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Everything posted by KAYAK45

  1. I'm not into skulls. but that is koool. I think that would be great on a western saddle, sans the skull. Good work!
  2. Hi Colsan3333! Welcome. Particle has a frog in his throat, which is a good thing, sometimes. A good start for your pattern is to take a piece of heavy paper, like construction paper, or I guess a whole section of newspaper would/could work. Fold in half, draw center line, place weapon on center line with line down and gun upside down and hold the top. Lay the gun and paper on its side, open and draw outline. Leave room for design and stitching and trace gun half. Cut out that half with scissors. Fold paper back over other half, draw line and cut. You now have mirror images of front and back or a left and right if you already have a back. GOOOOD Luck and asked again if that doesn't work. Water Particle, Water. WELCOME!
  3. Mark, You continue to amaze and entertain. Nice straps. And I think those are ROY spurs. Nice touch.
  4. First thing is make your next picture smaller. I checked that cows DNA with a scan. LOL Great Great stitches. Very Nice work.
  5. WELCOME! Warning: You are in the process of getting hooked on this stuff! LOL Set up your profile sew we know where and who you are? Kevin
  6. I hate this when a thread just stops. What happened to the tanked saddle! I don't know is I'm old enough to be an old cowboy, but I tanked overnite a new price mcglouphlin (SP?) in the sixties and it was a great saddle when rode dry, oiled and talcumned.
  7. Now you get some good news. Yes the sewpro will migrate from almost all machines to others without anything but maybe a different belt. It's that simple. Sew (SP) if you buy one now for your current box and get another, it will go across.
  8. "you have little to lose when you destroy the machine sewing leather bridles." Wiz, that might be a biiiit harsh! LOL Even if true. The sewpro is sweet at slowing your machine. I have two servos and love them! Keep you current machine for canvas or something light and get a walking foot leather machine. See post, after post, after post. on garment machines used for leather. I also bought a high speed, self oiling, garment machine, a Singer 251-3 that I like for other than leather and boy is it fast. Good luck Kevin
  9. Hi Rob. THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN LOSING A GOOD JOB BECAUSE YOU ARE HIGH, IS GETTING IT BECAUSE YOU ARE LOW! Forget you "$ 11" idea and do your scientific study with NO PRECONCEPTION of price or value. Total labor is not just the production, but also the administration (purchasing, handling shipping etc.) and ALL time must be considered. Your COST for dies and tooling includes you purchase time and design etc. In almost all industries, plumbing, heating and cooling, electrical, legal offices accounting firms etc.etc.etc. if you pay $10 per hour charge $30. $20 per hour $60. That is 1/3 for direct labor 1/3 for overhead, 1/3 for the house. You...Sometimes, if it ever happens, that's called a PROFIT. That's a good start for your bid.
  10. Read the post just before yours, in total, and THEN ask again!
  11. Hey Tom, Goood Morning. If you sell it here what do you do with listing on E-bay? Cancel out whoever is bidding there? Like say... me. Just a QUESTION!
  12. What region of the country are you in?
  13. Glad your happy! Nice machine, could do all you want. Service to you sucks. Call BOB or STEVE and get some real service!
  14. KAYAK45

    Wtb 5 In 1

    Good condition, not pretty!
  15. Some people make their own from guitar string. I forgot which one, I think it was G string. Double over and loop becomes the EYE and twist ends together tightly for needle. There is a video somewhere on net on making from fuse wire, same way. Good Luck!
  16. Sorry! Cannot see squat from that photo. No that's not right... I see squat just fine. LOL Try again.
  17. Bought one of these before asking cause I thought the getting was good. What did I get. I want to sew boots. Thanks Kevin
  18. I already posted looking for a finisher, and have'nt found it yet. BUT. I ran into, or got bit by, the above machine for stitching. Now I know a F or a G are ok. from landis. Is the L an ok machine for making boots? This one has about TEN total hours on it and still has the thread it came with from the factory! But only one needle and awl. Just looking for some info, if any is out there. Kevin
  19. Sure is todd. I'm in B/N, and there is a gal over by Urbana making sandals and boots. Thats three.
  20. I have ten round knives from various sources and all the NAMES of dead men who made them. I cannot get a good edge on the new ones! Buy ONE good knife from Bruce Johnson and be done with it. Good hunting!
  21. I don't know about those specific weapons, but I have reformed a couple of holsters to different weapons. It is possible to re-wet and re-mold. I also failed on one. My own! It's still a good holster, but not PRETTY. But then why do we try so hard to get a pretty holster.... to carry CONCEALED?
  22. Thanks for the reply Joe! No, those old line finishers are just to big, and I understand turn a little slower than the "modern" finishers. I think I'm looking more for an "auto soler jackmaster" type, or a Sutton finisher type. I know of a line finisher, like you speak of, that I can HAVE for the removal. But I think the value of something free is obvious. ZERO!
  23. I want to start on Boots.. now. What finisher would I want of :need" or should I just stay, for now, with what I've got. What is that you say.?,, Well band saw, grinder (2) , bench belt sander, bench belt and circular sander, drill press, and all the hand tools. Really all of them! Oh, and what post patcher sewing machine??? Nearly forgot that!
  24. LApat The answer to your original Question? Wheres the money in leatherwork.? Raise cows. LOL
  25. 8th Sinner. The urine trick only works if you drink a liter of vodka first. then it's just like the alcohol thing. I don't think I'm up to the liter thing anymore! Too old. But..one of the best saddles I ever had was tanked ina horse trough overnight and rode dry the next couple of days. Lots of neatsfoot and baby powder. Should let it drip dry awhile first. Man... was that thing heavy to get up on top the horses! Kevin
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