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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. It was sooo quiet and not a cloud in the sky , you could see every star in the milky way at night, I love to watch the big dipper slowly circle the north star. I've always wanted to play a digeridoo and check out that big rock you guys have out in desert. we got to watch the mating dance of the sharp-tail grouse this is the one the native Americans imitate in one of their dances. the birds dance around in a circle for a few then take off chasing after a female, it was funny as all get out.
  2. Nice looking work. I use a Dremel with a stone that fits the slot to bevel the belt loops.
  3. i just rendered three gallons of tallow from our Elk, it will be our soap.
  4. beautiful work!!! something to be proud of. BTW leather stacked handles aren't glued they are moistened and compressed no need for glue same for the rawhide.
  5. youngsters aren't changing my friend just the bs that is being taught to them.
  6. "hold my beer and watch this" famous last words of the redneck. That reminds me i found a perfect set of Moose sheds i can turn into about a grand. We were hunting Elk a member of the deer family but the females are called cows the male Bulls unlike Deer which are called Bucks and Does and much larger, three filled our freezer and will last the year.
  7. great job the rivets rock IMO they allow for some movement and don't come unscrewed and lost out in the middle of no where
  8. excellent my friend that is some nice work.
  9. Actually two of my daughters and my son shot theirs, Mine is still roaming the hills.
  10. live skin heals over the ink, dead skin doesn't. you may get a nice picture after a lot of fiddling but the surface of the leather will be destroyed. My oldest daughter tats and i have watched as she taught the other kids on fake skin , they use rubber tp practice on. but hey if i had the inkling i would give it a go i burn pictures on leather so what the heck. Lets see what you got!!
  11. well i brought in the camper still a few days to hunt but i'll be driving from home. everything was awesome but the heat, this year it was to warm but we brought in three wonderful cows to fill the freezer. Man it felt good to relax from the bullshit that the world is facing and just watch the fire and drink a beer or three lol. Sometimes i feel life is still pretty darn good to me.
  12. that will be soooo cool! great job so far.
  13. what Fred said plus turn the thick side so the skin side is to the dog to get a nice lined finish. glue rough to rough.
  14. lol osha and our safety guys would have cut the cord on that without discussion. But you know what i have one too in my personal shop as you said scary tool.
  15. Hand sharpening or polishing a razor sharp piece of metal at 1800 rpm with a buffing wheel is the most dangerous thing anyone can think to do and is usually done by very experienced knife makers or folks who re sell like Bruce. The only thing Bruce's safety poster(very cool btw) leaves out is if you don't need to run the machine and can use a safer method then don't. It simply isn't needed for day to day sharpening if that is your plan. Compound on a strop is what you need for that. On compounds you can find specs and uses for the different colors on the company sites usually. The compounds i buy came with a chart showing what material each is designed for. I know I didn't give a positive response to using these machines and don't know your skill level with power tools but i too have to warn of the risks. However good luck on your endeavor and be really really carful.
  16. I've always wondered if one of these would work for glue ups.https://www.amazon.com/Calliger-Crank-Clothes-Wringer-Rollers/dp/B00OAPW6GM
  17. from a large animal it would make a nice laptop work table for many things I imagine.
  18. nope i'm going back, just in town to wash up and make sick jokes lol. i'm going back out this morning. take care my friend.
  19. verse two i love beans they also give me gas if you want to know how much just listen to my ass i ate some beans and went to bed. when the wife threw back the covers she thought that i was dead.
  20. I like onions cause they give me gas If you wanna know more just listen to my ass Beans do the same but no ones to blame just mother nature playing her dirty little game.
  21. Elk is on my menu!!! Beef? vt leather is beef LOL me too but the parts under the hide are much tastier not that leather hasn't been eaten by starving people many times in the past.
  22. I'm going to be truthful here don't get upset. I didn't go to your website you can google leather 101 and get dozens of lessons on making wallets for free. I wish you all the luck in the world but don't plan on this being your day job.
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