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Everything posted by KAYAK45

  1. I could write a book about this stuff! Back offffff! Your schedule C is an "estimate". The actual,true absolute, numbers are a fallicy! No amounts are "accurate". You drove more or less miles for business. Make a fair guess. You used $xxx electricity, divided by y months? times "w" rate times # of light bulbs equals....;..good guess! The IRS agents are good folks too. If..your are fair.. if you use DUE DILIGENCE and have a real business.. do not worry. Inventory will work out over a say two /three year period to be exactly correct. On any one day it's wrong! No matter how you do it. Use really good guesses! Kevin
  2. After say 30 years as a tax CPA. let's get real on "inventory" I've worked with CARHART, MICROSOFT, IBM, BOEING ETC,ETC,ETC. If it's open, it's gone! done! CapputT! Count only closed, new material.
  3. A drill press or a drill with the smallest bit works nicely! Use a stitch wheel to get the distance you want.
  4. Springfield leather, and about any other good finder. Maybe not in catalog, just ask. Kevin
  5. HUM! that might be the ultimate answer, there is NO TEMPlate. thanks, Kevin
  6. That's exactly what I want. Do you redo that on each piece of leather or do you have a template? I can draw each one as you describe. And your work looks fantastic! Looking for a template idea. Kevin
  7. Ok, maybe a better explanation of what I'm looking for than "loop stitch". Sometimes called a "gunfighter stitch" or "fish loop". Often just loops in the center of the belt, one after another. Scrunched together the loops form a fish tail. Spread out the loops have a diamond pattern between the loops. Yes I could use a coffee cup or saucer to form the loops, one belt at a time. BUT, I want to do this on say...40 belts. Whats a good way to have a pattern and transfer the sew lines, to sew on a machine? Your input really appreciated! Kevin PS: I know the answer will be simple. I just cannot think of it.
  8. Gotta a contact? 12 pages of GOOGLE AND NOTHING. Will be glad to add/contact. Kevin
  9. Acetone gives you better spread and does not leave blotches. IMHO. at least. Others will chime in here with their recipes soon! Acetone runs about $25/Gallon. Much cheaper than dye. LEt's see one three oz. dye to one gallon Acetone? Why not dip? If that"s the look you want!
  10. Yeh, I got one of those. Not a good head knife, great veggy cutters! Use all the time for onions. Could use it as a head knife if that's all you have. Looks good on the collection, right next to the ULU. Kevin
  11. HAS ANYBODY GOT ANY IDEAS ABOUT SEWING THROUGH KYDEX? Any tips appreciated. Next..can you sew Kydex and leather flat and then heat enough to get a bend without hurting the leather? Say an Avenger. Not wanting detail at all just the bend. Just a thought going through my head..or the opposite end maybe. Kevin
  12. A thought..many on here say they cut/thin dye by as much as 50:1. It then takes more coats, but..if you are dipping..then? Acetone is much cheaper than dye, say~~ ^6.00 Qt. Try using more thinner than dye, let it set and then dry. Maybe better than using all that dye? Dye on leather Kevin
  13. Anybody ever try dyeing ...thread? Could be done, Yes?
  14. Hahahahum..been there, done that. When you put it to bed at night, place a piece of cardboard or such and lower your foot. That helps collect the excessive oil used by a newbie. I know how? Turn it back down six turns!
  15. I know about Barry King Tools and Robert Beard Tools Clay Miller. Temple TX Wayne Jueschke from Elko, NV. They are amazing and will last you a lifetime. Do a search for Northern Lights Tools Jeremiah Watt, Lonnie at Hackbarth.<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); "> May I suggest that you use the 'search' button (top right hand corner) for all of the information you need. I am sure that many of us have killed this topic more than twice. Now..anybody want to add someone?? I'll be happy to edit.
  16. Witch foot/plate combo do you have going on there? I don't want to guess the answer and screw you up from the very beginning! Kevin OK got beat to the post. Yeh that's PROBABLY it. The post pressure. Move it A LITTLE and sew the same weight leather and see if it helps. Kevin
  17. Hey Kevin: I gotta agree on the electricity thing. If you don't have, get it! (Fox News Joke). Really... count the stitches in a say 40" belt and maybe add the gunfighter loops. My arm gets tired thinking about it. IF..your gonna stop at holsters and sheaths...go for it. Otherwise look at a Cobra/Cowboy/used Adler, ETC.ETC. Learning time will be ... the same ~+=-. Threads needles acc. ~=+-..same. Needing to move up in the future?? Totally different. My two cents, backed up by a LOT OF WASTED DOLLARS. Kevin
  18. Look in the sewing leather machines section. Both are fine machines and covered over/over/over, there.
  19. Try the forum section on "leather sewing machines". Quite the extensive answer to you questions. Good luck, Kevin
  20. Congratulation!!! Read the assembly instructions, look at all the pictures, spread out the parts. Then.. read the instructions again! Now put the darn thing together properly. Go ahead, ask me how I know. LOL Next, PROPERLY THREAD THE MACHINE. Do not change any settings or tensions. If it does not sew correctly, it is probably operator error. It was sewing fine when it was packed for shipping. Another point is to sew without leather or material. Sound weird, right? Use paper or light cardboard and just the needle, no thread. Learn to make corners, go the speed you want and don't waste good leather. Cut a strip and practice your edges, like it was a belt. Practice, practice and practice. Good luck, Kevin
  21. OK...... so I cannot stop laughing! You got the idea that the castors go on the down side. Good work. Next, Look at the pictures! Your table does not need to be put on. Actually I took mine off and it works better. IF you decide to raise your table, shut of the power! Ask me why? Needles are stronger than fingernails. Next, be sure to follow instructions for threading. Once through the silver thing, One and a half around and back through the silver thingy. Have fun, it's a GREAT MACHINE.
  22. Ha ha ha Jjum! I had the same problem when I got my CB 4500! Lots of parts! HAHAHAHUM Just call Bob or Ryan HAHAHHUM! They will sort them out for you! Parts are good! Kevin Good laugh!
  23. I think I saw four or five questions on the "black Cherry" dye. No answer! Guess that must be a trade secret? Great, great work. My hats off to you. Course I'm also in the house and my hats always off. Kevin
  24. KAYAK45


    Wonderful case! Hope the PRESIDENT has as good for "the key"!
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