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Everything posted by bgl500

  1. Contact Josh Fields of Fields Made Knives and I'm sure he can make what you're looking for. He makes amazing knives and has a pretty fast turn around. Josh Fields Knives
  2. I've spoken with them within last month so do know they're open.
  3. Just purchased a #2 Montana edger from Ron's to primarily use for wallets. I generally use around 4oz leather and they suggested the #2 to see if I like it and it didn't remove much of anything from a single piece of 4oz. II'm going to exchange it but not sure which to get. My wallets are on thicker side but I don't like too aggressive of a bevel. From those with experience would you recommend the Montana or Round and which size? I understand the Montana is for thin leathers so seems I'd need at least a #3. Was thinking a #2 in the round.
  4. I've experimented with it but don't have a great deal of experience using the method. I'll usually make a mixture of glycerin soap and water, rub and lather it on the leather, and then slick with a piece of glass. I do find it makes my swivel knife glide quite smoothly. Probably an error with something I'm doing but do find the leather darkens significantly after slicking.
  5. I agree with all the above comments but in the long run feel a double action is easier to use.
  6. Thanks yeah I'm familiar with all of the pebble matting tools. I was referencing the large and blocky looking matting.
  7. Hope I'm not highjacking your thread Vo1Lok but does anyone know of the backgrounding tool in the upper right? Have always figured I'd have to make something to get that texture.
  8. Yep, in terms of your leather and swivel knife you've already got the good stuff!
  9. Real sharp work for your first wallet. Cheers.
  10. You can buy a Hermann Oak belt blank from Panhandle Leather. http://www.panhandleleather.com/Hermann-Oak_c94.htm
  11. I purchased the Paasche double action from Springfield Leather. Really like it and I would definitely recommend getting a double action.
  12. Indeed leather thickness plays a role. Most of my wallet have a 5-6oz exterior and I keep them 1/2 inch longer. It certainly helps to remember you can always trim the excess off but you can't add it back! Cheers.
  13. If it helps someone, here's a video showing the method using a ribbon. The maker of this video says he uses double-sided tape and that it works well.
  14. The longer I have been dealing with dyes and finishes this has been my conclusion as well. With that being said I have had success applying resolene with a lint free cloth. I first apply a thin coat by wiping once across the piece of leather and then immediately follow with a clean lint free cloth by lightly wiping off the excess with one pass in the same direction as the resolene was applied. When the resolene dries I then buff with a clean cloth and add more coats of resolene in the same fashion until the desired finish is achieved.
  15. His number is 505-632-7039. He usually advises to contact him via phone and it doesn't necessarily mean that you might have to wait. Sure wish my wife would give me the thumbs up so that I can contact him and send him money!
  16. Have not tried myself but apparently works.
  17. I've looked at his work online numerous times. Very nice work and elegant lines.
  18. A lot of times on the flesh side I rub in saddle soap mixed with some water so it's like a paste. I rub it in with my fingers and then burnish the area with a piece of canvas.
  19. Looks great. Like the idea that you can purchase older courses.
  20. My sister was kind enough to order some dremel burnishers from Ed Stiles for Christmas. It is now to middle of March with no burnishers and worse yet, no response to numerous emails inquiring of when the product will be sent. I am pretty sympathetic to longer lead times but I have little tolerance for not communicating to the customer especially when the customer reaches out numerous times.
  21. Do you thin your dye before applying? I always thin my black dye before applying and vigorously buff when dry. When I apply my finish I do have some black that is removed but not so much that it affects the final product.
  22. Keep in mind I don't own one or have yet to try but the industrial knife looks really useful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BptBUaXd7rM
  23. Thank you! Hand rubbing so that's good to know.
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