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Tree Reaper

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Everything posted by Tree Reaper

  1. Coco, the leather shredder. Hide all your shoes.
  2. This gum rubber is only rated between 2800 and 3800 psi, that's only a ton and a half. You can easily get that on a shop press without much effort.
  3. I might be concerned about using chrome tan due to the salts. As long as the case and the tools are kept dry I don't see a problem with suede or veg tan.
  4. I don't like using paper for that reason, it moves too easily. Make it out of cereal box cardboard and tape it to the back side of the leather to trace it. Use the same template for both sides.
  5. Time for a new case for the old chisels.
  6. A lock nut would work as well. http://www.fastenal.com/web/search/product/fasteners/nuts/lock-nuts/_/Navigation?searchterm=&sortby=webrank&sortdir=descending&searchmode=&refine=~|categoryl1:%22600000%20Fasteners%22|~%20~|categoryl2:%22600072%20Nuts%22|~%20~|categoryl3:%22600081%20Lock%20Nuts%22|~
  7. You can try and shorten the stem of the eyelet to compensate for the thinner suede. Keep the hole small as mentioned above.
  8. Tree Reaper

    Bottle Cooler

    Hi AnnaSthesia; The idea comes from "sewing with curved needles" The Art of Hand Sewing Leather/Al Stohlman I've only made two so far but I'm very happy with both. I ordered the foams on line but I was in Wall-mart last week and they had the same ones I ordered in the boating section.
  9. An interesting note about Tandy, if you aren't happy with the service you're getting through the web service you can't change store locations . The only way to do that is to phone your order in to a different location.
  10. They usually just take a light tap to seat them. Can you use a longer rivet post from a standard rivet? There are a variety of longer dome rivets and spots, have a look at Ohio Travel Bag for samples.
  11. BubbaJon; I wet form, bake in the oven,cut,dye, finish and then stitch the top to it. The top is just tooled leather,dyed and then finished. This has worked well for me so I haven't made any other attempts. The mold is about 8 or 9 inches long so I can cut it in half and make two at a time. Thanks TexasJack.
  12. I have the Craftool Adjustable "V" Gouge Item #31811-00 and it works well.
  13. Welcome JD, where's rural Ontario? Give yourself some slack ski-joring, I've seen what comes out of the back end of a horse. Kevin
  14. Thanks for the comments. The mold is a cedar block that is milled out with a router bit, a matching insert that is just smaller by the thickness of leather is pressed into the mold on top of the leather. I'll now make the same mold out of hardwood so it will last longer.
  15. You can use antler buttons which are strong and will hold up better than leather. https://www.google.com/search?q=antler+buttons&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=CsL&tbo=u&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Jaf-UJK8KMbR2QWVlIH4BA&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=792&bih=432 Oiled hide is usually good as is when new and requires treatment with age but it wouldn't hurt to give it a coat of snow seal or similar.
  16. I'm guessing you are aware that veg tan comes in a snake skin pattern already.
  17. I've yet to buy a hole punch that didn't require sharpening.
  18. If that was mine I would use a washer and peen it. If it breaks, grind it clean and cement a regular post to it and cap it.
  19. I've been using the green but the blue should work just as well and maybe better.
  20. Using painters tape on the back side of your belt will help prevent that.
  21. Natalie; You should have an electric burnishing tool but you can use hand burnishers or even canvas cloth. Put some gum tragacanth along the edge and then rub it in. I use an old electric drill press with a wood burnisher, put gum trag on the leather and wax on the burnisher. You can also use a dremil tool.
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