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Everything posted by wvcraftsman

  1. I'm sure this is a stupid question but, do you bevel the edges before braiding with it?
  2. If you look around, there are still a few folks who sell neat-lac. The "replacment" is clear-lac. I've never used it so I don't know how it works. Be sure to post some pics.
  3. I seen this advertised and was wondering if anyone has tried it? It says no burnishing or polishing, but I don't see how you can get a nice edge (like Mr. Parks) without burnishing.
  4. Great job! It looks like it's really comfortable. A good snoozing chair while watching the games on tv.
  5. It's tough to master the stamp (which I have yet to do), without all the beveling. They look great.
  6. I don't even know what to say. I'm sure my best stuff is worse than the things you throw in the trash. :notworthy:
  7. From what I can see, I really like the bridle. It looks like your attempt was successful!! Keep up the great work.
  8. WOW. Great pair of straps. You just used a beveler to make the basket weave design? Do you find that easier than using the basket weave stamp?
  9. The awful white stuff is back. I'm ready for spring!

  10. I always enjoy your work. I love the finish you use on your pieces.
  11. Nice job Chris! Thats a great idea. My son is diabetic and he would love it if it had tanks on it or make from a camo leather.

  13. Those are totally cool!! Great design. Very creative.
  14. That is beautiful Ed!!! May I make a suggestion? Would you make a tutorial on how you color your pieces? I love how you colored it.
  15. Those are the ones. They are really cool. Keep up the great work and be sure to post more pictures.
  16. They look good from what I can tell. The pictures are a little small to see much detail. Keep up the good work and keep posting pics.
  17. Great Job Shelly!! The customers should be really happy. What a nice looking saddle.
  18. That is FANTASTIC!!! I love the details in the stuff you create. Where did you get the buckles for your belts? I hope to see more work soon. Tom
  19. Looks good. I hope this winter some time I'll be able to attempt my first pair.
  20. Rest in Peace Drac! I did not know him, but I really enjoyed his work.
  21. I like them Roy. Nice job. That's a neat idea.
  22. Very nice. Those will look great on a pair of chaps. Be sure to post the finished product. I would love to see it. Is that your own design?
  23. Thanks Bevan. I've heard a lot of good things from Roo leather. I'll give that a shot and see what happens.
  24. Thanks. That would be great. Without chains and not braided (I haven't learned that one yet).
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