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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. Finishing off the turkey today, it was 21 pounds, with a big pot of turkey and home made noodles. My favorite The wife makes noodles as my mom taught her years ago.
  2. I certainly am blessed, thank you, this is a beautiful area still relatively unknown by the masses, while millions stand in line in Yellowstone the majority of Wyoming remains virtually wilderness with very few outsiders exploring it. We have had some outside travelers however as they have created a new fad, walking the continental divide trail which runs directly through our county and town. I love to talk to them and ask about walking a good hundred mile plus trek through the high desert, it surprises them to no end and is a very dangerous part of the route. Many of them end up hitch hiking through this part lol.
  3. that is cool as he**!!!! where and how much was the drive unit?
  4. These have to be pretty caliber specific also, you have to figure in the length and diameter I'm sure a few may interchange like 270s and 30 06, 7mm 06.
  5. yea I've seen that on older bullet loops and some of my knives fitted with brass. Must be the tannins or maybe the pickling salts.
  6. man that is purdy.I like that ostrich
  7. for outdoor gear treat just like a brand new pair of 200 dollar leather boots. I use snow seal or feibings golden mink oil. mainly because thats what i can buy here but any good boot waterproofing is my choice. I just made two m1907 slings and they spent almost a month in the boonies with no problems.
  8. they will look cool on your bike lol.
  9. it will only be voluntary unless they disagree lol, conspiracy theories seem to be the law now whoda thunk. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/649385/EPRS_BRI(2020)649385_EN.pdf
  10. those are cool indeed tis the season lol.
  11. 200,000 in Ireland alone the first go around it will get stricter. https://humanevents.com/2023/06/03/ireland-moves-to-slaughter-200000-cows-over-climate-concerns Last year, Ireland Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue introduced a proposal to begin a voluntary dairy reduction scheme next year as the country tries to reduce its emissions by 25% before 2030.
  12. Turkey day was awesome!!!! roast turkey and stuffin an gravy along with, taters, cranberry relish, parmesan stuffed mushrooms, jalepeno poppers, relish tray, and fruit salad, sweet potatoes and pecan pie with vanilla ice cream. We went way off our sugar free diet but I'm saying it was worth every bit of it lol.
  13. Man i love the look, simple and pure, so many are just way to busy.
  14. https://tandyleather.com/blogs/leathercraft-library/sandal-making?_pos=1&_psq=sandal&_ss=e&_v=1.0
  15. 12 degrees Fahrenheit this morning as I read this lol. Time for snow here my friend. I have no idea about almond trees but they sound beautiful all we have are scrub oak and pinion pines. But you sound like you have been blessed enjoy them! I'm in for the winter now with hunting season over the roads into the forest will be closed for the year. That means I'll be back at my bench working and watching from indoors the snow blowing by at 60 mph.
  16. that is cool, I take it is a leather working tool of those medieval days gone by. looks like a mini halberd
  17. Nice!!! i have a few old bb guns and soft air guns as well mostly from my sons old toys. Its amazing how accurate the sizes are. Now he is buying the real thing yesterday he brought home a Glock 43 to make a holster for
  18. Thank you for the kind words, I truly appreciate them. I think you have gotten some interesting feed back but probably not what you were expecting lol. Myself i have no interest in testing this new product but I wish you all the luck in your endeavors and hope you do succeed. It may have the ability to replace some leather products adequately but not all of them. I'm sure there would be a market for it someplace if you find the right products to produce with it and of course the right niche to fill in the market. Just realize the world has plenty of fake leather products but most aren't sold in high end stores or as a better replacement product to the equivalent leather item. As most folks here I value my time and when I build my handmade products I want to use the materials ( real leather) that will sell for more I mean why waste your time making subpar. Farmers should not have waste if they do then that waste needs to be tilled under and called organic fertilizer as it used to be used and called. That's what happens to mine. Last day of elk hunting , beautiful black and white day no noise at all just cold crisp air. Good luck my friend!!!!!
  19. Heck yea great work my friend, where's the belt?
  20. They are doing something about it, where have you been the last few years? the original document was called agenda 21. the same people that wrote it and signed it into law at the united nations also taught you it is a hoax but sadly it is real you should read it some day.
  21. lol yes we had the same at the prison i worked at we would collect 50 gallon barrels of the stuff.
  22. https://nypost.com/2023/09/25/even-bill-gates-is-backtracking-the-airs-gone-out-of-the-climate-crisis-balloon/ "The reality, as Gates is reminding us, is there’s not actually a climate “crisis” calling for drastic action tomorrow, and running businesses and institutions as if there is one is counterproductive and even outright destructive. "
  23. really! https://www.climatesciencenews.com/2023-08-21-scientists-professionals-there-is-no-climate-crisis.html
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