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    All things Leather.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Still learning.
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything leather.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    While searching for a better stitching clam.

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  1. Hi @Matt S I’m in the market for a bell knife skiver but I’m having a tough time trying to find one at a reasonable price. would you be able to throw in a link or two for me to research?
  2. I don’t do any carving... nice to watch though. Thanks.
  3. Carpet spray will work but there is a contact spray version too you might like better. When using spray adhesive you should hold the can away from your work about 8” to end up with a cobweb type of finish on both pieces that way you will not have any bleed through. With contact spray, let both pieces dry to touch and press together like normal contact. I use large amounts of spray adhesive in my day job. It works very well.
  4. I can imagine why wife now... YOU SPENT HOW MUCH ON A LEATHER BAG? funny, when I read that back and reverse the situation when she buys a bag... You spent how much on a bag?
  5. Looks fabulous! What do you do with the tester bag when all is finished? Send to Ireland??
  6. That’s a beautiful looking bag. Your explanation of the process is soo helpful to those of us who are new to leatherworking. Thanks.
  7. Great idea! What weight leather and did you skive the edges?
  8. Someone posted a link to some of his tools a few weeks ago, I ordered a selection of the cheaper tools because I didn’t really need anything specific... when I received them I was so disappointed. The quality was not good at all more like cheap tools from China. I spent around 100 pounds sterling, Maybe it was just me... but I couldn’t recommend his cheaper tools. Just know what you’re ordering first.
  9. Have you looked at Nigel Armitage’s videos? For the price if a coffee per month? He goes into detail on every aspect of the saddle stitch. When you’re struggling with the finer detail of leather work I think it’s worth spending a little to get it right. For me... I’ve spent a small fortune setting up my hobby so I thought why not spend a little on learning as well.
  10. Yes his work is very impressive. You are well on you way to being great. If you don’t mind a little critique... concentrate on your stitching because not everyone knows how good you should be at tooling but everyone knows when your stitching is off.
  11. Very nice! I like the carving but I especially like the shading / 3D effect on the horse.
  12. That’s fabulous work for only a year practice! Love the detail in the carving. Really impressive! It will be interesting to see your work in another couple of years if you keep this level of work up...
  13. Looks great! And a lot of work. Good job.
  14. They have also refunded my VAT as i submitted a VAT number when ordering. So... I paid them a total of 9.90 euro in total for the samples.
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