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Everything posted by wolvenstien

  1. please tell me that you took pix step by step as you finished her.... If not, please do so on your next project... This turned out great... the customer should be floored!
  2. gotta have a good saddle on your horse.... even if it is an iron one...
  3. Jim, First off... it looks great... really... As for the darker parts that you covered with fiebings... It happens to me all the time.. gotten so i DO NOT like to use the Antique Paste anymore... When I do anything with the leather (that can absorbe oils), I were gloves... I have asked others and may have started a thread here about fiebings causing darker spots... I think it has to do with my method of applying the paste... I used to use a dobber and get someone the dobber, then apply to the leather... I would get these darker spots especially where I first touched the leather with the paste on the dobber... I have played around and use VIVA paper towels because they are cloth like and fold it up and dab a little paste on it, and apply the paste to the leather in circle patterns, then use the paper towel to wipe it off.... I havent gotten oil spotting since...
  4. I am thinking something along the lines of a carved seat.... and alot of lacing... the passenger seat the same way... a smaller carving related to the larger on the main seat, and then the back rest with a related carving.... looking at a brown center for the carvings and then black all around... what color lacing you think I should go with? black on black is kind of... well.... old..... The bike is chrome, black and blue.... I have not the faintest idea what I would like to put on the seats.... something about wolves... maybe a full body wolf on the main and a head shot on the passenger... and a sky moon shot on the backrest.... just need an artist to draw em up for me... LOL
  5. This one is of the thickness of the vinyl: These are of the seams on the seats: And these are of the plastic pans for both the main seat and the passenger... As for the passenger backrest, I will do it the same as the seats. The previous owner of the bike used the backrest to hold a tire as he went to the garage to get it put on the bike, and the tire chewed through the top of the backrest... so i had to go buy a new back rest off fleabay and it showed up with white thread holding it together instead of the black as the seats have.... but no one notices...
  6. leathernut, Dave, Beeze.... Thanks for the reply... I intend to do this myself. My bike, my work. Here are a few pix of the seat.... First three are of the seat on the bike: Threse two are of the "scoop" in the seat... the vinyl sits higher than the padding beneath, first one is me pushing it in to the padding and the second is a few seconds after the vinyl returns to its original shape:
  7. I might add here that the seat in the picture is a two part sear (not to mention the back rest) and the passenger part is removable.... but I would like to do both of them, the driver and passenger to match, because I do ride my wife around and occationally others...
  8. Here is a pic of a seat that is just like the one on my bike: Though mine does not have drivers back rest at this time, I do intend to add one from here: http://www.utpr.com/750magna.html like what is pictured.... Seeing how large the seat is compaired to the ones I see being made for the custom choppers, and taking into account that the seat is very comfortable.... especially for extended riding... how would you go about covering this with custom leather? Use the same design as the manufacturer? or would you change it up? Thanks much
  9. ok, I will take the edited pic and go from there... I didnt realize it was that "simple".... The holster will not be used for competition. I like the drawing with the straight back to cover the triger and guard.... but would like to extens the length down the barrel to cover the front sight so she doesnt get snagged as she gets drawn (presented). What do you guys think?
  10. http://www.uscav.com/Productinfo.aspx?prod...D=137&CatID=281 is a place to get a few mock pistols too
  11. thats a 2007 Rugar MKIII competition .22cal target pistol. I traded up my MKII back in march for the newer MKIII with the fluted barrel. Looking at winning some tournies this year with her....
  12. Don, you have something for this new Rugar MKIII?
  13. once the leather is prepaired oiling it would be both benificial to the leather from wearing and to the weapon to help prevent it from wear right? or would it do the oposite?
  14. any particular reason you laced before you tooled?
  15. being a snake junky, I especially like the scales on the rep... nice touch
  16. Thanks guys... I shot him an email. Will see what he says....
  17. Anyone know how to make a "craftaid" plastic template? Or if Tandy/Craftool would make one special for you within a reasonable cost? TY
  18. I am glad you appreciate my banter.... But with the fact that you "don’t believe I need to question your tactics, or your tone.... especially in this thread" shows just what a immature person you are. I have made two posts in regards to your attitude not in a manor to undermine you, but to show you what you are coming across like to those of us who are reading your posts, and you are too thick headed and egotistical to see what I am saying and then you turn on me. Sorry son, that isn’t going to happen. "other than that....I’d kindly ask you to take your nose into either your own...or someone else’s business" Again, showing your ignorance, ego, and immaturity. More ego: "if you'd like to find out why I’m an admin here...then you can ask Johanna....if you'd like to see why she hasn't stepped in here as the administrator of this site to challenge me as you are...you can do the same..." No, I do not need to ask why you are here... Like I said previously, I have modded and admin’d boards, and I know that I have staffed some sites with total jackasses who where just like you but I did not know it until they were handed some power. But the think that is different between this situation and those is the fact that the site admin removed the jackass from the board as to not cause any farther trouble. You have shown your true colors, which is all fine and good. I hope you prosperity in any of your future endeavors. As I am sure you will need all the luck you can muster if you continue with the attitude that you are carrying around with you and that you have shown in your past few posts in this thread. Good luck.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/CRAFTOOL-Leathercraft-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. I was on ebay looking for good prices on pattern packs... came across these two: http://cgi.ebay.com/Tandy-Leather-Shotgun-...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/Tandy-Leather-VEST-Pat...1QQcmdZViewItem Retail on them is 7.99 and if you are Tandy member.... (not sure I dont have my price list right here and dont feel like going to tandys site to check....) less.... And then add shipping to it......
  21. I got the mail out yeasterday and when I saw it illustrated on the leather, I didnt like it, it does not look like the rope of old that I am used to seeing... kind of looks like a bouble line with slashes going along the length... also in the ad, it says: "FREE Tip Sheet with purchase".... Why do I now have to purchase to get the FREE tip sheet? Huh....?
  22. ok, this more info stuff is helpful.... LOL Call around to any and all auto upholsters in your area, and ask if you can buy (at very low prices per pound) the scrap leather from them... you will get multi colors, and all mostly will be 2-3oz cow... some deer, some other depending on the shop.... if you have any other manufacturers in the area such as shoes, bags whatever that migth use leather.... call them to ask as well...
  23. LOL, I had me a cat5 when I was a kid.... it was sized down quite a bit... but I had one... I had a whole collection of Cat equipment... I bought my son a Quarry Dumper fro christmas, but it was all plastic and kind of made me mad that I could not find any that were metal like mine were... then about a month ago I go into a tool store here in town that I had never been to and only went to because Harbor Freight didnt have what I needed... when I was checking out, the check out girl asked if I has a catalog... No, this is my first time in the store... so she put this phone book looking catalog into my bag... I got to looking at it, they have a full line of Cat equipment and earth movers all in metal... and then some larger cat backhoes for the kids to sit on and actually dig with.... very cool... very expensive... most being average price of arount 30 to 35 each.... but I will start working on a collection for him like I once had.... dsenette From this side of the conversation, it looked exactly like how I described it... Having worked as admin and mod on several forums like this one (format, not topic), I see stuff like that all the time, and it is something that can get way out of control very fast, even if that is not what was ment to start, it ends up going wrong because of a few words that are taken wrong or whatever... I am not singling you out in this reply, just that Art has not responded yet, and for all I know, you two are talking via PM and everything is cool... My point is that this is not the place for anything that might be construed as bickering. If you feel that this needs to go farther, take it into PMs or ask for a phone numeber... talking on the phone leaves less chance of mis commumication and taking a word that is ment one way totally different than it was ment....
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