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Everything posted by KAYAK45

  1. Do what the Presidant does. Use dog hide. Good practice.
  2. Hey there! You might have a "runaway" motor. Send for and try another. I had a runaway and found out the speed adjustment just did'nt work. Try another one. The dealers are easy to work with. The chinease makers, maybe not so much.
  3. OK! The ultimate slooooow down for a 111W155! Put an 11 inch TRACTOR SUPPLY or similar wheel with a 1/2 inch collar,and THEN add a TELEDO servo, and smoke between stitches! Kevin Try to stay awake while it sews.
  4. I'll jump in here. I have mallets made of rawhide and plastic and about everything else. Once I got a maul, they (mallets) are just art objects in my shop! A well balanced maul is the way to go. Br careful here on size. 16 ounces is ONE pound. that's a good starting point. 24 ounces is HEAVY and I use it for maker mark and big stamps. The material is important in the strike rebound and the wear/tear. The "color" probably means nothing, it depends on the material. Tapered or single thickness is a personal preference. So is weight. Try a 16 ounce straight maul and then move on to what you NEED. Kevin
  5. One serious set of beginer tools is Gomph-Hackbarth. I have Lonni's set and they are super. There are many other good makers, noted on this forum, so just "search" and you'l find what you seek. Todays Tandy is for the hobby-est with no idea of quality or value. Just my thoughts. Kevin
  6. Did you get your answer or more questions than answers? If not, try again!
  7. Felt ... REALLY... NOBODY notice the Best FELT IS beaver FUR? ,lust a question.... got another source for felt?? Nothing matches leather. It's natural and a by-product of Meat......... FOOD...! Get REAL...!
  8. It's been a week since your post. Have you figured it out/..or quit trying? Let us know!
  9. You really only need one machine. A 31-15/111w155/cowboy 4500/Campball high lift. Let me know where to buy one! Kevin
  10. Congrats on the new machine. Want to sloooow it down. Do a search here and find several ways. I posted last year on a new hand wheel. Good luck. Kevin
  11. Congrats on the new machine. Want to sloooow it down. Do a search here and find several ways. I posted last year on a new hand wheel. Good luck. Kevin
  12. OOOKLAAHAAMMMAA. Where the wind. OK enough show toons. Call any of the featured sewing machine guys/gals on the site and get great advice. They do not shove a machine, they advise. I call Bob at Toledo Industrial for my answers, others call Steve and he gets good reviews These people really do want to help solve your problems. There are other dealers that will help you find the IDEAL MACHINE for your needs. $1,000 to $1500 is in the right range +- a little.
  13. When all else fails, listen to Bob. He had the Singer stuff down. I have the 111w155 with the Serv-pro and love it ! Do as he says. Also the 31-15 with Serv-pro, and the Cowboy 411 w/Serv-pro. Kevin
  14. I gotta ask about your budget. $1700 for a machine that won't do what you want or $ 2,500 and it will do more? What is $800 over...say 14 years,,,? $5.00 per MONTH. And that's is if it's worth NOTHING in the end! Buy the 441 clone of your choosing...cowboy 441, Dream machine 441 or any other. The cost of the machine is not the important factor... Learning time, Thread, learning time, needles, learning time.. oh I said that before. My time is important...want to learn several machines? Buy the right one first! Kevin
  15. I'll go with Electrathon. Solid core door. Cheap! AND then add a HDPE top. The best of all worlds. I have two and love them! Kevin
  16. Diesel is extreme, but brake fluid isn't. What's extreme here? Dude, it's in the war manual!
  17. According to the manuals for cleaning the 111w155 and the 31-15 for the Marines, soak them in diesel fuel once a year. Then lubricate as needed. Tough to fight the Marines! Just a thought! Kevin
  18. What a great company to work with. Try a direct number.. These people will do whatever they can to service you needs. If you need, ask for Kevin, he's the owner and will help you personally. Another Kevin
  19. For Singer info call Bob at Toledo Machine. He's the expert! I have a 31-15 using the Serve Pro servo from him and find it to be a great machine. Bolts in to your current holes and only needs a change of belt length. Totally changes the machine and makes it behave. Good luck. Kevin
  20. Great question! Try to find a Singer 111w155. It was used by the Army and Marines for sewing gloves and parachutes. All around good machine. Cheap. Kevin
  21. Pretty good for a firster. Suggest you burnish edges at the weapon openings before stitching. They get both inside and outside treatment, and it's a lot easier before assembly. The rest is practice..but you achieved the goal of a holster. Hold the weapon in a reliable place for use and protect the weapon. YOU DID BOTH! Kevin
  22. this is a GREAT MACHINE if... you use it for what it was intended for. Gloves, canvas, parachutes purses, light weight leather,small belts, belt loops,etc. I have a previous post on how to slow it down with a larger top wheel and will not duplicate here! Do a search and find out how to utilyze this machine. (where the hell is the SPELL CHECK HERE?) GOOD LUCK, IT'S A great machine. Kevin
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