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Everything posted by Chipster99

  1. Excellent work - very impressive!
  2. If you’re in the Nashville or middle Tennessee area on Saturday, January 11th then come join us at the new Nashville Tandy store for our monthly SCLCG meeting at 1pm. This month we’re going to be working with zippers! We also do a “show and tell” so bring along anything that you want to share. All are welcome (you don’t have to be a member to attend) and we’ll be supplying the materials. Hope to see you there! Tandy Leather 1929 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, TN 37210 https://tandyleather.com/pages/tandy-leather-nashville-131
  3. This comprehensive guide is free, and was put together for the 4H with the help of Jim Linnell, among others: https://co4h.colostate.edu/projects/manuals/Leathercraft.pdf It might be of some help? What you’re planning on doing is awesome, good luck with it!
  4. You guys and gals in the Houston area should consider organizing and officially joining the International Federation of Leather Guilds. As the old American Express commercials used to say “membership has its privileges” and membership in the IFoLG entitles guild members to participate in the annual competition, putting their work up against members from literally all over the world. The annual show is also packed with classes and activities. This year’s show was held in St Louis and included an available tour of the Hermann Oak tannery. There’s also a vendor area where you can buy all kinds of leather goodies. This year I came home with several new Barry King stamps and one of his edgers, pattern packs from Jessie Smith and Jim Linnell, a side of beautiful pullup oil tan from Mabuhay Leather out of Peoria, IL, and quite a few other goodies (until my “mad money” stash was gone, lol!) I also took classes from Springfield Leather’s own Denny Lowe and Elktracks Studio’s Jim Linnell. You guys may have heard of Jim Linnell? Jim is not only the owner of Elktracks Studio, but he’s also the Asst. Director of the IFoLG. And Daniel Reach (Weaver Leather, Daniel Reach Creations, Elktrack Studios) is a prominent member and instructor as are many other well known makers and suppliers. http://www.ifolg.com If you’re interested contact Jane Turner/Secretary at: jjane1029@aol.com
  5. Fiebings dye reducer is mostly ethanol (denatured alcohol without the toxic additives to make it non-drinkable) and a little bit of isopropyl alcohol. Clipped from the SDS: So, technically, you could use pure grain alcohol from the local liquor store…but most wouldn’t want to waste that on a dye job, lol!
  6. Looks good! Antiquing would give contrast and make everything stand out more.
  7. Looks good! Looks like block dyeing. Springfield Leather has a good video on the technique:
  8. That’s a beauty for sure!
  9. I buy Fiebings 100% Pure Neatsfoot Oil at Tractor Supply. Olive oil also works fine and you can get that at any grocery store. And I also agree with Dwight - oil then dye.
  10. I believe something like this is what you may be looking for? https://www.amazon.com/Lyshujli-Leather-Positioning-Leathercraft-Stitching/dp/B0CMLB5BKD/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=7S5OUKTJYUXH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xNIrOvFdcVC20Sd9KFwbDfy96tWDv--a0p8ol5cv78yulwKwPChir46qZQNSxnorzLvTGAGrI8T0sRAT8KV_6hMpdpyshiVk_FS9x2coRM_9FPb3eIBPFHz72WQ8TA_qygjmuz8Bxf53hTW3FSw3xblDCbYD9GBa2Kz6gdBdwNc3wZDu9hWbAwdcOVTbRvhn72kStFUNiUi0UnY7vTGs2g.wxaBNhTX8MnsoCxtm-0yhPGs38CxYRCR7zJk3z0nduQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=stitching+alignment+pins+for+leather&qid=1709378243&sprefix=stitching+alignment+oins+for+leather%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-3
  11. Looks fantastic! I’m curious about what type of zipper you used? The pulls are going in opposite directions. I’m working on a project now where I want to do the same thing but the std. YKK #5 zipper tape is uni-directional, so…? Again, the case looks awesome!
  12. There’s something wrong with those drugstore reading glasses I have - they don’t work as well as they used to….or maybe there’s something wrong with the lights in my shop…
  13. If you live anywhere near the Nashville area here’s your chance to get some personal instruction from Al Stohlman Award winner Jim Linnell. He’s going to be teaching 2 classes at the Nashville Tandy store on Saturday 7/29. Classes are $75 each ($65 for SCLCG members). We will accept new members the day of the event. Membership is $15/year. Additional details are on the flyer linked below. There are still spots available so please email to save your spot! southcentral.lcg@gmail.com Hope to see you there! Nashville Class 2023.pdf
  14. Gotcha. Nashville area here. Welcome!
  15. Welcome! What part of TN?
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