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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. that is called a running stitch, IF i remember right the legs are basically sewn together with those laces. i have no idea if an actual diagram would be available for that. but its covered in most lacing books. You can also add Conchos there. Tandy has a pattern pack for chaps that might show you how.
  2. Dull punches aren't necessarily bad punches, sharpen them, then you will know if the metal is to soft to hold an edge. then you will know if they are bad punches. you just cant do much leather work without learning to sharpen stuff.
  3. just saw your link Bruce you have some fine tools for sale those wood handled punches are the bomb! i couldn't see your video but dont know why someone wood think that a punch cant be made as sharp as a knife or cut leather just as easy by hand.
  4. Thank you! My mom and dad taught me to be kind to people, that simple lesson has never failed me and has brought me as much joy as i have given, maybe more. Thanks friend! I laced all my stuff at one time, it ca be frustrating lol. Thank you. I appreciate the good words.
  5. thanks guys i will be giving it to her tomorrow she lives in the assisted living here in town i know all she has is social security to live on. always pay it forward.
  6. Dang those are awesome!! Are they lined also?
  7. i use the back end of a paint brush. that is classy looking!
  8. Thanks, yup i used to lace a lot too , this thing was a toughie 2 1/2" hole I had to cut off one of my needles to get it in there.
  9. Thanks Fred all i had was her memory, it was lined and laced with a western theme.
  10. The wife was on Fakebook the other day and saw a local ad from a fellow leather worker posting some of his wares, an elderly lady asked if he could make a Yahtzee dice cup. The answer was simply no with not even a sorry but added. So being the kind heart she is offered my services lol. After talking to the lady and getting the info, what she could remember, the next day she wrote back and said said she just couldn't afford one, I didn't quote a price. She wanted to replace one her late husband had bought at the local penitentiary and together they had worn it out. He was an officer there and she is 89 years young. It took me about a full hour to talk her into taking the cup for no charge finally saying i would use only scraps to make it and it would provide me some good practice which it did. PS i still hate lacing lol and my tooling stinks. 10 oz canyon tan with black lacing pig suede liner.
  11. I've used snake skin but never on a bend for that reason. I would rethink your design and save the problems.
  12. i would pre-form the bend before gluing. Did you put a finish on it before bending it? I have seen leather break also due to some of the finishes if its applied before the bend is formed.
  13. I don't know if its a4 but its A OK
  14. if you want to save it and don't have a good knowledge of this type of work or the tools take it to a machinist. They will do what is needed to get it off and cleaned up for you. and or make you a new shoulder bolt. your going to need heat oil and a hammer and punch and vice at the least. Don't try and twist on it with pliers or the brass will be ruined it already appears to be marred but repairable.
  15. it still looks great will last a very long lifetime i'm sure.
  16. the bolt should have a shoulder you can see its thicker on the head end than on the nut end. you can see the clearance on the other end between the bolt head and the roller also.
  17. I use a soldering torch and PB blaster. then drill a hole big enough for the bolt head but not the brass in a piece of flat bar, put a nut on the thread end so you don't mushroom them and add heat and lube then tap the bolt through the hole in the bar with a hammer and flat pin punch.
  18. yup but there is plenty of space at the other end, if someone forced it on and tightened it down over a bunch of gook then it will be a bugger to get off. I use a soldering torch and PB blaster. then drill a hole big enough for the bolt head but not the brass in a piece of flat bar, put a nut on the thread end so you don't mushroom them and add heat and lube then tap the bolt through the hole in the bar with a hammer and flat pin punch.
  19. I don't know but the more i scratch my head the balder it gets and the more i scratch my butt the hairier it gets. I think I'm transplanting the seeds.
  20. IMO so you don't smoosh your gars pushing on the snap and so the case can fit different lengths. maybe other reasons too. simply perfect.
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