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Everything posted by Bert51

  1. Have you tried backing off the tension a little, just to see if that is the cause? Bert.
  2. I know my machine is not even close to your machines, but I made a new part to allow me to lift the foot enough to turn the work without loosening the thread tension. Anything over 3//8 I had loose stitches in the corners, I made a new part that gave me just over 1/2 inch. The first one I made only works with the foot fully depressed, which I found hard on my leg after s few hours sewing. I think it is a good idea to adjust this to suit you and not put up with the factory setting. Bert.
  3. Some of us think we are quiet sane, but there again I have also been told I am as mad as a hatter, I think you maybe in good company. Sit down put up your feet and stay awhile, you will enjoy yourself. Bert.
  4. Looks like you need a bit of fencing wire, that will fix it. Bert.
  5. Yeah, with her husband and children, many years ago now. I worked (not the right word) for BHP for 13 years. Bert.
  6. Having said all that, I still would think it had been run and tested so the would not be any need to even think of sending it back. To send anything that size by a non-business person is a joke in the country. I tried to something to a daughter we left behind in the Pilbara and it would have been easier and cheaper to fly over and take it as luggage. Bert.
  7. I realise you purchased Head only, I would have thought the Dealer should have mounted and tested the machine before shipping it to you, instead of just re-shipping the box to you. Isn't that what you pay for? Bert.
  8. There is a member on this site who put up a video of him cutting Belts and this is the best I have seen for straight cutting any length. Have a look at this video, Bert.
  9. I can think of a few nice toys that would fit in that. I think most of us would be very proud to have it hanging up for Santa to fill. Bert.
  10. Looks real nice to me. but is it big enough? For Santa to fill with new toys that you need?
  11. Normally I play before each project and get the stitch length that I want, both ways, if I am going use other size stitch lengths I mark the flat plate with lead pencil, but as I said I only use one stitch length. If you look carefully you can see my marks in pencil on the flat plate. Bert.
  12. My 105-6 has the lock pins (wing nuts) on the Forward and Reverse Lever and I just set them where I want and sew. I know I have the stitch length where I need it. Bert.
  13. It will do it.
  14. Although this is for a 31-15, it covers most adjustments on a 31 Class machine. Bert. Singer 31-15 Service Info from Military manuals.pdf
  15. I will go looking for them shortly. Bobbins for the 31 class machines a said to be CB bobbin, but you will need to check the spindle on your bobbin winder as I have several with different center sizes. My 31K47 bobbin number id 2996, but when I ordered I received CB bobbins which just spin on the shaft, it is only .5 of a mm, but I think they are useless. All the sellers I have purchased bobbins off do not know what I and talking about when I ask the size of the hole in the center. Bert.
  16. I wonder if it is not to put over the feed dog if you just want to use the feet and needle fee? Bert.
  17. I bet you feel like Christmas has come early. Merry Christmas dikman. Bert.
  18. I need to reset mine as I am just enough to be a pain. It's about 8mm forward and 7 in reverse. Mostly I am lucky enough that I can turn what I am sew and back stitch that way. I had to learn that when I use the 132K6. From memory, it was a pain to get it to be spot on in forward and reverse, it appeared to be as the instruction said, but I have to keep fiddling to get it just right. Adjust it, stand it up try it, lay it down and do it again, I had to do it a few times. I don't know why, but it did. Bert.
  19. Bert51

    Messin' around

    I agree YinTx, I wish I was half as good on my best day.
  20. Have you checked the position of the needle to the hook. The eye should be no greater the an eight of and below the hook and about 1/32below at it's highest. Here is a pic from the manual, but I do not have the gauge, I guessed. Bert.
  21. I have a couple 31 class machines and I use 135x16 and 135x17, it's not had to adjust the needle bar if they do not fit perfectly. I may have the instructions here some where if you need them. Bert.
  22. I don't think he really would like us looking through his C Drive? Bert.
  23. There is a little information around for these old machine, but I cannot help you with a mechanic, as I do most of the work on my machines. ISMACS International lists this machine as, " Wheel feed. Roller presser. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Clearance under roller presser 5/16". Shuttle #19292. For leather work. Speed 2000. " It list the needle as 16x6 Singer made other machines in 31 class with roller feed, like 31K 17 & 18 and 31K45, so I think the manuals would be similar. Bert.
  24. All I can say is "WOW", what a Lion. Bert.
  25. I have pulled the information that I needed as a word doc, but it is to big to post here. If you don't mind giving me your email in a private message, I will email it to you. Bert.
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