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Everything posted by benlilly1

  1. I tried Tandy's easy carve and didn't like it...
  2. If you really want to have control of the color an airbrush is an excellent choice. I've had the same problems with applying dye the conventional way. Having an airbrush is a plus!
  3. Find a local Chiropractor. Their x-rays are 14x17. I get mine from their trash... Or maybe a damp dry towel laid on the area will help.
  4. Well, I've already backed out of doing the holster... the main reason is I don't know enough. This isn't my cup of tea anyway. You have a nice informative website dickf. You do some fine work!
  5. The finished product looks good...The logos look great! I could tell it was hard to cut out the pieces. And LOTS of studs.
  6. Looks great! I was wondering when you were going to post anything!
  7. It's the dye particle's left from the evaporation of the solvent. You're supposed to be able to buff it away with sheep's skin...not sure how briskly. I wonder if diluting the dye before will help? Just a thought.
  8. Welcome, nice work. That's a lot of hand stitching.
  9. Are you sure you want to dye the flames black? I think they will be hard to see if the strap is black. Nice design!
  10. I agree with you Chief. That was something I worried about. I'm not real fond of guns but I'd use one if I had to... I wouldn't know how to unload one. We'll see if he shows up with it and I'll post a photo. Thanks Chief
  11. Thanks Steve and DoubleBarP, he hasn't brought it by yet so maybe he's changed his mind. I'm sure there's many styles and ways of doing holsters so I'll take all the help I can get! Since I've never used a gun I know nothing. I know I've seen a lot of beautiful holsters here on the leatherworker so surely I can get the info I'll need. Thanks all
  12. Oh yes, sweet work! You need to post more often!
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