I have built my tool collection over the years, and if this happened to me I would be deeply hurt. I would look on Craigslist. I know of people who steal and post the items on local listing. Most of these people have issues with substance abuse. I hope things work out for you.
  12. Hey there, So, I came up with this image during a work meeting and finally got it on a piece of leather. I often doodle to stay awake during meetings or lectures...is that rude? Oh well, it's better than having the incriminating glow of device lighting up my face. BTW, this is INITIAL tooling. It is far from complete.
  13. Hey, Another way to get that fade or sunburst is to start with a diluted dye and cover the entire piece. Next, let it dry and buff out the leather. Then, keep applying coats of the dye from the edge to the center with a paint brush. Make sure that most of the dye it absorbed on the edges and lightly feather to the center. Repeat this a few times and buff from time to time and you will achieve the same result. VT
  14. If you go on youtube you can find many videos on these bags. The haversack is big within the bushcraft community.
  15. At least 4-5 hours one way. Sometimes the seclusion of the mountains isn't so cool:)
  16. Hey guys, I looked at my e-mail from Tandy, as others mentioned on this forum, and saw the deals for their Oak-Leaf doubles. With shipping, I'm looking at $107.00 for 6-7oz and 12-14 sqft. Is this a good price and if not where can I find a better deal? Also, is "Oak Leaf" comparable to Herman Oak? This will be my first big leather purchase as I usually buy small pieces off ebay. I am at the disadvantage of not having access to any shops where I can look at a selection in person. The closest place is about 300 miles away. So far, I have had inconsistent success with good leather. I even bought a split of Amazon at one point as it was advertised as tooling leather. It was my fault for not knowing my terms, but it hurt none the less. Anyway, I would truly love some input. Thank you kindly. VT
  17. Dang! The lace braid and the sunburst are sweeeeet!
  18. I would find a local glass artist, get some scraps, a router w/ a the right bit and a bead reamer.
  19. Hey there fellow craft-people, As we all know, after stamping out a pattern on piece that requires bends the impression from the stamp fades as the leather bows, much like the way in which seemingly opaque script on a balloon becomes transparent upon inflation. My query is this: is there a stamping technique can rectify this conundrum? I have experimented, in the past, with stamping after forming, however; it proved futile as stamps slipped and nice mold jobs became wrinkled. I suppose I could trying re-stamping, but I feel I will run into the same issues as stated above. Is there anyone out there who has any pointers? Thank you in advance. VT
  20. Hey gentlefolk, I have an old service buddy who has seen a few possible pouches, bracers, sheaths and dog collars I have made and they are asking me to make them a 1911 holster for concealed carry. Can anyone give some pointers? I know I need a mold, but I want to make sure it's the right mold and good price. Also, I want to know the leather weight. I am assuming 8-9 oz. Lastly, I could use some advice on the elements that constitutes concealed vs open carry in regards to holster design. Thank you in advance. VT
  21. It looks like it's suspender style with belts loops and a matching belt.
  22. Wow! I love meticulous products such as this. For reasons unbeknownst to me, flawless stitching and soft supple leather relaxes my soul. It's truly therapeutic to take in the skillful beauty of master crafts-person.
  23. Awesome! I have yet to meet another leather craftsman here in VT. Are you close to Burlington?
  24. Thank you everyone. I just used paint. Let's see if that works.
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