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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. Thank s Fred it came out nicer than i figured it would too, it sure replaces that old hunk of scrub oak i whittled out with a draw knife lol. Them women they are a funny breed alright after over 40 years mine still doesn't understand the correlation between my tools, my toys and my junk. LOL. i would buy the set! find the best fit and use the others for other things. there is always something needs beating on IMHO.
  2. Thank you, I ve had it about a year now, it is one fun tool to play with!!! I know about space my garage is a converted one room house and all my cars are out side lol.
  3. Thanks Tug the top is made from a piece of brass flat stock. I silver soldered a brass nut on it that threads onto the all thread shaft. The nut fits the top wafer tightly when pulled down into it so the head wont spin, like how a carriage bolt works. I also ran a couple of brass 1/8"rods through all the wafers for the same reason. i made it so the head could be replaced if the plastic didn't work or when it got to beat up. I repurpose as much as i can, and yes a i have a ton of "I'll bet i can use that some day" junk. LOL drives the wife crazy.
  4. Thanks, i just have a small Wen wood lathe. Basic machine but it works well for small stuff
  5. Thanks guys ! I finished up the fine detail work today made everything fit better and gave it a little polish for a more finished look. Man i wish i still had that little star lens thingy for my camera.
  6. you did just what i do most times when I'm asked to make something, first question i have is how much were you thinking on spending for it. it starts the process. Gives me and them an idea of how much they are willing to spend and gives me the ability to give an honest answer. " i can make it plain jane for that or how fancy do you want it? They also know then if they can afford what they want.
  7. i think your first attempt was very successful, formed holsters are not easy.
  8. Thank you Pastor lol the only three things i used besides a grinder, chop saw and sander were a drill press soldering torch and a small lathe. Everything is made from scratch except the all thread and two brass nuts, brass flat stock, curly maple handle.
  9. thank you, making the tools is half the fun. thank you Thanks Mike Yes now i have to find some heavier head material lol. thank you!
  10. The front looks great but i cant see the inside throw it in an envelope and send to me I'll take a reeeal good look at it, oh and don't worry about the money lol.
  11. well i have it pieced together, I'll shiny it up a bit tomorrow lol. 18oz is what it came out to. The head is an old 1/2" cutting board figured i didn't need a new piece just to beat up lol. Guess I'll be making two thank you for your help.
  12. You can cut them out completely and make your own Conchos then you can use whatever screw you want all you do is solder them on the back. buy or make a doming block. https://www.harborfreight.com/hand-tools/chisels-punches-stamps/25-piece-doming-block-and-punch-set-93539.html
  13. excellent video!!!! short and to the point! Does the leather get thinner also or does it come back to original thickness after the vacuum is let off? Darn now i have another project to work on, a bag for my pump.
  14. heck yea and that mold you made is pretty clever indeed
  15. Not to bad at all, that stitching does stick out but the color is fine imo, nothing wrong with that.
  16. Sweet! That looks like a big job.
  17. very cool i used to Knapp them out of old purple glass for practice. There isn't a lot of natural rock suitable for points around here and i really never got the hang of knocking off a good blank. Always wanted to try one out but never did get good enough to get them as sharp s they should be. I shoot a browning wasp. pse long bow, hickory self bow and a couple compounds.
  18. no wonder my geometrics are so shallow lol. Thank you
  19. Nice tool holder. Those are incredible works of art, I tried knapping a bit never anywhere near that quality so i know how much practice went into those. Have you ever tried them out on game? Those corner tangs are just badass!
  20. thank you I will thanks i, m using a wooden maul right now about 12 oz. lol but its worn out and needs an upgrade
  21. What is everyone's opine on a good maul weight for tooling? I'm planning on making a new one this week. mine is to puny for some of the larger surface area stamps and such. I'm thinking about 20 oz. with some adjustment.
  22. Now that is good thinking. if a guy were to cut some design in the outer or inner edges of the pvc with a file you could add some interesting designs. simple scallops with a round file would be easy!
  23. very nice work indeed! a good stitch is a sight to behold
  24. set a cold beer on em! lol sorry couldn't help it. Maybe stack them and set a weight on em for a week or so after they are dry.
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