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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. they will look cool on your bike lol.
  2. it will only be voluntary unless they disagree lol, conspiracy theories seem to be the law now whoda thunk. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/649385/EPRS_BRI(2020)649385_EN.pdf
  3. those are cool indeed tis the season lol.
  4. 200,000 in Ireland alone the first go around it will get stricter. https://humanevents.com/2023/06/03/ireland-moves-to-slaughter-200000-cows-over-climate-concerns Last year, Ireland Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue introduced a proposal to begin a voluntary dairy reduction scheme next year as the country tries to reduce its emissions by 25% before 2030.
  5. Turkey day was awesome!!!! roast turkey and stuffin an gravy along with, taters, cranberry relish, parmesan stuffed mushrooms, jalepeno poppers, relish tray, and fruit salad, sweet potatoes and pecan pie with vanilla ice cream. We went way off our sugar free diet but I'm saying it was worth every bit of it lol.
  6. Man i love the look, simple and pure, so many are just way to busy.
  7. https://tandyleather.com/blogs/leathercraft-library/sandal-making?_pos=1&_psq=sandal&_ss=e&_v=1.0
  8. 12 degrees Fahrenheit this morning as I read this lol. Time for snow here my friend. I have no idea about almond trees but they sound beautiful all we have are scrub oak and pinion pines. But you sound like you have been blessed enjoy them! I'm in for the winter now with hunting season over the roads into the forest will be closed for the year. That means I'll be back at my bench working and watching from indoors the snow blowing by at 60 mph.
  9. that is cool, I take it is a leather working tool of those medieval days gone by. looks like a mini halberd
  10. Nice!!! i have a few old bb guns and soft air guns as well mostly from my sons old toys. Its amazing how accurate the sizes are. Now he is buying the real thing yesterday he brought home a Glock 43 to make a holster for
  11. Thank you for the kind words, I truly appreciate them. I think you have gotten some interesting feed back but probably not what you were expecting lol. Myself i have no interest in testing this new product but I wish you all the luck in your endeavors and hope you do succeed. It may have the ability to replace some leather products adequately but not all of them. I'm sure there would be a market for it someplace if you find the right products to produce with it and of course the right niche to fill in the market. Just realize the world has plenty of fake leather products but most aren't sold in high end stores or as a better replacement product to the equivalent leather item. As most folks here I value my time and when I build my handmade products I want to use the materials ( real leather) that will sell for more I mean why waste your time making subpar. Farmers should not have waste if they do then that waste needs to be tilled under and called organic fertilizer as it used to be used and called. That's what happens to mine. Last day of elk hunting , beautiful black and white day no noise at all just cold crisp air. Good luck my friend!!!!!
  12. Heck yea great work my friend, where's the belt?
  13. They are doing something about it, where have you been the last few years? the original document was called agenda 21. the same people that wrote it and signed it into law at the united nations also taught you it is a hoax but sadly it is real you should read it some day.
  14. lol yes we had the same at the prison i worked at we would collect 50 gallon barrels of the stuff.
  15. https://nypost.com/2023/09/25/even-bill-gates-is-backtracking-the-airs-gone-out-of-the-climate-crisis-balloon/ "The reality, as Gates is reminding us, is there’s not actually a climate “crisis” calling for drastic action tomorrow, and running businesses and institutions as if there is one is counterproductive and even outright destructive. "
  16. really! https://www.climatesciencenews.com/2023-08-21-scientists-professionals-there-is-no-climate-crisis.html
  17. you forgot this, the caption, as well as most of the story co2 levels before 800,00 years have at times been much higher and as the caption states the data is iffy at best. Your comment is just more proof that this subject is highly misled by those pushing an un proven theory and are to uncaring to actually do their own research on the subject. It is undeniable that the climate is an extremely complicated system with many factors that we still do not quite understand, so such statements need to be taken with a grain of salt. Moreover, the further we look back, the more uncertainty there is around the data. Robust evidence “only” spans back 800,000 years thanks to ice cores providing high-resolution records in the form of air bubbles trapped under the freezing snow. lol 97% of scientists aren't even climate scientists so don't believe all the bs your fed. But 97% of any funding goes directly to proving climate change science projects which BTW pays the wages of scientists. Plants utilize co2, it benefits them, and as you can plainly see the earth doesn't have more plant life than ever before. I'll refer back to my fifth grade science and the petri dish theory.
  18. yup and the climate never quits getting either hotter or colder depending on the cycles. we cant change that either and science models cant reproduce the variables associated with those changes to make any kind of rational guess. Wyoming was once a subtropical swamp full of reptiles as big as houses now it is a desert full of mammals. We cant stop nature.
  19. don't worry mother earth is millions of years old if not billions she will bring her self back we just wont be here when she does. My freezer is half full of delicious greens that are considered weeds and they are more nutritious than most gmo veggies. Literally people pull these out of their gardens and destroy them. Being a good steward of the land, and our own health and wisdom, suggests we become more learned on what is edible food and how to use it. So much traditional knowledge has been lost in the falsehoods we are taught from birth that science has all the right answers. They modify food to be easier to pick , more uniform and to sell not to be healthier. My 5th grade science teacher explained the earth as a giant petri dish. It will grow anything to its fullest if one thing dies off then another takes its place there is no end to it until the food supply is gone. If they kill all the cattle because they fart then deer, rabbits, rats, mice or whatever will take up the space and continue to thrive and eat and fart until they exhaust the food supply or are thinned out by other animals. Its a simple concept to understand but is totally ignored by those with an agenda of preaching environmentalism. Plastic is the elephant in the room that we are not allowed to talk about, why because its a product of science, you wont see leather shoes floating in the pacific for years.
  20. they will just sell it to some other person more ignorant of the quality. they don't care and that is the problem i ranted about this a while back on a post then when I emailed and told them that they actually said I may be banned from buying from them lol. Then I had to explain who the customer was with the money and who wanted to sell and who was really banned form the process.
  21. yea go buy one for your self LOL. then make two holsters . if I had a pattern for that I would send it to you.
  22. my chokecherry/ service berry wine has the most awesome taste it partners with elk steaks like peas and carrots lol. comes from the same country too. Sautee your rooms and onions, mix in the pan drippings from the steaks add a touch of choke cherry wine and simmer together a bit then drizzle over that nice rare chunk of heaven!!! I would post a pic but it would just be torture for you lol.
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