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Everything posted by Bert51

  1. This is the same tension system that I have on my Adler 105 and I just looked through the Cowboy manual that you posted the link to and if you look on Fig. 9-3 you will see the lower tensioner shown as "Main Tension". It is the main Tension on all these types of machine, as it goes around the Pulley 1 1/2 turns, the top tension I think only supplies the friction to get the thread to grip the pulley. Bert.
  2. Sadly, with hindsight I think most of us has been guilty of doing this at one time and some of us maybe slow learner or maybe even repeat offenders of this, but do we need to POLICE it, I don't think so. May be a quiet word or guidance if needed. This is only my opinion. Bert.
  3. I am one of many on this list that wishes those wonderful machines where in our collection of Sewing machines. So in my opinion, I say if you can, keep all of them. Bert.
  4. I have one machine on a half sized table and I also have two non leather machine on one table and all of my tables are on wheels, easy when you need to reshuffle your machines around. Bert.
  5. I like the projects you do, I would love to have a little of your talent. You present your work so well, your photo's are so good and show your workmanship in it fine detail. Thank you., Bert.
  6. I wish i could save thank you to the good people in this forum for their prayers, kind thoughts and wishes, sadly I can only speak on my behalf and for that, I thank you from my heart. I pray the cool change we are look for on Sunday give these hard working fire fighter and support people a break and some hard earned rest and most of all family time. And maybe, lessons learnt will will be better plans, so this does not happen in the future. But I doubt it. Bert.
  7. Handstitched, I think when a firefighter will not shake the PM hands, speaks volumes for his in-actions and buck passing. I was very surprise he was out and about today, maybe they scrutinized the people this time? Sadly Rockoboy you are correct, if we had the cold burns in the cooler months, we would not have the super heated fires now. Removing all the Brumbies and cattle from these areas is not helping either. My sister in-law lives not far from Barmah Forest and she is very concerned that there is to much fuel on the ground, now the have forced the horse to starve and die last winter. Sadly the Greenies like allowing animals to die by starvation and block any form of help for them. Shame on the Greenies and the followers for allowing this to happen. Sorry, off soapbox for now. Bert.
  8. Thank you Good Forum Lister's, your thoughts are appreciated. sorry for continuing the hi-jack on this post. Some one on the news tonight said there are some still available for hire in the US, but if they where to get them, they may arrive to late. We are to get low 40's°C tomorrow and mid 40's °C on Saturday, with the winds forecast before the storm, I think the fire fighters will be in for a harder time, if it is possible them what they have now. I hope my thoughts and prayers are of some help. Bert.
  9. I feel so sad for the people who have lost their homes, livelihoods and worst of all lives. I pray they are able to rebuild the lives and homes. I cannot put into words how I feel and as very day goes by, where I am it gets drier and drier and the fires closer, I pray what they are saying about rain Sunday is true. Bert.
  10. If you are any like me, when I got my Adler 105-6, I pushed any thing that fitted under the feet through, just to see how well it did it. Enjoy, play with it, changing needle sizes and leather thickness and tensions, as that was the hardest thing I found. Bert.
  11. Sadly, I heard this morning another fire fighter has died yesterday and fire has claimed quiet a few properties from dry lightening a couple hundred Ks from me and they are forecasting 40°C plus for the next few days. I pray no more lives are lost and we get some rain over the weekend, but I am not very confident that both will happen. It sounds like you are well prepared Brian, I wish more where like you. Bert.
  12. I realise that they maybe new to this and have only recently taken on the dealership, but is this not what you paid for? I thought you would get a machine that had been setup tested and should be working perfectly, repacked and shipped to you and not you having to do the trouble shooting and adjusting as you have. All you should have to do is remove the thread that was left to show you correct threading, load your bobbin and start sewing. This only my opinion. Bert.
  13. If you where to use the needle height off any 29 series, as a guide to the hook position and you should be good. Bert.
  14. I was given a 40 mm and a 25 mm, he was very surprised when I asked if he had any more. One was worn out the other broken about 2/3, with luck he may come good with more. I hope. Bert.
  15. And a Hammer for every Job. You have made some Beautiful looking Hammers. Bert.
  16. That gives me an idea for the hacksaw blade I was given recently. Bert.
  17. I was playing with a piece of rod about 6 inches long and I welded a nut that fitted over the rod, but it was to heavy. Lost interest after that as I have not needed to use them. Bert.
  18. Dragged, He's kicking and screaming and trying to pass the buck to the State Gov, again. I have been very lucky, no fires in my area yet, but the summer has just started. Bert.
  19. Rockoboy, I think your right, I have a couple similar, but they to are missing the handle used to hold then to be struck, so I have never used them. I got them from a seller in the States with some counter sunk rivets. Bert.
  20. The School of hard knocks taught me well. Well it taught me to measure twice and cut once or look at "What If". Bert.
  21. Please be careful shortening it. You need to be aware when the foot lifting releases the tension on the thread? I have adjusted or made new parts to give me more lift before the tension is released from the thread. Bert.
  22. Or a piece of 1/8 plate, 1/2 or 5/8 wide and drilled bent to look like the the rod. How wide is the rod where it sits on the screw? Bert.
  23. Thank for telling me that, I'm about a day behind you with the weather. Take care, the next few will be crackers. Their telling me Friday could be 45 °C, damm. Bert.
  24. You have hay fever in that HEAT and it looks to get worse as the week goes on. Get a BIG box of Antihistamines and that it easy. Bert.
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