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Everything posted by Wishful

  1. Sadly, Tandy is like most establishments these days. If you develop a relationship with some one there you do a little better but the corporate mentality makes it hard to get good, knowledgable service
  2. All very beautiful! wish I could go
  3. Yes, I am addicted too. Fun isn't it.
  4. Braiding is an area of leather work I have yet to tackle but I can appreciate the work. Yours looks great.
  5. That looks like its burnishd to me. That happens when the leather is cased properly.e
  6. There are several stohlman books and smaller figure carving tools for that kind of detail work. Leathercraft library has a few.
  7. I believe he is beveling inside the border rather than outside.
  8. Several are also available on Tandy s leather craft library too
  9. I see them on ebay for about 2-$3 each on average
  10. She should like it. You can clean up the petal edges with a sharpie outline.
  11. I keep my Vinegaroon in the garage in SO Cal - gets pretty hot i there. When I first make a batch I store it in a mason jar with a loose fitting lid so no pressure builds.
  12. I like the design and really like the liner but wonder if it should be sewn on to the leather.
  13. I like Tandy and appreciate the ease of getting what I need but Tandy's pricing is nuts. I wait for a sale then buy something. I have been a gold member but only rejoin when it makes sense. Their recent change to the club membership is screwy too - instead of continuing to offer the free tools every now and then, they only offer money toward the library - well, after a year or two I dont see anything I want or need AND they miss the opportunity to get folks in the store to buy more and other stuff..
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