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    Marshall Minnesota
  • Interests
    Leather projects including tooling and sewing. Gun Holsters and Rifle Slings.

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    Sewing Machines and capabilities. Tips and Techniques for sewing and tooling leather.
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    Searching info for Singer 211G-157

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  1. Very nice work as usual. Nice job on the tooling.
  2. Wow! That is very nice.
  3. Here are some other sheaths that I have done for the same knife maker. He didn't want tooling on these.
  4. Very nice work. I like the tooling!
  5. Thanks everyone. I'll try and get a picture of the knife tonight and post it. I've done several sheaths for him and he does awesome work. I'm working on the next one for him as well, I'll remember to picture the knife as well in the future.
  6. Really nice work. Welcome to the forum!
  7. Very nice! That should last someone a lifetime..
  8. Haven't posted for awhile and thought I'd share this. I did this sheath for a custom knife maker that had a customer wanting a leather sheath with tooling.
  9. Looks really good! Well done.
  10. Very Nice work! I'm just finishing one similar to this. Hope it turns out as good as yours.
  11. Great job, nice clean details.
  12. Mocivnik, it is a 7-8 oz. Veg tan.
  13. That looks awesome! I have a local store that wants me to do one for them, hopefully it turns out as nice as yours!
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