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Everything posted by KAYAK45

  1. Sorry I don't recoGnize your flag...so Sorry. How could you ever go wrong with the ORIginal, not the CLONE. Just my thoughts. You will like it, I promise.. I have the CLONE. GO FOR IT! pARTS AND OPTIONS, CALL bob @ toledo.
  2. What "B" do you have? There are about 5/10 out there and all different, one way or another. A: Yes the needle system matters! B: Slow as you can go. Nice machine, by the way, no matter which one. PPS: Welcome, thanks for joining!
  3. Please expand your question. I'm not sure what you are looking for and neither does anybody here. We will try to help! Are you really in Spain? Or is the American flag an error:"?
  4. Free is always good.!!!! Will sew 1/2 inch and up to #22 needle. Nice machine, but don't try to slow it down. Needs speed to oil it. Kevin
  5. STOP YOUR BITCHEN. No need for a camera. Just keep makin good stuff. Looks good to me.
  6. I'm sure not an expert. But I slept at a Holiday Inn Once, a long time ago! I have a Singer 111-W-155 and found the USA Marine manual to be helpful. It doesn" tell ya how t0 sew..but it's good for tellin ya about the machine. Just GOOGLE it and you'll find a lot. Or try searching..maybe.. here??? What an idea???
  7. Adding a couple pieces along the gun site was started long ago, by G. wiiiam Davis. John bianche said he was the best holster maker in the country. Enough said. Dave Cox in AZ carries on that tradition. Maybe someday I'll make that good a holster! Just sew a piece to each side of your site. That.all..to do.ya!
  8. Really good start. Better than my first try. keep going, you'l make it.
  9. You are a nut case! That's for sure. LOL Anybody using leather qualifies for that designation! What machine are you trying (trying) to use??? That answer might!!! help the question.
  10. With what you saved on the tools you got, bear down and buy a really good mallet from BEARMAN, or his son BEARY! You still will be way ahead of the curve. Good find!!! Kevin
  11. Really, retail all that that way up? What does the craftsman get for wholesale for a "high end" holster..Hum? Just a question, maybe I'm interested..again maybe not. Kevin
  12. A total of 10/12 makes a nice stiff gun belt. Anything less is good to go for a dress belt. No need to "glue up" most leather on a belt like this. Use a lighter leather on top for a really complex carved pattern, heavier on the bottom. Use equal weights, if only stitched plain and glued together. Still no need to glue up for belts for tooling, I think. I might be wrong???
  13. PS Not all bad for cutting round steak into thin slices for china steaks. Not a bad use for a skiver.either ehye? Just clean and oil after. Real slim beef.
  14. cf-400c. That's the motor on my Cowboy 4500. does this improve it's performance? HAS anybody tried? Didn't even know I had a control problem, maybe I don't. Always looking for improvement though. BTW. Have two, (soon to be three, 111-w155) so it might matter on my 31-15. Kevin
  15. Wow.. Lobo..What a great, nearly all inclusive, succinct answer. This really ought to be "pinned" for all to read in the future. KWL, CPA. Senior Core Retired Executive (SCORE) Mentor.
  16. drh23. Maybe you don't stop at the little machines like the 441 clones and just need to go to the Campbell. Wish I had, Still like my CB4500....but want the next one up. Kevin
  17. Where are You located. Big country we have, eh what? Answer mite change.???
  18. +2 on the advice local and Toledo. You have only those choices, or make it a heavy, expensive anchor. Your choices. Kevin
  19. Hello Ray. Sorry you do not feel you can use your CB4500. Feel your pain. I'm in Illinois and am not an expert but I got the same machine and love it! I would be happy to come down and spend a couple days helping you to be comfortable with your steel! PM me and I'm on my way. Kevin
  20. The legal definition of an employee is someone you supply with tools, material and require them to work certain hours. Pretty simple. They get minimum wage at least. Then you are wide open for "incentive" wages for good work. % or whatever. Stay clear of your wage and hour laws or your worker can come back on you later.!!!
  21. OK great. Now we know where you are. Read the first post, that is pinned,,,,, on machines. Then read the next ten pages on machines. Then re-post any question you still have. MMM....????
  22. Where are you in the GREAT USA. Big country! We can help better, if we know where here is, or as they say in politics,. what is....is?
  23. Really, I mean this , good luck! Normally to sell a used tool over a new tool there is a substantial discount. That's just normal. You may have better luck than most, and then again? Try asking for an offer if you really want to unload. Kevin
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