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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. I've heard of people who don't cut themselves but I've never met one. Twice this week for me on leather and once in the garage on wood, and its only Tuesday. What we need is a thread about getting blood stains out of an almost finished piece lol.
  2. man that is awesome work!! Took me by surprise my dads initials lol.
  3. I've had some luck looking for names and people on Ancestry .com
  4. ensemble? would the purple rhinestones match your shoes? Lol i don't know but they would leave black and blue knots on your head lol. I'm no expert on walking sticks or clubs either but i do know you need the good wood not the naughty stuff.
  5. mine has some flex but not a lot, it has to be stout to catch a fall or to whack someone with lol.
  6. God bless you pastor. you are right.
  7. that is a beautiful piece and the love and hard work you put into it shows IMO.
  8. I don't put plastic in any of my leather goods, its not needed and i have no idea why you would want it. It will break down much sooner than your leather. I didn't watch the video and have no idea why its even used so i cant help much. Good luck with your project
  9. those look really nice, a nice western style vest would look great with them
  10. whats it used for in the wallet? maybe we can figure it out that way or suggest a substitute.
  11. and i also apologize I reread and admit i sounded really rude, crude, i really was just trying to add to the conversation.
  12. https://www.shell.us/business-customers/lubricants-for-business/lubricants-product-stewardship/_jcr_content/par/textimage.stream/1519790500185/1eb1b465dfd7173ef044ad540c12b02d6d5ae599/product-stewardship-lubes-distillates-petroleum-hydrotreated-heavy-paraffinic.pdf What's sad about using products that work? You are believing a company that says only wax darkens leather when we all know different? The reality is that wax can be seen longer(darkens leather) because it doesn't soak in and fade out as quickly as plain oils would. And why it works better as a water repellant than plain oils or surface type protectants. I tend never believe a manufacturers claims about their competitions products nor about their own. Leather needs oils to maintain them, and they darken leather in doing so, it cant be helped. I would instead worry about those products that don't darken leather as they really aren't doing much IMO. Some more food for thought not all leather needs the same conditioner or oils, each leather product has its specific use which really determines the type of conditioners needed to protect it to the fullest. oil is a natural product just not renewable in our short lifetimes. We will be in the next batch!!. Many leather workers have been scared by the big bad eco bullies because they are either to lazy to find the truth or just want to remain willfully ignorant and virtue signal at every intersection. Petroleum products work and work well that's why we invented the processes that refine them. BTW The whales were very thankful for the creation of kerosene!!!
  13. I must still be pretty sharp, my wife says i have the mind of an 18 year old. Cmon guys there's nothing silly about those blue pills. I take a half of one in the morning when I'm out hunting. They make it so much easier to find in the cold weather and also keeps me from peeing on my boots. Now grow up and get back on topic, hardwood walking stick jokes LOL.
  14. first rate as always my friend!! never done a money belt hope I get to one of these days.
  15. so that's how you make hardwood walking sticks LOL. Do they shrink in cold weather ?
  16. that should easily work for your dog. I make mine 3/4" and 4mm for American Bullies they weigh about a 130 lbs. and pull like the dickens. I've owned a husky also and they don't pull near as hard.
  17. i would charge $225 and sell it to the next guy. Custom leather isn't for cheap thinking folks and you will never change their minds so don't underprice your self on their account or you will go broke.
  18. I'm glad your a show off, you make some nice stuff and i like to see it.
  19. mine is so old it dried out to dust now i re hydrate it and use it anytime i'm drying out more now so i can have a stash of it on hand. I use it on my wood projects also.
  20. dish soap and water, wash, rinse until clean and then shape with your spit, let dry.
  21. That will last about two years, I don't drink as much as i use cooking but i had to have a glass, a good cook always tastes their work you know. Cooked out doors for the first time of the year yesterday, hamburgers over an open fire and fresh homemade buns you just cant beat that smoky flavor lol. I'll be firing up the tiller today, mama wants a big garden this year so its time to get to work no more of the easy leather work for a week or so. Then i have to fix the front end on my truck, i busted two u joints on the front axles ruining both inner axles in the process so there is some money out the window i couldn't afford to lose and a lot of work to totally rebuild of the front differential. I built the pistol form a kit many years ago, basically just did the fitting and wood work but it shoots well and I'm deciding on how to carry it in my possibles bag or not, I usually just stick it in my belt like the pirates did.
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