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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. God bless you my friend and happy Easter right back.
  2. and more acid in your leather! quit jackin with it let it work a couple weeks and go enjoy Easter my friend.
  3. box cases are in book three, they don't specifically show a shotgun case but the techniques are the same.
  4. holy cow those are awesome stamps. I have never seen that brand over here in the states.
  5. the Al stohlman books on case making to start , i think there are three.
  6. i was just thinking the younger folk just snap a picture on their phones to save and share info, it would be good to have something on or near the sign so they could do that. good luck to you sounds like you have a good niche going.
  7. that sure should prove your point , it looks really nice. How do they get ahold of you?
  8. here is some good info to have on hand. https://www.leather-dictionary.com/index.php/Split_leather
  9. That is good !! its been a tough winter here, two back to back heavy snow falls ,that left over three feet then just last week another heavy one with 9 inches or so, all the critters are hungry and i 'm hoping they make the birthing season without more snow.
  10. didn't see this one but i have agree it does look nice! Now you need to work on those bolsters a bit.
  11. Did you know you could feed hawks with bread crumbs? We have been putting out our stale bread for the finches but the squirrels took over. Now it appears the hawks are back for the summer.
  12. beautiful work my friend, how many tools are used in that pattern? is your loop sewn on?
  13. I don't think it is , its very light and flexible though when seasoned, so they don't break easily they bend a bit. when i was a kid i would climb the young trees until they bent over and let me back off on the ground don't know why i thought it was so much fun but it was to me lol. when they clear cut the pine then the quakies grow back in so thick that the forest service has to thin them out, they leave big piles of the saplings so i get a few.
  14. but if ya are worried about .2mm difference and cant skive it then moisten it and press it, burnish or hammer it, remember its leather and it will compress
  15. yes you are fogging a dead horse, build the wallet now your leather will be thinner too after about a year of settin on it
  16. we learn form each other , that's what life is about in a healthy thriving society. there is nothing except maybe walking that we haven't learned from others. I learned from you how to make a desk top leather picture, that is so cool you even put in the corners and i will copy it at some point I'm sure but i will give you any and all credit.
  17. found this in Al Stohlman bio on wikipedia for what its worth. Al did the same thing as anyone of the era, made what they couldn't buy out of the cheapest thing they could find. "He and a few friends used pocket knives to carve the leather and created rudimentary tools out of nails shaped into various forms.["
  18. lol I had the same problem, i honestly have never done a flower like those in my life. But i learned new stuff and had some fun doing it.
  19. your own pattern and that looks great man and you can copy me any time you want but you may want to do it right instead lol.
  20. cmon man put it out there none are better just different. Like all of us.
  21. Then your lookin at the king at innovation!!!! lol nothin i do ever turns out the same Sadly ethical thinking has been largely forgotten in the business world.
  22. i carried a flashlight for years i know your pain lol.
  23. nails were only square until they took a file to them lol. they made many different tools from the raw stock including sewing awls. po folk got po ways but they got the same grey matter as rich folks.
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