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Everything posted by KAYAK45

  1. Something is missing in this discussion! Sales taxes are due, in most states, on the sale of items! YOU DO NOT GET A SALES TAX NUMBER TO SAVE MONEY ON PURCHASES, YOU DO IT TO COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF CIVILIZATION. Several companies do not want to do business with criminals. Does that make them BAD? IF you do not collect and pay taxes you are DEFRAUDING THE SYSTEM. Get over it and join the country. Why are you exempt? Just a thought. Kevin
  2. OK. Now you guys have me confused and I don't like that. Why won't the ""weaver 441 clone", "swing down guide", work on the "Other 441 clones"? Or does it? Looks like a better guide than the lower plate guides. Kevin EDIT. Sorry i hadn't gone to second page. Now I grock. Will order Bob's today!!!
  3. Darnit Wiz, I forgot all about getting that Campbell High lift delivered to you. Maybe tomorrow, OK? LOL Kevin
  4. Hi Marty. What don't I like about my servo motor on my 31-15? Nutton Honey! It is real sweet and gave me almost unlimited control. I reach the speed control knob, mounted on the left side of the motor, from my normal seated position. Unlimited speed range without changing thread or any of that kind of stuff. The variable range of the foot pedal for each speed setting on the motor has a large range from slow to fast. If you turn it to high you still have a lot of foot petal variance, just the low range gets real sensative. That's when I turn it down a notch. Low end and I watch the knot tie. I bought my Servo from Bob @ toledo industrial and could not be happier with the unit and the service. It has built in gear reducers. It really does mount in the same holes as my clutch did, but the belt length will change due to pulley size and position. I have found no problem with the torque question and even have a V-belt with nearly no slip. Go for it. Kevin PS want to buy a good clutch motor? I'll never need it!
  5. If you or anybody else you know is going or wants to go to Wichita Falls and could use a passenger to pay gas, PM me, I'd love to go but don't have a drivers license. I'm in Bloomington, Ilinois, intersection of I-55,I-74,I-39 but could get out say...120 to 150 miles any direction to meet up. Just a thought. Kevin PS. Could even use my good car??? Guess all really I need is a driver. LOL
  6. Good morning Knipper! Nice stuff. I'm sure you don't want to know how many hours you've go there. Just remember in 2075 people on E-Bay will be bidding on "Knipper" blades instead of "Rose". By the way, If you or anybody else is going to Wichita Falls and could use a passenger to pay gas, PM me, I'd love to go but don't have a drivers license. I'm in central ILLinois, but could get out say...120 to 150 miles any direction to meet up. Just a thought. Kevin
  7. How to finish flesh side of leather to act finished but look unfinished??? Don't know. LOL A really good product for the inside of holsters is "KG9". Don't remember where I bought, but GOOGLE should do it. Use very little, it's slick and polishes with burnishing. I use before assembly for ease of application and burnish, but many use it on existing pieces. Learned of it on a gun forum. Sand, apply and burnish! Good Luck Kevin
  8. I can only suppose that the work of an Artificer, is in fact an artifact? Even when new?
  9. I ate at a friends house and didn't know he was vegan. Until I ate the "steak"! Leather VS. is the same, the alternatives are ALMOST LEATHER. Dont' get me wrong, PLASTICS are great. I use them to keep the real food in my refrigerator fresh.
  10. Here you only need one word also. Magnificent! I don't care for strings and thong, they are from now on TIENTOS. KEEP POSTING MORE AND MORE Kevin
  11. Just got my cow in the mail. Really nice box of scraps I can sure use almost all. Thanks and put me down for next season!!


  12. Well I have enough room for that kind of nasty lookin cuffs anytime. Great job.! PS. I pay shipping AND add you to my birthday list LOL. Kevin
  13. HEYHEY! Anybody that can put up with those nasty ankle biter dogs can take some grief on phone numbers! Use the toledo web site, order a new complete COWBOY 4500 and get back to leather work. Don't even ask for the price, just do it. You'll never regret it. Good luck, Kevin
  14. I'd buy one, but I got this guy in Louisiana that makes em pretty good for me! HEHE.. got an 18 OZ and a 24OZ. Might be better than yours. LOL Kevin
  15. Hey Kevin...But out... I answered first. LOL Kevin
  16. I'LL bite at least one Time. Send me an invoice "paypal" or give me you re-mail. Kevin
  17. Happy birthday, you old fart!

  18. Some, including me, use clear 1/4" hose (tubing) from Lowes for the spacer. Bought a 10 ft. piece and just cut to length.
  19. Doug is correct. Buy a head for $75 and invest the rest in a serve-pro motor. You'll be MILES ahead. I got my 31-15 for $100, including table and clutch motor. Wanta buy a clutch motor? Nuff said. Kevin
  20. WELL, I saw a lot of wordS for swivel knives, but NO pictures. HMMMM, wonder what that means about ICONIC? How about a hand held mallet over a hand held stamp? Sorry, no picture or drawing. Back to the stone I go. TaTA Kevin
  21. Hello Jarod! I failed to welcome you to LWN! Good to have a quality boot maker here. Look forward to seeing some of your work.


  22. Another thing you ..could do..is to "cut out" your outside leather pattern using your sewing machine and a broken off needle. (like perferation). put on your skin and reapply the cutout for a perfect fit. This will puff out you exotic nicely.
  23. Check your local craigslist. A guy here is offering a 20 ton floor press for $50. Harbor freight model. Switch out the hydraulic jack for an air drive, same place. Add a bigger steel top and bottom plate, local welder===CLICKER for under say...$350.AND you have an extra hand jack! Just a thought. Kevin
  24. Hi Kevin, Kevin here! Great choice in maker, by the way. I bought beary's first maul and just received my second. I went with a Bearman recommendation of 18 Oz on my first maul, as the over all general best weight. Later, and got it about a week ago, I ordered a 24 Oz. Both are great mauls and I wouldn't change a thing on them. The 18 is best for fine tooling, no doubt, the 24 a little heavy for that. But the 24 is nice to have for some larger...say basketweave that I want one hit, no shadow. Hope this helps your decision on size. Anything you get will be WAAAYYY better than the polymer from Tandy!!! Good Hunting, Kevin
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