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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. Probably not, here in the states the big thing is to stick them on the side of your bow. The old one was such a contraption. I hate them, they ruin a perfect shooting bow. Every arrow taken off changes every shot, they are hanging out front and increase the movement of the bow so critters see you faster plus you have to put your hands out in front to get another arrow. As you can see i changed mine to a belt quiver , it hangs behind me so its out of sight and i can get an arrow without scaring everything off. plus i can get through the woods without losing them. I used it about one day as intended then fixed it.
  2. The old archery bug hit hard, I'm going hunting this fall. My old quiver needed replaced so here it is. All veg tan of various weights. Bison brown mottled on and a bit of that antiquing. I tried a little free hand work with the tooling and also some lacing. The basket lacing is mostly Mexican round braid someday i'll fix it. NOT LOL!! Arm guard is next. Its not my best work, i wanted to do some practice on my tooling and this where i do it, on my own stuff. I used the aluminum from the old quiver as the frame for my new one.
  3. why would neets foot oil or mink oil harden leather? i've been using both for years with no trouble. Your current process sounds good too why change?
  4. Hey how have you been? i finished up the truck yesterday, everything new under the front end and ready to go. We caught a few trout at the lake too last week and man i'm eating like king Charles. Fresh trout caviar and smoked trout served on home made toast and washed down with some home made wine, very rare wine indeed lol. Darn its tough being poor lol. Spring is here now and the work starts I'll be tilling up the garden tomorrow and getting it ready also cleaning the garage for some knife making and hide tanning.
  5. yup i;ve been there just set and watch the little bugger. They give you a glance every once in a while like "What?" second night about 3 in the morning i hear him rooting around in my lodge, I hit my flashlight and it blinded him so he's runnin around looking for the way out which isnt easy in a round tent with a small opening and two layers of canvas lol. I'm peeking out from under my fart sack yelling and carrying on trying to get him out without getting sprayed, covering my head up every time he made a lap around my bag. My friend hears the commotion in his tent and starts to come over so there i am yelling at him now not to come in the skunks back. I hear silence then " well what the he** you want me to do about that? Then this muffled type laughing, i could hear him out there trying to stifle himself to no avail. All the while this skunk is roaming around and about ten minutes later he finally finds the door. Man did i get the shit in the morning, every skunk joke you could imagine, and most of them stunk lol.. My dog got hit last year in our front yard yes that recipe works pretty darn good. i have some on hand now.
  6. i glue then trim both pieces together with a sharp knife.
  7. found this in about ten seconds on google.https://www.deleeuwhides.com/hides/wet-white.aspx
  8. very cool !! I need those tweezers!!! I get stuck every day doing something.
  9. very cool pattern, they do that by drilling the layered barstock when its thick then as they forge it down thinner and flatten it the birds eye effect comes out. I'm working up my nerve to try and make some Damascus this year. Takes a lot of strong arm hammering if you don't have a machine.
  10. very cool blade love that Damascus , never sharpen until your done working on it. You can guess how I know lol.
  11. i was strong armed once by a skunk. One night when we were hunting, we were all in my lodge ( native American teepee) drinkin beer having a great time cooking pork chops. I had my cooler setting near the door with the package of chops setting out on top. Well this big old skunk smells them i guess and decides he wants a pork chop too and comes waddling right in and grabs one sets down on his butt and starts to munching away right in the middle of the doorway. Guess what four big bad elk hunters do when that happens? They stand wide eyed and wondering what the hell to do next lol. Cant get out, cant yell, cant hit it or your whole tent and you and all your gear will be stinky forever. We just stood there watching him eat pretty soon when he got good and ready I swear he smiled flipped us off and then moseyed on off with the rest of his chop. A person doesn't really know what the most respected animal in the woods are until your face to face with a skunk man they have the power IMO. They are really rude critters and don't care if you like them or want them to leave and there isn't shit you can do about it lol. The next night he came in again while i was sleeping. Third night we went skunk hunting lol. That's the tale of two skunks camp.
  12. very cool design I like it too.
  13. don't flatten the foot polish it, like the expensive machines, so the teeth aren't ragged, that is what trashes the leather. Also check the distance between the bobbin hook and your needle shunt, when the knot pulls into the hole it tightens the thread to much and the bobbin hook then pierces the thread and breaks it.
  14. probably lined it with a thin natural piece.
  15. wow man that is really nice work. It go well with some of my Chokecherry wine lol.
  16. lol I ve never seen a hot pink skunk but if i did i would give up drinking!!! https://www.glacierwear.com/animal-fur-pelts-hides-skins/skunk-pelts.html
  17. reasonable expectations of a leather product is pretty vague as the wear or abuse they get can vary greatly. A book cover or a pair of work boots? I don't "guarantee" replacement of any of my stuff but i will make it right if its a defect i missed or i will repair it if its damaged from use. I usually don't charge for repairs because i just don't get them I guess and there is no real reason to replace leather items when they usually only need re stitched. If the leather is ruined from misuse or failure of the owner to take care of it , its on them.
  18. They smell much worse than burnt rubber my friend. Its an old family favorite lol there are plenty of skunks around here.
  19. I always started singing this, while rolling the window down. lol
  20. I figured i'd quit tramping on Frodos thread lol. Caught two nice rainbows yesterday. Floured and fried them in Butter, onion, and clove or two of garlic, love that cast iron!!! Had home made cheese biscuits and Jalapeno poppers with them. Had a great day , found a fossil leaf. Going fishing again today!!!
  21. i was out at the lake yesterday, Seminoe dam, and heard a total of two motorcycles and one car in over four hours. There are so many better places to go in Wyoming than Yellowstone. For free. Found this fossil just roaming along.
  22. I'm going fishing tomorrow and I'm toting along my fishing bow. I was thinking the same thing about tanning some Carp skins. One of the guys on here had an arm guard made from Carp skin , looked pretty cool. Btw Carp is pretty good stuff if you get the good cold water ones and get the mud line out. We Cut it into fingers and deep fry it. A little cole slaw and some beer MMMMMMMMM,
  23. i've never done bible covers with zippers but Al Stohlman has in making leather cases book #2 if you have it.
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