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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. yea but here is no breast or thighs lol just backs. I'm sorry too Frodo for parting from the topic.
  2. Interesting indeed Fred I never knew that. fringe could have started life as a multipurpose thing. if you think about it does add a lot of extra surface area for evaporation. I haven't worn or used enough leather clothes to really know what use they could have originated from i guess. Maybe a i should make me a huntin shirt and do some research this fall lol. Hmmm i wonder if fringe on wool would help now that is a material that wicks down as it dries. My daugther could knit me some fringe on my woolies.
  3. yes it would get tight enough if its the right shape of handle. i cant see your handle to say which would work the best, just giving you some ideas to get started with. saying how you get it to stay on is going to be the hard part without knowing the shape. is it teardrop shaped and flat on the sides or just rectangular?
  4. you can also wrap it in round leather or paracord is always good.
  5. use thin veg tan and you can wrap it like a bicycle handle bar. I added the link for some ideas on how you might attach it and the different styles that you can use. https://blog.walnutstudiolo.com/2020/01/15/diy-leather-wraps-on-anything-using-our-bicycle-bar-wraps/
  6. kind of, a series of interconnected buttons made from something similar to finger nail or maybe horn except very thin and see thru, the noise is made due to the loose connections between each button, they are hollow and empty and act as a amplifier of the noise. They did use them in rituals but a person cant shake them fast enough to rattle believe me I've tried. The older the snake the more buttons on the tail, they are added every time the snake sheds it skin.
  7. yes! they have muscle movement for quite a while. It is practice, around here anyway, to cut off their head and bury it so an animal or person doesn't get bit by it. It will bite and release its venom for a long time without being attached.
  8. Nice work and welcome to the forum.
  9. good luck and don't lay it in the hot sun.
  10. start with the point its a 45 degree angle.
  11. Fringe was an American native thing from what i 've read and seen of them in museums I feel they were an embellishment mostly. Native Americans did like to have nice things and their clothes were as much a status symbol as ours are now. They tied hair to them put beads on them and even dyed them. I also feel they probably helped break up the human outline so an asset to hunting in them. I'm sure they may wick some of the moisture away but not much although I have not found any definite proof of exactly why they used it. If any of you folks are ever in CODY visit the museum, one the finest on western American history both native and not, plan on a two day visit!
  12. Sweeet! those are nice.
  13. i like those designs you came up with, here are some more.
  14. dang your knocking them out there man they look great Bourbon or not lol. Everyone likes a little freestyle once in a while. Have you learned how to make hearts yet with that stamp?
  15. here is a good recipe for you https://bushcraftusa.com/forum/threads/a-really-good-waxing-recipe.126153/
  16. seems you removed the front ground too.
  17. and it smells like Boiled linseed oil for a couple months lol. But that isn't a bad odor IMO, If you have ever painted with oil based paints you know the smell.
  18. i use boiled linseed oil and beeswax the basic formula that been used since sailing boat days and i am sure they also would have used paraffin in the mix also. Folks call it oilskin and recipes abound on the net for it. I can dig out mine if you want but basically melt the two together and it makes a paste when cool as you said then smear it on and heat it to soak it in. I use it on baseball caps, and outdoor gear. Once you decide on a recipe it takes a week or so to dry depending on the temps and stuff. it works on most any cloth.
  19. I've heard of people who don't cut themselves but I've never met one. Twice this week for me on leather and once in the garage on wood, and its only Tuesday. What we need is a thread about getting blood stains out of an almost finished piece lol.
  20. awesome indeed!!!
  21. man that is awesome work!! Took me by surprise my dads initials lol.
  22. I've had some luck looking for names and people on Ancestry .com
  23. ensemble? would the purple rhinestones match your shoes? Lol i don't know but they would leave black and blue knots on your head lol. I'm no expert on walking sticks or clubs either but i do know you need the good wood not the naughty stuff.
  24. mine has some flex but not a lot, it has to be stout to catch a fall or to whack someone with lol.
  25. God bless you pastor. you are right.
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