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Everything posted by flyingcuda

  1. hello all, i was asked to do a black powder bag for a customer, seems simple enough...if you know what you're doing. i haven't a clue. he is providing his own leather, i don't have a tandy's or any other leather supply near me. is there a pattern available? i looked on amazon and chapters, they have nothing i am going to try with spare material while i am waiting to get a lead on help. if anyone could help, i would be very greatful! oh, i don't have a good enough sewing machine, so this will have to be done entirely by hand, and he wants fringes. thanks for your time in reading this, have a great day! flyingcuda
  2. awesome job! those are very well crafted pieces!
  3. hello folks, i need some help, i know nothing about bikes i had a gentleman come in and ask if i could do a bag for his bike, me being me, i said i could try he wants a bag to go under the windshield with three seperate compartments. is there a specific name for this type of bag? is there a pattern i could go off of? he doesn't want the leather too thick, what is the lightest weight leather i could use that would stand up to the elements? we live in canada so we get heat, humidity, rain, and if we have been naughty...sometimes snow in july any leads in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! thank for your time flyingcuda
  4. i did not know him personally but felt as if i did. when i first joined this community, i was looking for help for a specific item i wanted to create. with ine of his tutorials i was almost able to complete it. the turkshead was giving me such a hassle, i just couldn't figure it out! He actually took the time to encourage me and gave me the desire to keep trying. it took well over a year for me to do it, but i can honestly say that if it was not for him, it would still be uncompleted. our community here and the world has certainly lost one of the good ones! hopefully he is showing everyone up there how it's done!
  5. thank you very much! this helps a great deal. i have said it before and i won't stop saying it, this is certainly the best community in the world and internet!
  6. hello i know i have read it in here somewhere, but i can't seem to find it. i would like to try to do a bible cover, but i am unsure of how to go about it..i can figure the basics out but is there a tutorial somewhere? any help is greatly appreciated! thanks for your time.
  7. thank you for the replies, i do truly appreciate it. i did do a simple one, the customer was pleased with it, possibly coming back for a belt for a christmas present, those i can do! you guys are awesome! i thank you again for taking the time to respond and helping!
  8. we certainly have gotten way off topic, i suppose that's what happens when people have emotion in thier work. i don't think the original poster was asking for trade secrets. i'm sure some research was done. i know that if there is something new i need to try....i research as much as i can, i am in a small community with no resources, hours away from any place that offers any. i research as much as i can on the net, try what i can and re-try. but there does come a point where i can not figure out how to do some things, that is what led me to this caring, informative site. i certainly understand the need to protect yourself, it is a very difficult time financially, much harder to get people to spend money on quality. but i also understand that if we are not learning, then the art dies for lack of quality. i only took offence to "that's how people do it around here" because i have seen everyone on here very helpful and generous, and we who are learning appreciate the fact that some of them did learn the hard way and are sharing with us. it doesn't mean that we are not learning other things on our own. we are not just taking like greedy little children, we will hopefully be passing on the knowledge we have aquired to the next generation of the leather bug bite victims unfortunatly cal429258, i know nothing about lining, if i did i would help you out, good luck and hopefully this doesn't detere you from asking more questions on here. this really is a great place and there are many who like to share, otherwise the people who work thier a$$e$ off to make sure this place keeps running would not waste thier time. now i'm off to try and figure out how to make a 2 1/2" watchband for someone and make it look good... 2 1/2 inches!
  9. that is a nice piece, looks worth way more than $15.00! thank you for the reply, gives me something to base off of
  10. i thought "how people around here do it" was to help when we have questions, of course there is a lot of trial and error, that's how we learn....but we also learn from those more experienced than us. that is how we keep the art going, is it not? is it not also one of the many reasons for this wonderful forum? if i am wrong then please accept my apology.
  11. hello, someone wants me to make a 2 1/2 inch watchband. silly me..i have never made one and quoted 15 dollars. when i actually started...i realised i haven't got a clue as to how to make this work and look good. seems awefully large to me..but just my opinion i guess. it has a battery so i need to leave access to the back...i am in a remote area that is severly lacking in learning materials. if anyone can help, i would truly be very greatful!
  12. wow! awesome job!! some things are truly incredible for the eyes to see, this is certainly one of them! how do you get the wide outlines, or grooves?
  13. thank you kindly! i will give it a shot. as for posting pics...i gave up, can't figure out how to make them smaller
  14. hello, since i was not blessed with the ability to draw, i am looking for a good picture of a horse or horses to do. i am not that good at the leatherworking yet so nothing too complicated but i don't want it to be cartoony. i know i can look on the internet...but they are mainly pictures of real horses...i'm definatly not good enough to convert that to leather. any help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance for any assistance.
  15. another lefty. i only eat and write with my left hand though. all sports are done right handed, tool in left, mallet in right. i think being forced to adapt so much, it's just natural now to dig right into new ventures with the right hand, kinda sad, i am really proud of being left handed! i like being out of "the norm" i knew that when the other kids were teasing me, it was because they were jelous haha, just noticed..the dancing dude in my previous post....starts off with his left hand!
  16. wow, looks great! very clean looking.
  17. my first book cover. this is a tattoo design i came across. i was wondering if i should attempt to dye the lace black? any input or pointers for improvement are more than welcomed. thanks for looking.
  18. i used to work at a fry bus, we wanted to get hawiian leis and hand them out to the nasty customers...at least they would have been leid that day
  19. i did it!!!! finally! i can't believe it took me this long..but i did it!!! the pic is posted in the adult section. thank you Drac
  20. i'm giving it another shot today, when i get it done i will post pics..unless of course i don't get it right and decide to rip it all apart and pretend it never happened
  21. i would first suggest finding out her favorite team, and checking out thier logo, we have a team canada logo that is great for key fobs
  22. maybe carving the recipients initials, using the boo boo as part of it? good luck
  23. that is awesome workmanship! looks incredible. what did you use for the texturing?
  24. maybe the sense of humor has been taxed too i liked the scenario.
  25. this was just for fun, the frame it sits in has a dry erase board on the bottom, i picked it up for $1.50 at a second hand shop. i was thrilled at the way it turned out. when i finished with the project i placed it in the frame, transported it back to my store, took it out of the bag and the black dye i had wrapped in a cloth and placed in a plastic bag still managed to leak all over the bottom of the frame a few spatters made it onto the leather as well. so it sits till i cool off, then i will paint the frame. so much for fun.
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