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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. don't flatten the foot polish it, like the expensive machines, so the teeth aren't ragged, that is what trashes the leather. Also check the distance between the bobbin hook and your needle shunt, when the knot pulls into the hole it tightens the thread to much and the bobbin hook then pierces the thread and breaks it.
  2. probably lined it with a thin natural piece.
  3. wow man that is really nice work. It go well with some of my Chokecherry wine lol.
  4. lol I ve never seen a hot pink skunk but if i did i would give up drinking!!! https://www.glacierwear.com/animal-fur-pelts-hides-skins/skunk-pelts.html
  5. reasonable expectations of a leather product is pretty vague as the wear or abuse they get can vary greatly. A book cover or a pair of work boots? I don't "guarantee" replacement of any of my stuff but i will make it right if its a defect i missed or i will repair it if its damaged from use. I usually don't charge for repairs because i just don't get them I guess and there is no real reason to replace leather items when they usually only need re stitched. If the leather is ruined from misuse or failure of the owner to take care of it , its on them.
  6. They smell much worse than burnt rubber my friend. Its an old family favorite lol there are plenty of skunks around here.
  7. I always started singing this, while rolling the window down. lol
  8. I figured i'd quit tramping on Frodos thread lol. Caught two nice rainbows yesterday. Floured and fried them in Butter, onion, and clove or two of garlic, love that cast iron!!! Had home made cheese biscuits and Jalapeno poppers with them. Had a great day , found a fossil leaf. Going fishing again today!!!
  9. i was out at the lake yesterday, Seminoe dam, and heard a total of two motorcycles and one car in over four hours. There are so many better places to go in Wyoming than Yellowstone. For free. Found this fossil just roaming along.
  10. I'm going fishing tomorrow and I'm toting along my fishing bow. I was thinking the same thing about tanning some Carp skins. One of the guys on here had an arm guard made from Carp skin , looked pretty cool. Btw Carp is pretty good stuff if you get the good cold water ones and get the mud line out. We Cut it into fingers and deep fry it. A little cole slaw and some beer MMMMMMMMM,
  11. i've never done bible covers with zippers but Al Stohlman has in making leather cases book #2 if you have it.
  12. it will be mid July at the earliest before i can get to the the Brookie fishing, over 200% percent snow pack this year.
  13. love me some bass, those are going to be tasty i can tell from here!!! I'm going Monday morning ice is finally gone around the edges I'm told, No Bass this high up but its time for the Browns to spawn.
  14. man now I'm hungry!!
  15. Nuggets? man its so good that if you rubbed a piece on your forehead your tongue would beat your brains out trying to lick it off.
  16. That is a good video Pastor. thank you!!
  17. looks like you got a plan!!!! That aluminum is pretty easy to work down with a file also so you can shape it to suit yourself.
  18. It is very worth posting you did great on that butterfly maybe some light tooling to create some shape to the body. Hardest thing there is on a dad is seeing his little girl in trouble, hang in there man, your her rock.
  19. i treat mine with a coat of nfo then Feibings golden mink oil. So far two a half years on my dogs and no problems.
  20. lol besides the lake 30 miles away we have seagulls in two places the McDonalds parking lot and the city dump. tells a lot about the food at mc D's, Heck yea i can make a rue and I've ate plenty of them little furry tails. They are tiny here compared to the ones in your world though it takes about five to get a decent meal. Funny story, years ago me and the wife were fishing on the bank of the lake. the wife likes to use cheese balls and its really good on trout. well she was munching on some cheetos and got this brain fart that they may be good trout bait too so out comes the hook a nice fat cheeto is put on and as she casts it out. it no sooner hit the water than here comes a seagull diving at top speed LOL my wife got this look of OH SH*T why didnt i think this would happen look in her eyes and started reeling like heck. Luckily the cheeto pulled off just as the gull hit it and swooped it away.
  21. that one looks good too my friend. most folks around here buy the Judge for snakes so maybe not as off topic as it seems lol
  22. lol in this case the crap is going to be squirrel so I'm good with that. poor guy prolly never felt a thang.
  23. not what i pictured from a knife maker. interesting design. I take it you may have limited tools for wood working or metal so... I would do this get two pieces of wood of some type about 3/8ths " thick glue them to the sides of the metal and shape them and the metal with a file to a shape pleasing to you and your hand then wrap them with flat leather strap or flat paracord. You pull out the inside of the paracord to make it flat. You could even make the handle interior out leather if you have no wood.
  24. those stitches sure pop man that is fine looking. Nice grips too btw.
  25. that's a good idea !! I have a canvas Sioux lodge, teepee, I haven't set up in years but We would tie strings to the lodge poles to divert the water and drip it off where it did no harm to our belongings.
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