Use the tools. As others have ssaid, they are likely better than today's. I bought my first tools in 1960 when I was in grade 9. Couldn't afford the kit so had to be very selective about what I bought. I still have patterns from then, some of the same ones as in your photos. Every 10 years or so I have decided to make something and added a few tools along the way.
A few years ago I was in a pawn shop and there was a tandy tool box like a fishing tackle box. It was loaded with saddle stamps, a few swivel knives and a few other odds and ends. There were about 70 stamps. Bought the whole batch for $125. Found many of the stamps are duplicates. It was probably from a school that included leatherwork in industrial arts and has now dropped it like too many schools have. Anyhow it was a good deal for me. Might run a couple mini classes for my grandkids since there are multiples of the basic tools.
Now that I'm retiring in a few months, I expect to get back to more serious work. (Did 3 protfolios for my kids for Christmas 2010. Didn't know if I could get them done in time to start with, but did beat the clock.)