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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. I have a chrome tanned messenger bag and never treated it with anything. It doesn't wipe off so easily but it repels water on it's own. I don't know of anything you can use really, maybe someone else will have some answers Cheryl
  2. Hi Chuck. My experience is that resolene will just peel off of the chrome tanned. Cheryl
  3. That's not an inlay but an applique or overlay. more info would be helpful but generally you'll want to skive around all the edges of your design so it will lay flatter against the other leather and then sew around all the edges. Cheryl
  4. Tim, Steve said to cut them? I think that's odd. I didn't get my flatbed attachment or one chain but I called and they shipped them out that day. I'd ask for the correct foot to be sent because I wouldn't know how to start cutting them. The individual feet all serve a purpose and I don't know how they will sew to that purpose if you cut them. Sorry this happened on your 'twin' machine. Cheryl Just looked closer and the are essentially the same, but not exact. I'd talk to Steve again.
  5. Thank you so much Michelle. I already have two people that want bags like this. I'm so enjoying this. The 'rolled' edge I had to sew on was where I sewed it inside out. And LOL about the two Cheryls. Cheryl
  6. Thanks Cheryl, I have a lot to learn still as you can see but I'm having so much fun. sorry took so long to respond, hours all mixed up. That's a night latch design Twin Oaks showed me way back when where you pull the leather through slits in itself, similar to a mystery braid but just one slit. I'll take a close up of it and post it later. Told me it was used when castles were guarded around the hand and saddle so if a guard dozed off he didn't fall off his horse!
  7. First project on the Cobra. Cross Body Bag with Night Latch strap. Things I learned. First, a lesson I relearn daily.....try to be smarter than the project. I didn't think about putting the D rings on until after I'd sewn the sides of the bag. Even a cobra will not change the direction it sews. No matter how nicely you ask. Do not put your fingers in the area of the presser feet. If you do? DON'T drop the presser feet. If you want the machine to sew forward it's most helpful that you don't have it in reverse. Last? When all else fails blame the tension. Seriously first thing besides curly qs I've sewn on the machine.
  8. Bob I can't say enough good things about it. I found out second time I watched the video I had it threaded wrong and it was STILL sewing good. I've sewn soft italian leather and 10 oz veg tanned doubled over and it did both with no problem. I just really love it.
  9. I'm still practicing, haven't done a real job yet. Cobra Steve says it has a learning curve of 2 hours. Maybe if you're a savant, but I'm not, LOL. I agree absolutely with bro Tim, they are huge in person. I'm still afraid of mine a little. Not because they are so big but of messing something up. I've never had something like this new and so nice.
  10. Yeah Keenan it is more of a bone color, really pretty with the wood top and brown stand I never have spare cash so can't let that stop you. Space however......thing truly is an elegant beast.
  11. ADOLS, LOL. I'm having a ball with it Bryan!!!!! LOL Bonnie, your EPS Computerized embroidery machine and others, ragged lot they are How ARE you?
  12. What can I say about something this beautiful? I'll let the pictures talk! Cheryl
  13. I sew interiors with my treadle and hand crank singers (27, 128) and have sewn guitar strap linings on etc. If you're not sewing 8 hours a day 7 days a week they'll do the job, seriously. I just bought a cobra 4 and have no intention of getting rid of my 27 and 128 Cheryl
  14. hey I used it full strength when I first started No dumb questions!!!!!
  15. Did you water the acrylics down before applying? If you do you won't get a 'paint' feel to them. I just painted a yellow full moon a while back and it turned out nice. Cheryl
  16. I recently did a wallet that was inlaid and had a carved full moon on it http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=galleryℑ=21025 I used cova or similar colors on the moon, may have been angelus. You need to start with you paint watered down and build to a color you like so it won't look plastic. I never use paint full strength for that reason. As you add watered down paint on top of other paint it will work more like a dye in texture and also give you the color you want. I have never colored an entire belt that way so it will be tedious. But it will work. Cheryl
  17. Hi Mark. Get a hand skiver (which may be the tool you found) and 'skive' off some of the leather on the back to make it bend easier. http://springfieldleather.com/24773/Beveler%2CSafety/ This is what I've used for two years. Hope this helps, Cheryl
  18. Christofer we have several threads on here on both. What do you want to repair? Just hand bags? You need to learn some basic skills before you can do either really. I'll be happy to help you with specific questions if I can. Cheryl
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