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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. Tag him like this so he gets a notice. @UncleGeorge You have some one interested.
  2. OP hasn't been on this site since 2014. The post should have been archived after 2 months, now it is!
  3. Messaging should work well, you can tag the person so they get a notification, do it like this: @GMHLeather you have a query.
  4. You need to tag people so they will get a notification if you are not quoting from their post. Do it like this: @mjzae You have someone interested in your tools.
  5. Last visited this site Aug 3, so appears he is not interested in selling or updating. Will archive this thread.
  6. @AllStitchedUp you have an interested party.
  7. Tag the OP like this so he gets a notification @sheathmaker
  8. @ldav You need to post your pictures here along with price in US$ and any shipping information. Also list the equipment condition. Please read the marketplace rules. For information on how to resize your photos review this thread for some helps that may fit your case. There are lots of photo resizing apps on the web if none of them in the thread are to your liking. You might find it is easier to keep track of what is sold or questions asked if you post each machine in a separate post unless you intend to sell all in one batch.
  9. Tag the person so they get a notification. Like this: @Rossr
  10. I assume you mean shipped within Con USA, and not considering Europe, Canada, Africa, So and Central America, or Australia. Please provide inf on any restrictions to your sale conditions.
  11. Hasn't been here since June 15 @joebardwell You have some interest here if still available.
  12. Available here in Alberta Canada, but expensive roughly $1CAN per foot. https://www.longviewleather.com/kangaroo-lace/ Don't want to make too many mistakes at this price.
  13. See this post for some helps. Many other ways to reduce file size as well.
  14. My guess is that you have Netflix running (maybe in the background) and it is programmed to keep the volume controls on top of all windows. I've seen similar behaviour from other software where it won't let you bring another window to the front. It has nothing to do with Leatherworker.net.
  15. Need a lot more information to be able to understand and to help you. What type of device are you using? What operating system? What browser? Do a screen capture and post it so we can see what your box is.
  16. @Patrick1 Moved this post to leather sewing machines so it doesn't get archived in old/sold and so you maybe get a little more exposure here.
  17. @Gulrok Moved your post to business and estate sales.
  18. Thanks, moved to Computer Help
  19. His IP Address indicates he may be in the Santa Barbara, California, 93103 area. @leatherworker2 You need to post your location. For all we know you are in Mars or some other spot in the universe. This is a global forum. You may add your location to your profile.
  20. @Wozzer Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. Help wanted is like the classifieds in a newspaper, people looking for work, or job posting sort of thing. All posts to Help Wanted require a moderators' approval before they become visible. Since you are a member, you can post in any of the other forums without having to have the posts approved. Lots of sewing machine guys here to give you a hand.
  21. I get less bounce with a good dead blow hammer, and therefore fewer ghost imprints.
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