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Everything posted by kwelna

  1. I have to agree with Russ. I too have had to 'Fire" a customer or two. I have also refused to do custom work or sell to a few new(er) customers. It is unfortunate that you are experiencing issues with SLC, I have had nothing but great experiences with them. Walk away and find another supplier. as Russ said; "On the other hand, you've not been happy with their products on multiple occasions, I'd be looking for a different supplier anyway.", Why beat a dead horse? Both of you will be happier.
  2. Look, you can't win being the cheapest because there is always someone\some place that can do it for less. It is a loosing battle especially for the "Under Funded" sole craftsman that most of us are. Everyone else is right, make a great product, create a short talk about why your product is high quality, better, different, unique etc. Develope a niche set of products. For me it is good quality leather, my own unique designs, hand made\one at a time products. Try breaking up your display of wares with pictures of you working on leather to show the products are hand made and what that means. I prefer close ups of the work with just my hads being visable. Remember a picture is worth 1000 words. (Do not try and justify the price to a customer. (Another loosing battle IMHO) It has been my experience that if they don't get it, they never will. If they actually buy something (They usually don't) all they will do is whine about it later.....Set a price ( Be realistic and yet profitable) and stick to it. The only way I discount is on a multiple purchase and\or I round down to the nearest dollar after adding tax. (The latter is because I am lazy and don't want to carry around change. LOL) I also think customers appreciate the "litte deal" of less tax. I say this as they usually smile when I tell them; "It's $45.89 with tax....let's make it $45." BUT do not do this until they have comitted to the sale and have given you $, have handed you their credit card of are in the middle of writing a check. It then becomes an unexpected little windfall....Think slot machine....you are varing the reward.... PS, Print up business cards and have them out on the table. It is cheap ($0.03 - $0.10 ea) advertising and may\can lead to custom orders and\or additional sales later. Always place a business card in inside (If psssible) each item you sell, not in the bag, in the item.
  3. LOL, only on this leather site will you see fantasy book sugestions and reviews. I read tokien as a teenager as well. It ws great. I really like the "banter" between the characters in the Eddings books. Any way lets let this rever back to the actual topit. I too am impressed in Schno's ability to carve in fine Elvish rhunes\script into leather. That must be due to a cross between the geek\nerd and leather worker in me. Great job Schno
  4. I just down loaded Incscape and it is really quite something, I am still struggling with it. I understand that it is not a drafting application, but it sure is annoying when I try and remove part of a line........Lots to learn, but it will ultimatly make my life easier.. Great suggetsion Joe
  5. If you like Tolkien, try David Eddings, start with the "Belgariad" Series. they are a fun read.
  6. Wonderful work, oddly I really like the tree(s). not sure why but the tree branches really caught my eye.
  7. Very Hapy with black river laser, Hmmm there seems to be a pattern here......
  8. Looks geat! maybe add a bit of a round off on the ends of the straps where they attach to the portflio?
  9. I too like aussie wax. teh end result has a nice glow without being shinny (sp?)
  10. "like their new stitching irons." Have you looked at the new stitching irons? It is the same poor brittle cast metal as the old stitching irons, the only difference is that you can unscrew them from the handle....The times will still snap off if you go too deep into the leather and put any torque on the tines when removing the iron. Alas I bought a set and have already broken a couple of tines. I gave up and purchased a machined set from japan, less money and better quality. I too will still do business with Tandy, they are convenient and I really like the people that work there. Once in while I do get a great piece of leather from Tandy, but I have to get there the first day the shipment comes in and then sift though a lot of average to below average pieces to find a gem. RJW leather has by far better leather as is the leather I get from Springfield at about 1/2 the cost of Tandy premium leather which is almost comparable leather ( I still give the nod to RJW and Springfield). I just have to plan my purchases accordingly and place larger orders to mitigate the shipping costs.
  11. kwelna

    Hardware Storage?

    Check out this: http://www.harborfreight.com/multi-compartment-utility-box-40528.html It works pretty good adn locks up so your parts won't spill. It ain't perfect , but it works I am happy with mine. Here is another option: http://www.harborfreight.com/toolbox-organizer-with-4-drawers-68238-8143.html again it has a cover to keep the parts bins in place.
  12. My only sage piece of advice is to remember to allow for the thickness of the leather. Especially, any time you fold it over. As the leather gets thicker, the radius of the fold gets bigger and the greater the allowance you will need. Skiving an edge helps, but you still need to make sure you have suffecient material to start with. You can always trim it if it is too long\big, Many a time I have drawn up a design and then had it come out just short of the mark when realized in leather because I forgot to allow for the thickness of the leather....LOL
  13. I never ceases to amaze me how a person can look at a tool and come up with a "new" way to use it to enhace their work. I am not a big fan of tooling, I like it, I just can't do it well. This is an excelllent way to add texture to a piece without tooling. Thank you for the idea as i am not creative enough to think of it on my own . I do not know if it was intentional or just the way the color was applied to the leather, but I really like the first picture where the leather actually has different colors between the grooves. NICE
  14. Actually it is right side up, but you have to view it when you are south of the equator........
  15. Looks great, great stitching, really like the hole pattern on the front. Might the rivets scratch the phone or screen if the phone is put in backwards? Pesonally I dont care if my phone gets scratched ( Except for the screen) but I work with a lot of people that would have a conniption(SP?) if their phone got\gets a scratch. Really a nice job.
  16. I am facinated with your dying system, How well do the covers of the refillable markers seal? I have found similar refillable markers at Ultrech Art supplies made by Montana and I think I have to give this a try. They are fairly reasonable price wise at about US $7.00 (On sale) a marker ` 2" wide. Hmmmm Less mess, what looks to be a simpler appication great idea! Thanks for sharing!
  17. I am not a lawer, but it was explained to me by a lawyer. In simple terms, if you use an immage\symbol ect. that: a: You did not create b: Looks like an immage\symbol, same color scheme, own\copywriten by some one else c. You sell, give, trade, barter etc. the item You are probably breaking the law \ impinging on the rightful owners copyright\trademark. Stop trying to skirt the law\find a loop hole, people that are smarter and better funded than you have tried and failed. Now, whether you are or are not breaking the law, take into consideration how much you stand to gain from these sales and subtract the possible leagal costs in defending yourself in court - assume a minimum of $300 - $500 an hour for your lawyer( By the way that would be dirt cheap for a IP attorney).....So lets go with a LOW figure of $5,000 that will cover your initial court appearance. Can yo sell enough items to make it pay? Plus now you are on their radar and they will continue to monitor your business. Most of these organizations love to make an example out of anyone they can. Especially the little guy, Anyone remember this case? http://www.wired.com/2007/10/riaa-jury-finds/ So ask yourself, is it really worth it? You want to make your son\daughter a back pack\wallet with their favorite team's logo? Go for it, chances are you will never get caught. Want to sell them on ebay\etsy\leather shows get ready for a world of hurt. Create your own works and designs, that is what makes your work unique. It is what makes you the "Artist \ Craftsman".
  18. I like it , I am about to try my hand at inlaying, you have given me a benchmark to shoot for.
  19. Every time I see that multi colored thread, I think "NIce, but where could you use the stuff??" Now I know ! Very nice, I too really like the multicolored thread.
  20. The only 2 reasons for not using aluminum that I can see is: Possible reaction with the leather\discoloring the leather and the inability to see through the template for psoitioning. Keep your leather dry, "break" any sharp edges and you will be fine.
  21. Wonderful, I really like that it is not a simple cylinder of leather. It has a flow on the outside edges. It gives the bracelet a "real" shape....The human eye\brain is attuned to notice\be "attracted" to things that are not "even \regular". that is why most advertisments\displays usually have an odd number of elements. Your bracelet does the same thing with the non linear\paralell outside edge. The eye is naturally drawn to it. Plus the carving is wonderful
  22. In answer to your initial question, I have both sets ~7.5 SPI and ~6.5 SPI and they are good for the price you are paying. I like mine and have had no issues with them. I wouild like the "teeth" to be a bit longer.
  23. Ohio bag has them I beleive
  24. DCOBranding, I too am a geek and do the "geek out" thing at times. When you have an hour or more........ I can tell you about caclulating recoil........
  25. The 2-3 oz soft hand leather from Springfiled is great for lining most anything. I use it to line my messenger bags, collars and holsters. How about a collar made from 3-4 or 4-5 oz bridal leather with the Springfiled 2-3 oz soft hand liner. Buy a whole side as you will find other uses for this leather......
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