I'm a woodworker and I have many planes tuned, sharp, and ready to go. They don't work great for skiving leather. A low angle block plane set for gossamer shavings works, but not as consistent as a sharp edger used by a skilled person.
Going around corners and curves tends to chew instead of cut.
I encourage you to experiment and prove me wrong.
I had some china edgers and I thought I was doing great leather work, and then I got some tandy shivers and my bevels were much better.
Your dye with is perfect! Really nice piece. I never think of orienting the cards that way. I like it. Clean stitching.
I, too, would have my debit card in the thumbhole slot, but I don't like the thumbhole slot.
I made a butt stock cover for my 30-06 with 5 or 6 cartridge loops, 3/4" loops, no taper. I hunt in the rain, in the heat, bust brush, get them absolutely soaked, and I haven't had one pop up missing, yet. Been using it for about 2 years now.
I always put my second needle in front of the first for a nice straight stitch in the front and slanted in the back. I didn't even think about top or bottom. Thanks for bringing up this topic
That dragon stamp is sweet. I really like the plaid lining! Yeah I think you need some sort of camouflage border. Looks like something is missing around the edges.
I love the morning glories!
Only thing that jumps out at me is that pebble backgrounder. I use that one a lot. If you rotate it back and forth at random, it looks more natural. In your background you can see the repeating pattern.
I really like the tiger thread. I haven't had any problems with it. I do think it looks best if you pull it pretty tight and keep tension on the thread.
The in and out on the upper left of your photo is probably how you are sewing. Whether you put the second needle in front, underneath, where the first stitch goes into the next hole, etc.
There's a local guy with a leather shop in town. Occasionally I'll show him what I've been working on or ask him questions. He's said "it takes just as long to mess something up as to do it perfectly"... I've messed up right at the end so many times and I always think of him saying that.