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Finally got done with the tooling on this today, and thought I would post a shot of it before I start the coloring. It's a new design I'm working on for a smaller-sized Backgammon game board. It's 16"x16", and takes 3/4" checkers to play on. I don't usually make the game pieces, but I found some wooden furniture buttons at Hobby Lobby that are 3/4" in diameter, and will make perfect checkers for this size board.


I'll post more as the project progresses...



  • Contributing Member

Hi Kate,

I dont know anything about backgammon, but that board sure looks good. I really like how you did the shading with the backgrounder. All your lines are so neat and clean, as usual. I cant wait to see what you do with this next.

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I'm a backgammon fanatic and I can tell you, that is the nicest board I've ever seen. If I may suggest, go easy on the coloring. The natural look of that board is hard to beat.

  • Ambassador

wow, great tooling, any player would love this board


Hey KAte! This is fantastic work!! See you got use for that backgrounder too and that is producing a fantastic result when used that way. I was just thinking about colours, this looks so good I wouldn't dare to dye it, I think?? since I know your so good with colouring It'll be interesting to see what you do with it.

I'm seated... :popcorn:


  • Contributing Member


Beautifu work. Thank you for showing BEFORE you dye it. I know the finished boards you've shown us are wonderful but seeing before color is also a special treat.

Thank you

  • Contributing Member


The tooling is so beautiful that I was going to chime in and say -"No Color". But, I looked at your web links and, gosh, I don't know what to say now. Well, maybe just that I can't wait to see it after you are finished! Wow, again.


  • Ambassador

Argggg !! I wrote a reply and when i hit reply i realized i lost my freakin connection.

I'm glad you posted some of your work Kate. I love seeing your work. I for one can't wait to see it after you've added color. Your tooling and designs are one of the cleanest i've seen and the way you color your projects really bring them to their own.

Braveau !!

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Thanks, everyone, glad you like it. A Backgammon board does need to have some color, since the rules require that the points are colored alternating light/dark colors, similar to a Chess board - you all know playing Chess would be quite a challenge if it weren't for those alternating square colors! As for the ornaments, I'm still somewhat undecided what to do with them. I was considering coloring them in a matching color scheme with the points. I will be happy to consider any suggestions.


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Kate this is the best board I've ever seen of this game. Never played it because I grew up on video games but it looks really good.

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That is the coolest BG board I have ever seen. That project would be a PRIME CANDIDATE for multi colored antique stains. Saddle Tan & Timber Brown would be a nice contrasting combination but still leave it rustic looking... But, don't take my word for it, I'm kinda new to this ...



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That board is awesome Kate:-) I like the design and your tooling is really nice.

I have several people in the family that plays, good item to give away, Thanks:-)

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Thanks again for the nice comments, folks, and the suggestions. I should be able to post an update by this coming weekend.



Beautiful job kate,

I've ben hoping you would post a how to on your game boards.

David Theobald


  • Ambassador

Beautiful work Kate, it will be someones prized possession for a long time. Can't wait to see the colored finish, sorry i got no suggestions on the colors, but I kinda like what Troy had said.


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I agree, lots of browns and tans... but I may have to throw in a little red or orange in places, too.


Can't wait to see the colored finish, sorry i got no suggestions on the colors, but I kinda like what Troy had said.
  • Ambassador

Ahhhh you fooled me. I saw you posted something and thought maybe some color was posted.

still waiting.......... :Beating_A_Dead_Horse_by_livius:

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Okay, here's the latest progress. I really intended the colors of the points to be somewhat more intense, but I had to re-apply the antique (for pieces this size, putting on antique is a crap shoot), and the extra work took out some of the color. Still, though, the more subtle shades are nice, too. I painted the little diamond thingies with Createx pearlized paints to create a nice antiqued metal appearance.

BackgammonOrnamental02_600.jpg BackgammonOrnamental03_600.jpg





That's really nice work, Kate. Your stuff always shows a great deal of artistic ability. Really enjoyable to look at.

  • Ambassador

Kate that is so beautiful, the color is spot on. I can also see your waaayyyy beter than I could ever have been with the basket weave, very nicely done.


  • Ambassador

Oh yeah !!!! Now that's what i'm talking bout folks ! Super nice Kate and i agree the color is right on the $$$ .


Way Cool! The colors are superb as is the design and tooling!

WELL DONE! I don't play BG, but if I did I would want to play on THIS board!

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Beautiful work on this, Kate. I really like the way you've laid the decorative elements and the light coloring makes things stand out just enough.


Really nice work Kate,

I love your gameboards. Sure wish you would do a how to on them.

David Theobald

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