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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. i Hope you can one of these days get out for the day at lest. Even a couple hours helps.
  2. Edc a new market or just a new buzz word or should i say buzz acronym? Your work rocks my friend no matter what you call it.!!
  3. I do agree i feel they are over priced too i sell a strap belt for about 35 bucks with a simple roller buckle but..... We live in a world of buyer beware. do buyers have to be aware? Or is there someone who has to be aware for the buyer? People stand in line in our store to buy water from a machine that is tied to the very same water source as the house they live in! the only difference is a filter they could buy for 20 bucks, but instead they buy 5 gallon plastic bottles, waste gasoline and wait in line. The store knows its the same water only filtered. The store also sells filters. profit margin and profit? Sell a few things at a high margin to get to your desired profit margin or sell a shit ton of cheap things at a lower profit to realize the same profit. Both are acceptable methods of making money in any business class in the world. Another viable and well used business concept, figure your overhead and tack on the profit you would like to see then add say 20% more. If you sell like hot cakes raise your prices until sales fall off if you don't, lower your prices until sales pick up, quality has nothing to do with it. There are business classes in college but there are no consumer classes in college. Why? because businesses fund colleges, consumers fund businesses. In answer to your question friend. Forget what everyone else charges it makes no difference to the world, charge what you want to, the consumer will decide if they want to pay you that's how business is taught and that's how business works.
  4. very cool indeed !!! the ones we find in Wyoming are made from stone lol.
  5. I haven't read all three pages of comments but has anyone suggested knife rolls, many knife collectors use them. and they could be made easier and cheaper than individual sheathes. Personally i have met folks with requests like this and they don't usually pay off. They simply want something really good for nothing. Charge what you feel is appropriate and realize that other people will pay what you want for your goods if you really want to do it as a job type craft. If you do want to buy a machine then you can by selling your work to folks willing to pay your prices not by people who want your stuff cheaper than you can make it, that's just the reality of the situation.
  6. Took the old three speed for a spin today and two years after rescuing it. beautiful day in town the lilacs are blooming as well as all the other apple trees and flowers. All you smell are the lilacs above everything else. Life is good today!!!
  7. They are living what we fought against 250 years ago. Why this is still an acceptable form of governing your fellow man in anyone's eyes is my question?
  8. then your not the odd duck. i must have read a different thread sorry.
  9. i used to think that until chicken wings became so popular lol now they cost more than breast. I think he is looking at this through the butchers eyes, the butcher buys a side of beef he then doesn't throw the scraps away just because he paid for the beef with the prime ribs. he sells them for a different cut, even sells the bones for the marrow. In essence the butcher pays the same price for both scrap and prime rib but sells at different prices. like buying a half of a hide its not all the same quality of leather all over.
  10. pull the threads , get about an 1/2" inch strap of thinner leather sew it around the edge of your pieces in the existing holes like a border on an inlay then resew that new edge. maybe 5/8" or even 3/4" sorry I don't have an edit button.
  11. Good job Bruce very well worded, i even keep my scrap thread it cost the same too and can be used for small stuff such as sewing belt loops or holding thing together temporarily. I was taught as a young un to be frugal from my folks who just happened to grow up during the depression. We didn't waste much as a family and I still don't.
  12. I'm speechless! 1. We can fly what ever flag we want any time. The US flag always is highest on the pole with the states flag below. The US flag has to be lit at night. 2. we need a permit for a parade but it is for a parade, walking to the pub isn't a parade here lol but we can be arrested for drunk in public walking home. Congregating is a lawful practice. But the cops have their ways here too, we have so many laws they can usually pin multiple offences on a person and they do it regularly just to get a conviction on one or a portion of the offences. We are lucky our constitution and bill of rights were written in reaction to a good portion of the laws Ireland was placed under as an unwilling member of the UK.
  13. The US has two sets of laws, State laws and federal laws. Each states laws are different than other state laws. also we have county laws and each town has its ordinances. Each state has a constitution as well as our federal constitution. 1. Wonderful Wyoming, USA in a small town in the middle of a great big desert. we can own guns until we become a felon then its illegal. Both under state law and federal law. we need a special federal permit for fully automatic weapons. Here in Wyoming its not uncommon to see people open carrying their firearms. The crime rate is very low here unlike the major cities most folks hear about. hunting is highly regulated but anyone can apply for the licenses and enjoy if they are lucky. I can buy a gun , own a gun and use a gun if don't break the law and become a felon I can have one or many in fact for my entire life. We have the right to defend ourselves with equal force using them for violence is illegal. 2.I shoot my bow in the backyard, i can tote it anywhere anytime. a special 30 day archery hunting season in September before rifle season crossbows included. Bow fishing is only for non game species( Carp) is about it here. 3. Knives are legal to carry also, not uncommon to see a 6 inch blade on someone's side, using them for violence is illegal using them for self defense is not. 4. Fishing is highly regulated depending on location and fish types and creel limit but anyone can buy a license and fish, most towns in Wyoming actually have fishing ponds for the kids and families, they can fish free without a license anywhere. some watersheds have specific rules, like artificial baits only. Any State federal or BLM land is open to the public for recreational activities. 5. Our cops have the right to defend themselves also and meet violence with equal force. there has been one officer shooting here in the last since i can remember, 40 + years about 6 year ago. 6. Starting a business, you need a federal tax ID and you pay state taxes on purchases only, Wyoming has no income tax. Here you can makes as much money as you want but you have to pay federal taxes on all of it. you can work form home to a point but our towns and land is taxed on it use so residential areas and business areas are different places lol so you cant open a full fledged business in a neighbor hood. If a person makes less than a certain amount every year then they are not taxed its called the poverty level. 7. We have all kinds of critters, lol but no really big snakes or spiders, no crocs, a few grizzlies however. 8. gas is about 3.50 a gallon right now, all the food prices have gone up at least 100% since our last election some thing 3 or 4 hundred percent.. We pay state federal and some county taxes. our food and rental is pretty high due to the high paying job market and the fact we are out in the boonies and the seasonal vacationers. Its always been that way somewhat and has nothing to do with politics, mostly greed. i had to laugh this year, i did my federal taxes online and afterword i got my credit score, its a score based on how much you make and borrow and how fast you pay off your debts. its used by companies to lend you money. Everything i own is paid for, my house , my cars etc.. I haven't borrowed money in so long I don't have a credit score LOL. I couldn't borrow now if i had to.
  14. Once a father always a father lol you are a lucky man my friend!! Both are very beautiful work Fred. What is that leather on the bracer i like that?
  15. you sure make a pretty looking holster.
  16. your getting a nice set made my fiend! You cant beat the feel and looks of a piece of antler and it just fits with leather work.
  17. Where i hunt the pine beetle kill is so bad the deadfall is six and seven feet high. The critters have all had to change their trails and habits, they cant even get through it. AND get this, a bit more to think about on the fire problem. yes more environmental logic. Traditionally and historically folks used to camp near the creeks and rivers, now called riparian areas, why? because it was moist and fires could be more easily controlled very easy to understand even to people thousands of years ago with no education. Now thanks to idiots with degrees it is illegal to camp within 100 feet of riparian areas because you may damage the fauna. So guess where people camp??? In the dry brushy areas or trees where a fire is 1000 times more likely to catch the place on fire than the moist riparian areas. Its a shame!
  18. wonderful work Stewart!! painting glass is hard to do.
  19. great practice piece, i have done stuff like that that, then after the practice i have used the leather again to make rough out sheathes for some of my old knives. they don't care if a ruined picture or a bunch of doodles are on the inside.
  20. he is a dandy! check around your foundation for any holes he can get in.
  21. Sadly, in the US, the environmentalists have gotten so many places designated wilderness that the roads which were originally cut for fighting wildfires have been closed off. Yea firefighters cant drive in either how is that for environmental logic? Additionally the amount of deadfall due to the Pine Beatle years ago doesn't allow for the firefighters an easy way out if trouble happens so it to dangerous to fight, most of the time they can only stage and watch it burn. The Mullen fire here a couple years ago was that way, all they could do was fight a few places where they had access and save a few cabins, for months they just sat at the staging area watching the planes try. In addition almost the whole states funding was spent doing nothing because they couldn't do anything. Its a shame.
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