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Everything posted by David8386

  1. Definitely a spray. Get a piece of scrap leather write on it with a sharpie and then spray. I would think clear lac or something like that but try it before using it on your boot. David
  2. Welcome to the forum. David
  3. Nice simple project came out very nice. It is always nice when you make it from an idea to finished project. Good job David
  4. I got a small book at Tandy. "Stohlman step by step" by Peter Main. It has step by step instructions in it and some patterns in the back. I got it to practice roses and it does have some pretty detailed tips in it. Simple oak leaves, flowers etc.... David
  5. Looking at the image you supplied it doesn't look like it would be that difficult to make. It is basically a belt with a sword frog attached to it. If your sheath has a hook on it you just need a slot for it to catch it and hold it. If it has a ring or dee on it use straps to hold it. I have never made one like that but I would just break it down into smaller sections and get your sword sheath out figure out where you want it to ride and how you want to attach it to the belt. Get it down on a paper or cloth pattern for your basic measurement and then fine tune it and make it as fancy or plain as you want. Hope this helps David
  6. Very nice, I like the molded pockets, thanks for posting it. David
  7. You could use nail sets for background or flower centers, somebody here said they ground down a flat screw driver to clean up basket weave lines. David
  8. are you using a stitching pony or clamp to hold your work? if not that will help a lot in keeping the awl straight. David
  9. Look in industrial supply houses, Grainger is one with a online catalog. Hope this helps David
  10. Panhandle leather out of Amarillo is good, nice people.They are on the Internet also. David
  11. Welcome to the forum, like the holsters. David
  12. Nice looking, stamping is good and I think the layout of the strap with the buckle and shape of the strap is very well done. Overall it is a very nice looking strap. David
  13. I use the cardboard from cases of coke or Manila folders. For a more durable pattern use something a little thicker like a plastic folder. This last week I bought a package of plastic template stock at Joann's it is designed for quilters and sewing patterns. For a permanent pattern get one made out of plastic by somebody like black river laser. I have a couple of their guitar strap patterns and they are pretty nice. They also do custom work. David
  14. You can also use woodworking chisels and gouges for cutting leather. A lot of tools used in other crafts can be used. Hope this helps. David
  15. Looks nice Joe. Stitching is just doing the exact same thing over and over and over,etc... But it sure looks good when somebody who know s what they are doing does it( not me). I can practice it and have a section that looks great but start on a project and I swear I am doing the same exact thing but it looks completely different. Anyway the wallet looks good thanks for posting it. David
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