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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. make a hand puppet to scare the cat with lol.
  2. I'll add if you pull your stitches tight and pound them they will set down into the leather without a groove and wont wear. I do any and all of the above whenever I feel its appropriate to what I want my work to look like. I even use different stitching sometimes lol. Its a big wonderful world folks live to the fullest and don't be boxed in by artificial norms. But I don't use a stitching wheel with a set of chisels its redundant so there is no need to worry if the numbers match.
  3. It looks great!! how did you figure the thickness of the axe?
  4. chuck123wapati


    those are awesome my friend!!
  5. not only that but some chisels are measured center to center while others measure the space between teeth.
  6. very nice that's gonna get a nice tan on the back of horse.
  7. Congrats Fred you did well indeed!! Sounds like the best part was the fun time you had. That Austin is making me drool.
  8. Maybe you don't pull the ends as tight as the center when measuring. If you pull the center tighter and compress the leather a bit then when the leather relaxes back straight the scribe mark is farther from the edge or seemingly longer.
  9. Very well my friend. the days are getting noticeably shorter and we have been doing a lot of wild foraging and harvesting in our garden. It wont be long till snow fly's this year.it hasn't been warm at all in fact there is still snow in the hills from last year. None of our warm weather plants did very well but the chard, beets and cooler weather crops did great lol. looks like fried green tomatoes this year lol only one has turned red and they only have about three weeks tops before first frost. its funny we have two predominate "weeds " in our garden, Mallow, and lambs quarters but both are edible and have grown like weeds this year lol so they also go in the freezer. Its crazy how much edible food gets pulled up and thrown away just because its been forgotten as a food source. I've been re wiring the house and fixing the windows for the coming winter, next month hunting season so I'm gonna be busy. I'll bet that old tractor is music to your ears lol i love to listen to them idle along while puffing along. You better put in a garden this year I hear food is going to get scarce world wide. plus you can hit some farmers markets if you have them over there. Take good care of your dad my friend and you stay safe and well also, holidays are now meant for good memories of those you love, St Patty's day kicks my ass, it was my moms favorite and she passed just a couple of days prior. She wore this cheap green plastic shot glass on beads around her neck that she would take a couple nips out of. It hangs off my bed post now and i wear it for her memory every year. God bless you and your pop my friend.
  10. are you using something like this? How do you ensure that the edge your marking off of is straight and remains straight during the process?
  11. it was for the Smith 8 shot 22lr j frame, it should fit.
  12. yea but this dig is super coool this place is on private ground and has been closed for years. https://www.wyohistory.org/encyclopedia/como-bluff
  13. Como bluffs dig!!! https://bigfoot99.com/bigfoot99-news/horse-rescue-holding-fossil-dig-fundraiser/
  14. yea i think so, I've slept since then lol.
  15. i think i sent you this one a while back.
  16. loved those guys!!!! 38s have been made for over 100 years lol all the modern ones have been noted, below is a model 52
  17. oh heck yea those are awesome!!!
  18. apply some heat with a soldering torch to the tubes only then shoot em again with the pb blaster. the heat will expand the tubes and break the rust. you may need to do it a couple of times.
  19. cmon Frodo what model is the gun that shoots that caliber?
  20. beautiful!! both the gun and the leather. i 'm a Keith fan too, love his 44 special hot wadcutter loads in my 44 mag Anaconda makes for one sweet shooting gun.
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