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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. just watched this episode on saddle making its friggin awesome you will learn how to use round knife in two seconds.
  2. it has a ton of recipes for almost every thing , from art like jappaning . cleaning , metals, paints and varnishes, glass, laundry soaps and household stuff a section called home chemists guide lol.. Really a cool little book. I love collecting and reading books about making stuff. There is so much lost knowledge out there in books that will be forever lost to the www. here is an on topic subject for you.
  3. lol here's one of those old things not be wasted, Knowledge!!! 1935 edition
  4. i have elk tallow i rendered over 20 years ago, its still good , not rancid at all i use it for my Black powder wads.
  5. very cool! Are these for air rifle pellets?
  6. my dad was a mechanic, grew up on ranches, he would spend a big portion of his summer weekends and after work going out to the ranches and fixing up their haying machines and equipment most had nice shops with about every type tool you would need. I used to love to go along and watch him and help out. You would be surprised how many things you can fix with a simple nail lol.
  7. two i repeat two regular zip lock sammich bags lol. inside a dry bag. However here there is little to no cell service in our mountains so its kind of moot to tote one along, how did we ever survive?
  8. you guys will love this series. true craftsmen do still exist.
  9. yeesh good luck, Found this info it is a start however i would be hesitant to soak a 1000 phone in the lake. ive done a lot of kayaking, my phone goes in two bright orange water proof bags that float and i don't take it out until I'm on dry land lol. any way these are milspec and as close to water proof as you can get. https://www.androidauthority.com/mil-std-810g-rating-1017646/ Some day they will make a camera with a phone in it.
  10. why use a dozen different products when this is time proven, over a 100 years, petroleum or not it has been tested in battle on leather and metal and it works. and in the U.S. its much less expensive than bees wax olive oil New age BS sustainable climate change my ass products that were replaced by it a hundred years ago. Sorry folks I don't believe in new age buzz words as a sales gimmick.
  11. you can even use it on leather!
  12. Ballistol. https://ballistol-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ballistol-story_engl.pdf
  13. i think Doc is on to it. My snap setter is similar to this except it has a sleeve that will slide down into the snap ring so that the thing isn't deformed when set.
  14. you may pull it off if it hasn't been cut to deep, if its just a tracing or crafttool image I don't see why you cant. Some pics would help!! This is totally tooled on the inside with practice work, it was in my junk bin and i needed a sheath.
  15. you can use the other side of the leather, its called rough out.
  16. dang nice thing you got into there how did you get so lucky? !! the holster is a standout for sure and looks great with it.
  17. lol, I still have the tiller. Dirt bikes were my thing, pre marriage, you cant drive em slow er well I cant drive em slow, I had to lay mine down on the hiway one day on the way to work and my new wife didn't care much for that, end of story there.
  18. lol one year my wife asked me what i wanted for fathers day. i held out my hands and said i want something with wide handle bars like this and a big motor rumbling between my legs..... She bought me a tiller.
  19. yup awls take practice and skill. chisels don't that's why folks rely on them so much, me included. When you learn to use an awl you take about an hours chisel work from the equation, it becomes simpler and faster to use only an awl and two needles. Another thing i found is if your clam is built correctly you can use the edge of the clam as a guide for your awl Check out an antique glovers clam sometime its built with notches along the edge that guide your awl and space it to make a perfect stitch line.
  20. Hell yea it is!! Is that a bullet hole too?
  21. i have to agree with everyone else that is some nice clean work there .
  22. Oh man what a tragedy, i am so sorry to hear that, and i have you in my thoughts and prayers. I can only say I know what you have went through, i was with my mom when she went to heaven, yes she could hear you and feel your love. I know its the hardest thing you will ever live through but remember she will always be by your side. Love your dad man and stay strong for him.
  23. "20 armed IRS and federal agents raid Great Falls gun store. They didnt take any financial records, accounting or tax statements. But they did take all the 4473 forms. (Buyer's Information) Now we know what the 87,000 IRS agents are for." https://wltreport.com/2023/06/17/20-heavily-armed-irs-and-atf-agents-conduct-raid-on-gun-shop/
  24. well then why haven't you ordered it yet lol.
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