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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. I use it all the time for the simple reason that it has additives in it to prevent the leather from molding. It also seems to help the tool slide along easilier. Ken
  2. Well I would also like to add my deepest appreciation to all the hard work and effort put in by Johanna, Kate, Clay and all the rest that have worked so hard to put this forum back up. The dedication to spend countless hours at a keyboard, pulling your hair out, wondering what the &%#@ is going on, and being able to repair it is astounding. My thanks also to all the people who have contributed financially to the cause, and those who post helpful tips, pictures, tutorials and anything else that we as leatherworker.net junkies have come to depend on each day. My tinfoil hat is off to all of you, but only just a quick tip of the hat, as we all know that you must keep wearing it for the protection to be effective. Thanks one and all Ken
  3. Just for a demo type seat you can use 5/6 OZ, and you would need about 3 sq. ft. Be sure to post pics when your done. Ken
  4. Welcome to the forum Dave, glad you found us. Your work looks real good so far, your tooling is very clean. As to the lacing, practice, practice, practice, and it will come to you. Good Luck. Ken
  5. Two Crow, for starts, welcome to the forum. Secondly, that's some very very nice work. You have the touch needed to be great. The contrasting colors of the flip over top with the main cover anlong with the white stitching, is simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Ken
  6. Welcome Wolf, glad you found us, and refound your passion for leather. ken
  7. Welcome to the forum CleverPony, glad to have you here. Don't be to hard on yourself, for a very first time ever for doing leatherwork, you did a great job. The leather that is supplied with the Tandy somethingorother kit, is not of the best quality. You will surely get the gist of all the things that you need to know, as more people have a look, and explain better than I can. What ranch did you rangle on here in Alberta? and do you still live here in Alberta? Ken
  8. Very nice looking Holly, the Dragon Medalion really sets it off. The idea of a left handed portfolio is one I have never heard of before. Probably a good market for something like that. Merry Christmas Ken
  9. And a Merry Christmas to you as well Tom, and all the best in the new year. Ken
  10. Welcome to the forum Chuck, glad you found us. Would be nice to see some pics of your work so far. Ken
  11. Never shake a "Sharpie" close to your project. Ken
  12. Very nice looking work Ed. I really like the one with the HP initials. Ken
  13. very nice looking belt. The lacing came out real good. I've made a few belts like that, and I know just how long and hard it is to do the lacing. Great job. Ken
  14. Welcome to the forum John, great to have you here. Ken
  15. Well Karen for starters, ask your Dad why he didn't explain to you about doing a small test area first. The next thing you may want to try is Armour All Cleaner, not the polish but the cleaner. If that does not work I'd sugest a car detail shop would have something that will work. Upholstery leather is kind of finicky, the darkness may be just that the leather has absorbed to much of the TLF Rejuvinator, and is taking a long time to dry out. Ken
  16. Arley, I also had a look at this post, and as the others have no idea of how to make one. There is amember here "Victor" that only stops by every now and again. He is a master whip maker, and has posted a few things on them. Below is a link to a page that he posted a while back that may be a bit of help. If you want, you could most likely contact Victor through the member search, and he may be willing to help you out. Whip Link Hope this helps, and don't be discouraged, a lot of people are doing the Christmas thing, so are not spending as much time here on the forum. Ken
  17. Welcome to the forum Jeff. That's a great looking rig you made there. Hope you enjoy your time here. Ken
  18. Welcome to the forum Mr. Linnell, I feel honoured and priveledged to have you on the same forum as I. Your work is very inspiring, and I too hope that one day I will be as good as you. Although I do not lean toward the oakleaf and such, I have been tempted to give them a try just to see if I can. Thank you for you words of encouragement, and hope to see lots more of you work, and read your comments. Ken
  19. Here try this place for Barry Kings Bargrounders. Montana Leather Company I just bought the set of #40 3/5/7/9 from a garage sale here in Calgary, got all 4 for $5.00, and they look brand new. Also picked up a set of fancy Celtic like Basket Weave stamps by Barry for an additional $5.00. Probably never get a deal like that again. Ken
  20. Real nice looking ferret, what are you using to color those with? Ken
  21. Thanks Johanna, my mental picture was about the same as yours. Glad we got that straightened out. Ken
  22. rawhider, don't get me wrong or anything, but I'm at a bit of a loss here. "Slobber" straps, for your wife? What's a slobber strap?, my thinking is going way out in left field on this one. They do look very nice though. Ken
  23. I love it Roger. Guy will be very happy. Ken
  24. I like it a lot, clean, great stitching and very nice color, great job. Ken
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