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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. you can even use it on leather!
  2. Ballistol. https://ballistol-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ballistol-story_engl.pdf
  3. i think Doc is on to it. My snap setter is similar to this except it has a sleeve that will slide down into the snap ring so that the thing isn't deformed when set.
  4. you may pull it off if it hasn't been cut to deep, if its just a tracing or crafttool image I don't see why you cant. Some pics would help!! This is totally tooled on the inside with practice work, it was in my junk bin and i needed a sheath.
  5. you can use the other side of the leather, its called rough out.
  6. dang nice thing you got into there how did you get so lucky? !! the holster is a standout for sure and looks great with it.
  7. lol, I still have the tiller. Dirt bikes were my thing, pre marriage, you cant drive em slow er well I cant drive em slow, I had to lay mine down on the hiway one day on the way to work and my new wife didn't care much for that, end of story there.
  8. lol one year my wife asked me what i wanted for fathers day. i held out my hands and said i want something with wide handle bars like this and a big motor rumbling between my legs..... She bought me a tiller.
  9. yup awls take practice and skill. chisels don't that's why folks rely on them so much, me included. When you learn to use an awl you take about an hours chisel work from the equation, it becomes simpler and faster to use only an awl and two needles. Another thing i found is if your clam is built correctly you can use the edge of the clam as a guide for your awl Check out an antique glovers clam sometime its built with notches along the edge that guide your awl and space it to make a perfect stitch line.
  10. Hell yea it is!! Is that a bullet hole too?
  11. i have to agree with everyone else that is some nice clean work there .
  12. Oh man what a tragedy, i am so sorry to hear that, and i have you in my thoughts and prayers. I can only say I know what you have went through, i was with my mom when she went to heaven, yes she could hear you and feel your love. I know its the hardest thing you will ever live through but remember she will always be by your side. Love your dad man and stay strong for him.
  13. "20 armed IRS and federal agents raid Great Falls gun store. They didnt take any financial records, accounting or tax statements. But they did take all the 4473 forms. (Buyer's Information) Now we know what the 87,000 IRS agents are for." https://wltreport.com/2023/06/17/20-heavily-armed-irs-and-atf-agents-conduct-raid-on-gun-shop/
  14. well then why haven't you ordered it yet lol.
  15. yup a Starrett . But why do you want it for leather?
  16. my thoughts are ,, yes you are more of an expert than you realize. The Top grain /full grain high quality thing has been a selling point for other leather products such as belts for example that buyers and crafters just use it without really knowing. Its a marketing gimmik! I feel a watch strap is a highly misunderstood product in that no one really thinks about the construction of such a small article. they buy it for comfort, feel and the big variable question mark that no one can understand ( its just their "style"). Each type of leather obviously has different pros and cons so build techniques like reinforcement needs to change with those variables to produce a quality product which has both durability and comfort.
  17. lol you may need to know which way the road is going once you find it.
  18. fantastic ! you put some work into that little thing.
  19. omg cmon folks lighten up has the psyops from social media destroyed your ability to have a conversation? I would call that a diamond chisel. A really crappy made diamond chisel!!! with the flat chisel edge it more resembles the lacing chisels i own. All my diamond chisels are filed to a point on all four sides like an awl, like Burkhart is trying to say, which really means they aren't chisels after all LOL. But the tines themselves are cut the same the shape of the point being the only difference i can see from the ones I OWN. See folks the English language isn't the best to use but its what we have to determine the names of things the bad part is there seems to be more than one English language. Also several ways to interpret other languages into English. Why they call them chisels!!!!!! Chisel, noun, a wedge like tool with a cutting edge at the end of the blade, often made of steel, used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, etc. Also found this while perusing the subject, lol so my above comment about them not being chisels is wrong also man isn't learning fun!!! diamond-point chisel noun : a cold chisel having a diamond-shaped cutting face for cutting V grooves or sharp internal corners SO NOW with that new information ITS NOT A "DIAMOND POINT CHISEL" but it is still a chisel and does cut the same shape into leather with the same or similar angle. Last thing I, m not yelling, arguing or any other negative connotations you may want to read into this I just copied and pasted and I'm not gonna waste my time changing fonts!!!!
  20. a round gear would even work like a bicycle chain and gear
  21. a foot pedal tied to the handle to pull it down, a spring mounted above the handle to pull it back up, very simple. or if you want to get fancy a concentric cam mounted on the handle shaft you could then put your spring below it by the pedal. push the pedal down it pulls the lever down take you foot off the spring pulls it back up.
  22. to be anti chisel, anti awl, etc... would be anti tool which is kind of hypocritical considering the amount of tools we use in the craft. its just silly. I wasn't offended my friend, by anyone's comments. just trying to clarify things a bit. And i have read those articles as well, there will always be people who consider their way of doing things as the only way to do things. Many people can and do sew with an awl exclusively and have mastered the process, they become purists in a sewing sense and rightly so I guess i haven't got that good and probably never will. They see using a chisel as adding steps and unnecessary time while beginners see them as saving time and frustration. I still respect their right and ability to do so because i want to be that good too all the while trying to give sound accurate advise to folks who are just learning as i still am after many years.
  23. I don't think anyone is anti chisel, at least i didn't get that from any comments, how ever some realize they have their limits just like any tool. I'll be willing to bet almost everyone uses them in some form. Here's the deal for me i have chisels and i use them on every project if possible. With that being said some times the teeth just aren't long enough to go all the way through so guess what i need an awl. So i have learned that if my project is to thick i simply mark the outside layer then use an awl to push through the other two layers it saves well over an hour of chiseling through three layers separately then trying to line everything up then having to clean the holes anyway with an awl. its simple and fast, mark, use your awl and then sew. secondly i glue my edges so any chisel holes usually have some amount of glue up and need an awl run through it. Thirdly try doing a mitered edge on a round box with chisels. Simply some things just cant be done with chisels. On misinformation its easy to do without being intentional. We all see what we do everyday and how we do it. Sure something can be made exclusively with chisels if its flat and thin enough but that's not all i see in my world. I see weird shaped and thick stuff to often to just say buy these and your all set. But i guess I'm different I don't want to, really I just cant its no fun to me, make cookie cutter projects and blindly follow Tandy patterns ( NOT THAT ITS A BAD THING)I like to learn and discover and explore and above all push myself. i haven't mastered awl sewing but I'm trying. We just have to remember how big the leather world really is from watch straps to Saddles and there isn't just one way of doing things or one tool that will do it all..
  24. “Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.”
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