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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. LOL I love it , very cool work!!
  2. Thanks thank you The deer was drawn by my daughter and myself, she designed it and then i tweaked it a bit. oh heck yea, its going Carp hunting in a couple days lol. thanks. Thank you.
  3. thanks Home made stamp too just an old bolt. thank you!
  4. All are very nice , a holster for every occasion !
  5. The smoke from the Canadian fires reached us about a week ago, at one point it was so bad you couldn't see a mile.
  6. Just finished this to go with the quiver i made. Thought i would go with Celtic type theme. Why because i know I couldn't carve a real looking elk and make it look right LOL. The scales are left natural, Bison brown stain and I antiqued the critter to make the lines pop and to darken it more.
  7. i usually apply it with either an air brush or a natural sponge. The airbrush if i want a nice even dye job, or with the sponge if i want it to have some variation without streaks and stuff. i have a hard time getting an even job without dipping, never have figured out the dauber so i use the problem to my advantage a natural sponge does a nice job if you just daub or tap it lightly, don't wipe it or smear on the dye just daub it lightly all over. here is a phone case with the dye daubed on.
  8. yes it is i use a lot of it, Bison brown on my bottle.
  9. v407 for the leaves and f916 for the petals.
  10. being poor made me learn things and a cheapskate to boot lol now i just cant see spending money on stuff i can make Some day i will finish this.
  11. Yes i can !! heres a flower and a pinwheel .
  12. a small round jewlers or needle file, they sell them in sets of six or so different shaped files for less than ten bucks in most hardware stores or Walmarts over here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WDCBJ1G/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?pd_rd_i=B07WDCBJ1G&pd_rd_w=zrgcq&content-id=amzn1.sym.f734d1a2-0bf9-4a26-ad34-2e1b969a5a75&pf_rd_p=f734d1a2-0bf9-4a26-ad34-2e1b969a5a75&pf_rd_r=7QYBX8BZEYDSYKRSN8PB&pd_rd_wg=dtMG1&pd_rd_r=188ab0b2-ceec-4a7b-ab29-ec269340906a&s=musical-instruments&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&th=1
  13. i use my artist acrylics all the time, they don't care what i put them on and the leather isn't the wiser either.
  14. i made one today thought i would share. Found a long shank bolt with the right size shank to fit the knife. Cut to length, squared the hex with a sander. cut the round first , then narrowed the square to what i figured i wanted and filed in the outside bevel. Took about 30 minutes. I would suggest stainless bolts if you can find them but its not a problem to use regular bolts.
  15. awesome sentiment and an awesome truck, i want one!! Ribbons would be a good thing from some scrap leather as well. Wishing you and yours all the best my friend.
  16. making leather cases vol 2 page 99 Has a cool method of doing something round, it would work well on your case. they cut nice looking tabs in the edge that folds over then they lace the tabs together, you could do that or even use decorative tacks to fasten them down.
  17. its not crazy hard but forming the tight radius will be the problem. you could use the aniline where it needs formed and inlay your tooled pieces into it. You could form the long straight edges and sew around the radius.
  18. 200 bucks for that thing, amazing. Great work on the sheath my friend.
  19. Almost three hours before we even heard a car pass by. i have to find out the names of those flowers they are amazing out in the desert. Yes if it gets down there its shouldn't cause no harm just keep an eye on it and check for hot spots when you fire it up.
  20. Thank you, you will need about a 24" great place for the small ones lol.
  21. beautiful as always my friend!!
  22. those are very cool, its amazing what those machines can do in the right hands
  23. Thanks I may just do that for you when i make the next one. I'm finding out folks around here kind a like them too.
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