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the gafer

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Everything posted by the gafer

  1. not long since finished these made from bridle leather with solid brass fittings
  2. the gafer


    that is a nice knife a friend of mine is a knife maker makes all his own damascus and hand forges the knives a real tallent
  3. post some pics on this thread when its done buddy
  4. ye you need something big for her thats for sure
  5. its 2 1/2" wide the double buckle is if i had one in place the collar would twist put 2 on and it all stays where it should and i use one on my lurcher (hunting dog)
  6. Thanks Chris if i don't sell it i may keep it for my dog
  7. made this for a friend it is a double buckle collar made from bridle but . sorry about the pics
  8. Stitching is spot on the edges of the leather just need attention burnish them by putting a smidge of water on then use your slicking tool till the edges are hard and shiny then put some tan kote on that's the way i do it but others have different ways i am sure they will be willing to help you out but overall bloody good
  9. thanks chris i am self taught and i think my stitching could be better and finishing my edges better
  10. I use bridle but for my collars far better than tooling leather
  11. I have used it but found out it stretches with time so i use bridle leather now far better for dog collars
  12. i just wet my edges on the collars i make use my slicker then apply fiebings edge kote works a treat if you have a look on my post i have just put up showing a few of my collars you can see the result you get cheers kev
  13. hi all i have not been on for a while as i stopped my leather work as i wasn't getting any time to myself with meeting my orders so i have made a few collars very simple in design but work non the less all my collars are made from british bridle leather and brass fittings as you have seen in my other posts hear are a few on my new pups what i bred and my pals pups hope ya like feel free to comment guys.cheers kev
  14. Looks very nice mate the see snake does it for me. how would i go about getting some of that see snake
  15. what are the price i could do with a slip to clasp on to that post for a quick release she puls like hell when out lamping i would make one my sellf but don't do that mutch now i can trade you some bridle shoulder leather so ya can build a couple of collars if ya like ?
  16. i just use bridle shoulder as it was cheaper than butt and has plenty of strength to it
  17. the only thing you can hunt is rats and rabbits with a dog but can be used if say you shoot a fox and its injured then you can use the dog and before the ban in 2004 i used to hunt fox , deer .rabbits and hare and just hunt with lurchers hope this helps and thanks
  18. thanks buddy the leather i used is british bridle leather 2 1/2 mm to 3mm thick then has a neoprene backing and soft lambs leather over that for comfort the brass work i got from abbey england it would be a ball ake to make all the brass work pm me some pics when they are done on ya dogs
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